7 Warning Signs It's Time to Get Your Kidneys Checked
According to medical indicators in the field of urology, one of the most common urological diseases is urolithiasis.
Swelling of the foot
X-ray of the foot, what radiography shows (with a load, in two projections)
X-rays of the foot are important to prevent various injuries and diseases. Using this diagnostic method
What do spots on an MRI of the brain indicate?
“White spots” and “white dots” on MRI - what are they?
Home > Directory > What do spots on an MRI of the brain indicate? Are you being bothered?
MRI for concussion
How to recognize a concussion: diagnostic methods
MRI for traumatic brain injury Concussion is the most common type of traumatic brain injury
Features of the soft tissue x-ray procedure
What is an X-ray? Most people have passed it at least once, but not everyone knows
little finger
Signs of a broken toe - treatment, how long it takes to heal
It happens that a person seriously injures his leg. But the most unpleasant thing is considered to be an injury to a small finger.
biochemical screening
How is the thickness of the chorion determined at 13 weeks of pregnancy?
Every expectant mother, from the moment of conceiving a child, begins to tune in to many tests, analyzes and
fluorography or x-ray which is better
Is it possible to do fluorography after an x-ray? What is the difference between X-ray and chest fluorography?
Modern technologies in medicine make it possible to diagnose various diseases even in the initial stages. To the very
X-ray of the lumbosacral spine: how to diagnose problems with the lower back and sacrum
Radiography is an accessible, informative way to diagnose internal organs. However, all tissues transmit rays through
How often is an ecg performed on adults? Who does not need to do an ECG?
Using an electrocardiographic study, you can assess the condition of the myocardium, its ability to contract and conduct
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