GGT in biochemical blood test
Gamma-GT is increased. Reasons for women. What is it, how to reduce it, treatment
Using laboratory diagnostic methods, doctors evaluate the functioning of internal organs, the GGT indicator in biochemical
ALT and AST are increased - what does this mean, interpretation of blood test parameters. Treatment for pregnant women, children, adults
Diagnosis of the liver using tests for ALT and AST
Interpretation of indicators in a biochemical blood test ALT (full name “alanine aminotransferase”) is an enzyme primarily
Why might there be an increased volume of platelets in the blood?
If previously laboratories determined only the level of platelets, today they examine much more indicators
Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) with contrast enhancement
What is the MSCT method - an examination that is carried out to diagnose diseases of internal organs,
What types of stool tests are there, their interpretation and what can be detected
The essence of the study Feces are the final product formed as a result of complex biochemical reactions aimed at breaking down
Location of a man's internal organs in the abdominal cavity
The organs that are located in the abdomen are responsible for a large number of functions and processes in
Liver disease may cause low PLT levels
PLT in blood test: norm, reasons for increase and decrease
The formed cells that circulate throughout the body are represented by a wide group of structures. Conventionally, the following can be distinguished
Many eosinophils
Health and healthy lifestyle Eosinophils are normal in a 6 year old child
What are eosinophils Very often in pediatrics they encounter allergies in children. For that,
What hormones do the adrenal glands produce and what functions do they perform?
The role of corticosteroids in the body Glucocorticoids Mineralocorticoids The functions of androgens in the human body Video Adrenal hormones
Hand points to ultrasound image
What does the corpus luteum mean in the right or left ovary on ultrasound: functions, normal indicators, phases
The luteal gland, located in the ovary, whose main task is to produce the female hormone (progesterone) is called
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