Photo: spermogram results transcript
How to decipher the results of a spermogram and understand whether they are normal or not
Spermogram: how does the procedure take place? Do you need to prepare for it? Preparation necessarily involves sexual abstinence
What to take with you to the hospital A reminder that will be useful during hospitalization
What to take with you to the hospital: a list of personal belongings Slippers (preferably rubberized ones so that
Formed elements of blood.jpg
When taking a smear, the cervix bleeds (reasons) || Cervix bleeds after cytology
A complete blood count means counting the number of cells in a venous blood sample. Capillary blood is not
How to properly test for enterobiasis in a child; procedure technique
How and where to get a smear test for enterobiasis for children: a detailed algorithm
PCR analysis for enterobiasis Polymerase chain reaction is one of the most informative laboratory methods
Blood laboratory
Creatinine in the blood is low - causes in women, men, children; norms; treatment
Blood biochemistry 07/16/201801/25/2019 Yulia Martynovich (Peshkova) 1392 Views creatinine In the article we will figure out what the reasons are
how to determine diabetes mellitus by blood test
Tests for diabetes mellitus - why and how often to take them
Diabetes mellitus is a complex pathology that cannot be cured completely. It is important to understand here what
Virus test. What tests are being conducted to detect COVID-19?
A blood test for hidden infections is necessary to identify pathogenic microorganisms that cause such
What is cylindruria, what causes cylinders to appear and how to get rid of them
Various diseases of the urinary system are quite common among adults and children of any age. Very
Pros and cons: blood test for tuberculosis instead of Mantoux
Why you need to get tested Tuberculosis is a very complex and serious disease that can be cured in a week
Endoscopic research methods in gynecology
What it is? Endoscopy is any procedure performed using special optical instruments designed
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