What does a positive ELISA result mean?
STDs Enzyme immunoassay for syphilis is one of the most common methods for identifying sexually transmitted infections
Stay at home and call the clinic: what to do if there is no coronavirus test result for a long time
The importance of testing Thanks to timely tests, it is possible not only to identify and isolate infected people in advance,
Mammography conclusion: normal indicators and darkening in the image
#!RentgenNA4ALO!# Almost every woman knows that the health of the mammary gland needs to be monitored especially carefully.
Helicobacter pylori | Helicobacter pylori | Orenburg
Among the existing methods for identifying bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, a Helicobacter biopsy provides high accuracy
How long does it take for HIV to appear after infection? How long does it take to donate blood for HIV?
How long does it take for HIV to appear after infection?
Infection with HIV infection The human immunodeficiency virus enters the body with the biological fluids of an infected person, or rather
Reasons for the appearance of increased levels of salt crystals in the urine of a child
Diseases accompanied by increased salt in the urine of children
Sometimes tests indicate salts in the child’s urine, the volume of which has become increased. Urine
Immunoglobulins. Methods for determining the content of immunoglobulins of different classes.
General information about immunoglobulins and tests Based on their properties and purposes, the immunoglobulin test
Kidney biopsy: indications, methods of performing it, cost
04/12/2020 274 ​​Biopsy Author: Tatyana Kidney biopsy is a diagnostic method aimed at identifying inflammation
Stool with white streaks in children and adults: causes and treatment of intestinal disease
Feces are “waste materials” that are produced during the digestion of food. By its color, smell
bld trace urine test
Urinalysis - general clinical examination
BLD in a urine test is most often not a good thing. This parameter in
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