food for pregnant women
What foods increase hemoglobin - iron content in the blood
All significant indicators and vital processes of the human body directly depend on the health of the cardiovascular system.
Pipel, aspiration and CG biopsy of the endometrium - what is the difference?
Pipel endometrial biopsy is a procedure during which the doctor, using an instrument of the same name,
spiral removal
Menstruation after hysteroscopy: when to expect it and in what quantity
Hysteroscopy is a procedure for examining the uterine cavity using a device that creates multiple magnification.
Low level of total bilirubin in the blood: reasons for the decrease
5556 Decreased total bilirubin levels can lead to serious complications. Doctors note that
Folic acid for ESR
How to lower ESR in the blood: quickly, folk remedies, reasons, norm by age and gender
What is ESR? The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is one of the
Citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C
Ascorbic acid in the urine of a child: normal and increased
Important facts about ascorbic acid Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for health.
Microcytosis: what is it, causes of microcytic conditions, consequences
© Author: Z. Nelli Vladimirovna, laboratory diagnostics doctor at the Research Institute of Transfusiology and Medical Biotechnology, specially
Computed tomogram of the larynx - photo
Computed tomography (CT) of the larynx with high detail
The main way to detect diseases of the larynx is laryngoscopy (examination of the throat, upper trachea, oro- and
Tumor markers of the thyroid gland. What tumor marker indicates thyroid cancer?
Oncology 12/18/201701/24/2019 Chernenko A. L. 2302 Views oncology, thyroid gland Today thyroid cancer
Norm of bilirubin in blood in men: table by age
Bilirubin is normal in men if its levels do not go beyond 3.5-18.5 µmol/l.
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