At what time can twins be detected? When will the ultrasound show twins?

What do the doctor's say?

A pregnancy is usually called multiple, during which two or more fetuses develop.

In this case, the presence of only two provoking factors is possible:

  • maturation of several eggs (bichorionic biamniotic twins);
  • division of a fertilized zygote into 2 parts after the fertilization process (identical twins).

In such cases, twins or twins are born. During gestation, they may be separated by a “septum”, or it may be absent.

Is this possible without ultrasound at home?

You can independently determine pregnancy at home. It's easy and simple with modern tests. But how to recognize twins and is it even possible at an early stage?

There are several points that suggest two or more embryos. The longer the gestation period, the more clearly the signs of multiple pregnancy appear. Quite clear symptoms at home can only be recognized when the period of the first ultrasound has already passed (after 20 weeks).

My experience

I'll tell you how I suspected twins.

When planning pregnancy, I read a lot about its first signs. And in several cases I came across information about implantation bleeding and implantation retraction on the basal temperature chart.

That is, during implantation:

  • basal temperature drops for 1 day and then rises;
  • When the embryo implants into the wall of the uterus, a little scarlet blood is released, as at the beginning of menstruation.

For me, the corresponding depressions were visible on the graph twice, plus I released red blood with a period of 2 days. That is, at first once, then there was a so-called slight “daub,” and then again scarlet blood. And after that there were no more discharges.

The graph looked like this (this is exactly him, the pregnant one):

But in order not to be upset, I stopped measuring BT (because I thought that such blood for 4-5 days was some kind of atypical and unfavorable sign).

I simply pushed away thoughts about twins, since I was in no way threatened with multiple pregnancy

Thus, if you keep a basal temperature chart for several months, you may also be able to see similar signs in yourself and assume that the pregnancy will be multiple.


Carrying multiple fetuses occurs in approximately 0.8-1.6% of all pregnancies. At the same time, only 1% is an indicator of two, three or more fetuses and 99% is an indicator of two babies.

Interesting fact: experts have found that the largest number of children that a representative of the fair sex can give birth to without harm to her and the child’s body is no more than 6. Find out from our article what is the largest number of twins born to one woman.

When can an ultrasound show twins? Norms and terms of development, photo

Many women dream of having twins. This is such happiness: your child will never be alone, he will have someone to play with and chat with in the evening before bed. Seeing the coveted two lines on the test, many of them run to the doctor, cherishing the hope of hearing the coveted words. But the gynecologist hesitates and waits for something. When can an ultrasound show twins? And is everything so clear with multiple pregnancies?

Fraternal twins

The phenomenon of twins still does not have a clear scientific interpretation. Of course, the mechanism for the birth of twins has already been well studied, but the factors influencing the development of multiple pregnancies without medical intervention are not yet clear to scientists.

In the case of heterozygous twins, a woman ovulates not one, but two eggs, which fertilize two sperm. Doctors tend to explain this by hormonal imbalances in the body of the expectant mother, which can be triggered by taking hormonal contraceptives, stress or stimulation.

In some cases, a hereditary factor also plays a role: about 10% of women have a genetic predisposition to double ovulation. However, its reasons have not yet been clarified.

In the case of such a pregnancy in a woman, the babies have a different set of genes and chromosomes, can be of different sexes and are no more similar than ordinary brothers and sisters. Such twins can be seen on an ultrasound when both embryos have already implanted in the uterus. Time frames vary from 5 to 8 weeks.

There is another mechanism for the appearance of twins. It happens that a woman ovulates one egg and one sperm fertilizes it. Everything goes according to plan until, under the influence of factors unknown to science, the zygote is divided into two, each of which turns into an embryo.

The result of this process is the birth of identical or identical twins. Children in this case have the same set of genes, they are the same sex and are usually very similar.

If the cell begins to divide late, or a genetic failure occurs during this process, then there is a high probability of conjoined twins being born.

Such twins will not be immediately visible on an ultrasound. However, by the first screening at 11-13 weeks, there is a high probability of detecting two babies.

Where did the second one come from?

Ideally, a woman’s first ultrasound is performed immediately after visiting the antenatal clinic: 1.5-2 weeks after a missed period or at 5-6 obstetric weeks.

This is not a full-fledged screening, but a diagnostic procedure that allows you to determine the presence of an embryo in the uterine cavity. Such early diagnosis makes it possible to exclude ectopic pregnancy.

And now the first ultrasound shows one implanted egg, and the reassured and satisfied expectant mother sets off to get used to her new status. And the greater her surprise will be when, after about a month and a half, at the first screening, the ultrasound specialist congratulates her on her multiple pregnancy. Where does the second baby come from?

Each female body is individual, and the week at which twins are visible on an ultrasound depends entirely on the characteristics of the mother.

At the time of the first study, the second embryo may not yet reach the uterine cavity.

After all, sometimes fertilization does not occur on the same day, and in world history there are even cases where fraternal twins were born to a woman from two different men.

In the case of homozygous twins, the explanation is even simpler: by 5 weeks, the zygote either has not yet begun to divide, or its division is so small that no, even the most qualified, doctor can still determine the presence of two babies.

Where did the second one go?

Most doctors, when asked when twins are visible on an ultrasound, will give a time frame of 5 to 10 weeks. But not every one of them is in a hurry to please the woman with the news of a multiple pregnancy. Why is this happening?

It often happens that one of the embryos does not develop and can be absorbed by the placenta or the second twin. If development stops early, the cell may resolve or simply remain in the uterine cavity until delivery. In this case, at subsequent ultrasounds, the doctor will find a fertilized egg, which does not pose any threat to either the mother or the second child.

Surprise of the second screening

However, a message about the presence of a second child can await a woman at the second screening, at approximately 16-20 weeks. How is it that the doctor cannot see two children earlier?

The presence of embryos in the uterus is determined by several signs: heartbeat, the presence of two amniotic sacs filled with amniotic fluid, as well as two placentas. Are twins immediately visible on an ultrasound?

Yes and no. When each of the children has its own placenta and bladder, and this, as a rule, is a variant of fraternal twins, then determining their presence is not difficult.

If children are in the same bubble, then their visualization in the early stages is extremely difficult. Therefore, monochorionic monoamniotic twins are usually a big surprise at the second screening.

Other indirect signs of multiple pregnancy

Due to the imperfection of the medical system, not every pregnant woman, especially in the provinces, is prescribed the first diagnostic ultrasound. Typically, doctors limit themselves to blood tests and manual examination. Here are a number of indirect signs by which a gynecologist may suspect twins and prescribe additional examination:

  • extremely high levels of hCG and ACE;
  • severe anemia;
  • the size of the uterus does not correspond to the period of pregnancy;
  • early movements;
  • the presence of pathological toxicosis and fatigue;
  • rapid weight gain.

However, multiple pregnancies are not always accompanied by any special phenomena. Many women continue to feel well even when an ultrasound shows twins.

Norms and terms of development

While expectant mothers are wondering whether twins are visible on an ultrasound, doctors and scientists are conducting research, systematizing data and figuring out how to identify developmental pathologies in children from multiple pregnancies in the early stages.

Due to the presence of two children in the uterine cavity, visualization is often difficult. Despite modern equipment that allows for research in 4D format, when twins can be seen quite clearly on an ultrasound, determining the size, sex and weight of each individual fetus sometimes causes problems even for an experienced specialist.

Today, the development norms for twins are as follows:

  • The size of children at 11 weeks should be at least 43-48 mm. If one of them does not correspond to its embryonic age, a frozen pregnancy can be suspected.
  • At 12-13 weeks, the embryos should reach a size of 60 mm and a weight of 8-9 g.
  • By the second screening (17-18 weeks), the weight of each child of twins should be around 350 g. At the same time, the size and estimated weight of the babies may differ from each other by 10-50 g. At this time, the limbs and internal organs should already be clearly differentiated .
  • By week 32, children should gain about 1.8-2 kg.

Determining the sex of multiple pregnancies can be difficult if the babies are hidden one behind the other or facing each other.

At what stage are developmental pathologies visible on an ultrasound of twins? The second screening is a kind of transit point: if during it the doctor does not find any birth defects, then with a 90% probability no developmental problems in children will be identified until their birth.

Genetic analysis

It has been established that the risk of genetic pathologies during twin pregnancy is almost three times higher than during singleton pregnancy. And the likelihood of neural tube damage occurs five times more often if there are not one, but several babies in the womb.

That is why, if there is any suspicion of disease or pathology of the fetus, the woman can be sent for genetic analysis. The first step is blood screening.

There is now serious debate among doctors about the validity of this study.

According to the latest data, out of 1,765 children who were diagnosed with Down syndrome according to this procedure, it was actually confirmed in only 26 cases.

Amniocentesis can show a more complete picture: collecting amniotic fluid or blood from the umbilical cord through a puncture in the abdomen. Geneticists are obliged to offer the expectant mother this option, but before agreeing, it should be remembered that the procedure is extremely traumatic and often leads to termination of pregnancy.

Twice as many examinations

Pregnancy is always a big burden on the mother’s body, and in the case of a multiple pregnancy it is also double. That is why such babies are often born prematurely and at first are weaker than their peers from singleton pregnancies.

Expectant mothers of two children have the right to go on maternity leave two weeks earlier than their friends who are pregnant with one baby. Such women are under close medical supervision. For example, in addition to the three standard screenings, they may be prescribed an additional ultrasound.

Doctors pay special attention to the state of a woman’s cardiovascular system, early diagnosis of gestosis and detection of diabetes in pregnant women. Also, the expectant mother needs to take a vitamin-mineral complex and iron supplements.

Have an easy pregnancy and childbirth!



Multiple pregnancy is fraught with the development of many complications for the woman’s body and future babies.

The most common risks:

  • Development of high water content.
  • Incorrect placement of twins.
  • Premature pregnancy, premature birth.
  • Low birth weight of children.
  • Developmental delay of one or both fetuses (feto-fetal transfusion syndrome).
  • Placenta previa.

For a woman, carrying twins can be accompanied by toxicosis, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, anemia, increased weakness, lethargy, and loss of strength.

How many times should an ultrasound be done during pregnancy?

I would like to say right away that according to the latest medical research, there is not a single piece of evidence that ultrasound rays are harmful to both mother and child.

Moreover, this event is carried out on the recommendation of a doctor. So going to such a study three times does not pose any dangerous consequences for the child and for the expectant mother.

But such established standards for the number of ultrasounds are not always recommendations in practice. Sometimes the number of such studies either decreases or, conversely, increases.

When does the doctor not refer you for further testing? If the first ultrasound was not done very early and no pathologies were detected, then the second ultrasound is done closer to childbirth in order to once again protect the mother and child from unwanted situations during childbirth.

And these two times are enough. Of course, a prerequisite in such cases is the well-being of the pregnant woman throughout this entire period.

But when the mother feels unwell, and there is a risk of abnormal development of the fetus, then ultrasound can be done more often - about once every two months. And this is quite normal if done on the recommendation of a doctor.

First signs

At what stage of pregnancy can twins be detected?

The first signs of twins in most cases appear already in the first weeks after conception. For example, I was diagnosed with twins at the 7th obstetric week of pregnancy by ultrasound, but at 5 weeks nothing was visible in the uterus.

Symptoms of carrying twins:

  • During a pregnancy test, two clear stripes of a bright, saturated color appear on the surface of the product, and in the results of a blood test, the level of hCG in multiple pregnancies will be increased.
  • Hereditary factor - if a woman’s family has had multiple pregnancies, this significantly increases the likelihood of its recurrence after several generations (read more here).
  • The belly of the expectant mother is rapidly growing.
  • Babies move in earlier stages of pregnancy - at 15-17 weeks.
  • Manifestations of severe toxicosis, which is expressed in the form of nausea, vomiting, acne, weakness and increased fatigue.
  • The appearance of dark pigment spots on the skin of the face and body.

To diagnose multiple pregnancy, you should contact a gynecologist who will prescribe the necessary examinations. These include ultrasound examination, listening to the rhythm of children's hearts, as well as a gynecological examination of the uterus.

Identical twins

How is the presence of identical twins determined? You need to go through:

  • examination by a doctor;
  • pregnancy test;
  • Ultrasound.

Identical twins are noticeable at 12 weeks, not earlier. Once this is determined, a secondary test should be performed after 3 weeks to confirm the viability of the fetuses.

Frequent ultrasound procedures do not harm children, since only modern technologies are used now. They allow you to accurately monitor the condition of the fruits and their development.


Feelings during pregnancy with twins are somewhat different from usual:

  • Already from the first weeks, a woman begins to acutely feel all the manifestations of toxicosis.
  • The mammary glands quickly swell and increase in size; as pregnancy progresses, noticeable pigment spots appear on the skin of the face and stretch marks appear on the body.
  • In many cases, the expectant mother suffers from shortness of breath, heaviness in her legs, and strong kicks from the babies, which can be quite painful.

Manifestation of multiple pregnancy

It is not noticeable on an ultrasound: they are twins or twins in the womb, but it will be possible to determine their number. It should be borne in mind that a singleton pregnancy is noticeably different from a multiple pregnancy, and the second is diagnosed in different ways.

Diagnostics is performed as follows:

  1. First, the pregnant woman's complaints are taken into account. These signs include the presence of delay, nausea, vomiting, malaise, weakness, drowsiness, and swelling of the mammary glands.
  2. A study of the anamnesis of menstrual function is performed. The doctor needs to tell you when your period was, whether the cycle is regular, and how it goes.
  3. Results from a test taken at home will be required.
  4. Blood testing for the hCG hormone is performed.
  5. A gynecological examination is performed, which reveals an increase in the volume of the uterus.

An ultrasound of the pelvic organs is also performed. Usually, an ultrasound scan before the 11th week is prescribed if there have been problems with miscarriage, fetal freezing, or ectopic pregnancy. In other situations, a routine examination of the body is required.

Weight change

During a multiple pregnancy, a woman gains significantly more weight than during a single pregnancy.

The average weight gain for all trimesters is 15-20 kg.

At the same time, gaining kilograms begins almost from the first weeks.

The expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her weight, try to eat right - eat only healthy, wholesome foods. The best option is considered to be a weight gain of no more than 650-700 g per week.

This will help avoid the appearance of extra pounds, which place additional stress on the female body.

Methods for fertilizing twins and triplets

The predisposition to multiple pregnancies, scientifically called polyembryony, has not been fully studied. But biologists have identified a number of factors that contribute to double and triple fertilization:

IVF procedure. During artificial conception, a woman is stimulated to produce more eggs. Therefore, in one cycle, 2 ovaries folliculate and produce eggs, which are then fertilized by sperm.

Genetic predisposition. One of the spouses was born a twin or twin. It is transmitted only through the female line.

Hormonal changes in the female body after 35 years. Because of this, ovulation occurs in two ovaries at once.

Abnormal structure of the uterine cavity.

A high level of a hormone in the blood that stimulates the maturation of follicles. Two or more eggs are produced at the same time.

How to get pregnant with twins

In most cases, getting pregnant with twins is possible through extraporal insemination. But the procedure is carried out only according to indications:

unexplained infertility over a long period;

the woman had her fallopian tubes removed;

there are genetic mutations that are inherited;

non-viable or inactive sperm in a man;

obstruction in the fallopian tubes.

IVF is not done for women who are 40 years of age or older. During the procedure, the doctor removes one chromosome from the sperm. The father's chromosome influences the child's gender. Afterwards, the female egg is fertilized by a male sperm, in which the gender of the baby is determined in advance.

Watch a video on how to get pregnant with twins:

Fertilization often occurs simultaneously on several eggs, since one of them may die. But if both survive, the pregnancy results in twins or triplets.

How it goes

During the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s body intensively adapts to its “new state.” As pregnancy progresses, the belly rapidly increases in size, causing the woman great discomfort during sleep.

Frequent urination is also a common “companion” of multiple births.

A twin pregnancy is several weeks shorter than a normal pregnancy - 36-38 weeks. In most cases, delivery occurs by caesarean section.

In the early stages

Multiple pregnancy is accompanied by more rapid development:

  • Already at 7-8 weeks, twins can be seen during an ultrasound scan, since their size is at least 3 cm.
  • The end of the first trimester is accompanied by the formation of the cardiac system and vocal cords.
  • The weight of the embryos is about 5 g.

If conception occurs through IVF, then often in the first trimester the death of one of the fetuses may occur, while the second fetus successfully develops to the desired date.

In the later stages

Starting from 27-28 weeks, children are considered viable; in most cases, with premature birth, babies manage to survive.

During this period, the weight of each child is 900-1000 g, height is about 33-35 cm.

However, doctors closely monitor the condition of the children and mother and, if necessary, take measures to prolong pregnancy to term, since the large size of the uterus often leads to leakage of amniotic fluid and the development of premature labor.

The late stages of multiple pregnancy are accompanied by the completion of the formation of the body of twins; outwardly they look like newborn babies.

Normally, twins are born earlier than when carrying one baby - at 36-38 weeks.

With IVF

The IVF procedure ends in pregnancy with twins in almost half of the cases.

But there are certain risks:

  • introduction of infection into the uterine cavity;
  • early rejection of one or both embryos due to hormonal reasons.

The course of pregnancy after IVF directly depends on the cause of the couple’s infertility.

Polyhydramnios often develops in later stages.

Symptoms of twins in pregnant women

Of course, the well-being of the expectant mother is attributed more to intuitive factors than to reliable ones. And its symptoms are rarely associated with who will be born and how many children there will be. A woman with a second pregnancy can say exactly what severe toxicosis is: if there are two inside, nausea can lead to vomiting.

  1. Since the uterus grows from the inside, the tummy will grow from the outside, by leaps and bounds, and by the end of the first trimester it can be compared with those who have already gone on maternity leave. At the same time, the weight grows as quickly as the stomach.
  2. With twins, movements begin earlier than the expected period of 20 weeks. It is interesting that two children move at once; this creates incredible discomfort for the mother, because she needs to take a position that is acceptable for both of them.
  3. With multiple pregnancy, the mammary glands increase by 2-3 sizes, touching them is unpleasant, as the breasts become heavy and “filled up”.
  4. Daily physical activity will make itself felt by constant shortness of breath, because from the first days the diaphragm begins to rise upward, making room for growing babies.
  5. Even if your belly is growing at a rapid pace, and the doctor has not yet identified twins, find out more about your genetic line: were there twins in your family, twins, or in your spouse’s family? If yes, then the probability of giving birth to two immediately increases.

Many people say that ultrasound is harmful, so they don’t go for an examination as a matter of principle, although 3 diagnostic tests during pregnancy are considered mandatory. If you think that you are losing weight, you feel disgusting, and at three months your belly is simply bulging, do your own palpation: while walking, place two hands on your lower abdomen; if you have twins, then the heads on both sides will be clearly palpable , and the shape of the tummy below will be square.

Features of twin pregnancy

During the first month of pregnancy with twins, the babies grow and develop into an independent zygote, which by the end of 4-5 weeks is implanted into the endometrial tissue. In the second trimester, the mother already has the opportunity to find out the gender of her twins by ultrasound, which already have their own fingerprints.

If the first

In case of multiple pregnancy, a woman needs to be under constant medical supervision - this will help control all the features of the growth and development of babies. There are no specific features of the course specifically for the 1st pregnancy.

If the second

In such situations, throughout the entire period of bearing babies, the woman is under close medical supervision.

This is due to the following factors:

  • If there is a suture from a caesarean section, then monitor its consistency, since due to the large size of the uterus it can come apart (read more about the problem in this article).
  • The cervix may also be incompetent (for example, due to damage in a previous birth). Therefore, for some women, according to indications, an obstetric pessary is installed or a cervical suture is applied.

1st trimester

In the first trimester, all the organs of future babies are formed. The fruits rapidly increase in size. At 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, you can already confirm the fact of multiple pregnancy and listen to the first heartbeats of the babies.

By the end of the period, their weight is at least 300 g, size - 16-18 cm.

2nd trimester

Week 15-16 gives the expectant mother the opportunity to find out the gender of the twins during an ultrasound scan.

  • At 18-20 weeks, the babies begin to move actively, the woman feels them moving.
  • Their digestive and excretory systems begin to form, they hear sounds.
  • The twins are constantly pushing, their movements become more pronounced and strong.

At 25-26 weeks, the baby’s facial features are already fully formed, body weight is 600-700 g, size is 28-32 cm.

3rd trimester

The 3rd trimester of multiple pregnancy is the most important in the growth and development of twins. All internal organs and systems of babies are almost completely formed.

Main features of the period:

  • the sucking apparatus is fully formed;
  • the size of each fruit is 47-50 cm, weight – from 2.1 to 3 kg;
  • The development of the pancreas and skeletal system ends.

Late pregnancy with twins in most cases is difficult for a woman.

A woman feels discomfort due to an excessively large belly; she may suffer from attacks of late toxicosis, increased blood pressure and swelling of the arms and legs.

After cesarean

Caesarean section is a major surgical procedure that requires a long recovery process.

During pregnancy with twins, doctors monitor the condition of the suture to prevent it from diverging.

Subsequent delivery is most often performed by caesarean section. This is necessary in order to eliminate possible complications at the time of birth.

Features of nutrition and physical activity

Multiple pregnancy requires special attention to the diet of the expectant mother.

Doctors advise pregnant women to increase their daily caloric intake by no more than 1000 calories. The approximate calorie content per day should be at least 3500 kcal.

The expectant mother's diet must include meat, poultry, fish and seafood, fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits and berries, and various cereals.

At the same time, in most cases it is recommended to limit physical activity, especially in the later stages.

This is due to overstretching of the abdominal and uterine muscles and a high probability of premature birth.

Diagnostic errors

The procedure may not show twins if using an outdated device. Doctors with insufficient qualifications may not see twins, but this is rather an exception. If the first examination takes place in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, the ultrasound may not show all children with multiple births (3 or more).

There are cases when a study at 4-5 weeks showed two fertilized eggs, and subsequent studies showed only one. This may be due to the death of the embryo or the development of an empty fertilized egg (anembryony).

The expectant mother must strictly follow the doctors' recommendations; she will have to come for appointments more often and undergo tests more often. This tactic allows you to promptly identify and prevent all possible complications and bear healthy children.

Labor usually begins at or 38 weeks - due to overstretching of the uterus, labor begins earlier. Before childbirth, an ultrasound is indicated to determine management tactics. Often, the expectant mother is hospitalized in a maternity hospital several days before the expected birth. If necessary, a planned caesarean section is performed.

How did you find out about twins? Tell us about your experience in the comments, share the article. All the best.

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