Segmented neutrophils are increased: causes in adults and children, what this means, what needs to be examined and treated
White blood cells or leukocytes themselves are heterogeneous. This is the general name for five structures.
Blood test for platelets in hospital
The norm of platelets in the blood of women: table by age, the level of platelets in the blood is normal after 50 years
General blood tests 10/25/201801/25/2019 Chernenko A. L. 1183 Views general tests, platelets Normal platelet count
T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte under a microscope
Lymphopenia: what is it, causes and symptoms, treatment and prognosis
Lymphocytes are cells of the immune system from the group of leukocytes. A large amount is called lymphocytosis, and a reduced
Description of normal and pathological changes in chest x-rays
Radiography is the study of internal structures that are projected using X-rays onto a special
Bacteria in urine
Bacteria in urine: more than 7 reasons, what it means, explanation and norm in women, children and men. What to do if the bacteria in the analysis is “+” (plus)
Author of the article Pastushok Vladimir Georgievich Practicing nephrologist, experience over 11 years 52 articles written
fwd what is this
Spirometry: What to expect and what do the results mean?
FVD - what is it? FVD is an abbreviation that stands for “function of external respiration.” This
Endosonography of the stomach
Is stomach ultrasound performed on children and what methods are suitable: preparation and results
What is endosonography Endosonography of the stomach is considered a combined diagnostic method: an ultrasound sensor and an endoscope are used. Device
LH hormone: what is it in women, the norm during menopause, on what day of the cycle to take the test. Table and transcript
LH hormone: role in the female body, norm and deviation
How is luteinizing hormone produced? LH hormone (what is it in women and why
Hemoglobin norm in men by age, reasons for fluctuations
Hemoglobin in men and women is a complex protein molecule that consists of
Low level of platelets in the blood. Causes for women, men, children. What is the threat, what to do
Platelets are responsible for several processes in our body, but their main task is to organize
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