Bacterioscopy in women: indications, preparation and interpretation of results
The BL smear is a test for diphtheria, “BL” stands for “Leffler’s bacillus.” The disease causes
Menu for patients with elevated creatinine levels
Creatinine is a metabolite formed primarily in muscles during protein-amino acid metabolic processes. From muscle tissue
many tests for viruses
Virus analysis: types of tests, doctor’s prescription, features of the procedure, technique, indications, contraindications, explanation, identified diseases and their treatment
Almost every person on Earth is a carrier of some kind of viral infection. This is due to the fact
Pain in the liver area is one of the symptoms of erythremia
Polycythemia vera: symptoms and prognosis for curing erythremia
What is erythremia? With erythremia, proliferation (growth) of red blood cells occurs and the number of others greatly increases
16 hormones that cause excess weight gain: how to normalize their levels to lose weight
The human body produces more than 100 hormones, about 20 of which have the most direct effect
Escherichia coli during pregnancy in smear and urine
At 6 - 12 weeks, a woman is registered as pregnant and then
What is prothrombin time in a blood test and the danger of deviations from the norm
Prothrombin time: what is it? The human body has the ability to recover. For various injuries
Intrauterine infections in newborns and fetuses during pregnancy. Causes, consequences, what it is, analysis
The request for "TORCH infection" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Intrauterine infections ICD-10 35.-39. ICD-9 771
Features of blood tests for ARVI in children: interpretation of results and normal indicators
Blood tests in children have their own specific features, primarily related to the fact that
When and who needs to donate blood for adrenal hormones
Blood tests for the level of adrenal hormones are prescribed for signs of decreased or increased function,
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