MRI of the lungs and bronchi, which shows
How a computed tomography scan of the lungs and bronchi is done - preparation for the study, which shows the cost
Diseases of the respiratory system negatively affect the condition of the body, reduce the quality of life and limit performance.
What is intestinal irrigoscopy and how is it performed?
What is irrigoscopy and why is it so important to prepare for it correctly? Irrigoscopy is
Computed tomography with contrast of the abdominal cavity
Computed tomography with contrast of the abdominal cavity
Computed tomography is a first-class diagnostic equipment that allows you to see a highly accurate three-dimensional image and identify
First screening during pregnancy
How is screening performed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and interpretation of the results?
Screening - translated from English, this word means sorting or selection. In short, perinatal screening
What does gastric FGS show?
Rules for preparing for gastroscopic examination
FGS stands for fibrogastroscopy (or simply gastroscopy), perhaps the most effective research method
Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdominal organs: indications
A modern diagnostic method with visualization, with which you can obtain a detailed image and morphological
Two tubes rotate around the patient
What is the difference between CT and MRI, which is better and what is the difference between the two types of diagnostics
Today, medicine has made high-tech progress in the field of examining the human body. Thereby,
How is CTG done during pregnancy and what does this analysis show?
Hello, dear readers! Pregnancy is not a disease, but only a temporary and rosy
MSCT – multilayer computed tomography
CT scan of the brain: how is the procedure performed with and without contrast, what does it show?
What is MSCT - multilayer computed tomography (angiography), which is a more modern
X-ray of the lungs - norm and pathology (on a digital X-ray)
X-ray of the lungs is a summation image of the soft tissues of the chest. Along the path of X-rays
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