What does an encephalogram provide for studying the brain?
Cerebral structures are extremely complex. For the normal activity of the body, all functions: both voluntary and
X-ray and fluorography of the lungs
What does fluorography of the lungs and chest show (how long is it valid)
What is a lung x-ray and how does it differ from fluorography? X-ray diagnostics, as an independent technique,
For what gynecological diseases is laparoscopy performed - preparation, operation and recovery
The surgical method of treatment is characterized by the fact that its use is always accompanied by damage to the tissues of the human body.
Fibercolonoscopy: preparation for the procedure with special preparations, performing enemas
Proper preparation for intestinal colonoscopy is the key to obtaining a clear and reliable picture of the condition of the organ.
Positron emission tomography is a breakthrough in the diagnosis of cancer
Diagnostics of internal organs with image output on digital or paper media with determination of cellular
Cervix drawing
Rating of the best gynecological colposcopes for 2020
Colposcopy is a diagnostic method in which the cervix is ​​examined in the vaginal part. Procedure
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