General weakness in the body
Aplastic anemia: what it is, symptoms and stages of aplasia, causes, treatment and life prognosis
Aplastic anemia is a special case of impaired red blood cell synthesis, accompanied by a drop in hemoglobin concentration in
Diagnostic measures for women after 40
What hormones do you need to take a blood test for during menopause and how to determine hormonal imbalance in women
Menopause is a natural process of attenuation of reproductive function in every woman, associated with a decrease
Urine Drug Testing: What's Important to Know
When is a drug test necessary? There are situations in life when it is necessary to take tests
Treatment of multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma: what it is, why it occurs, what provokes the disease, symptoms and treatment
Multiple myeloma (myeloma disease) Multiple myeloma, multiple myeloma, multiple myeloma. In myeloma there are
dederlein sticks
Dederlein sticks in a smear in women - what is it?
Regular examination by a gynecologist is the responsibility of every woman who values ​​her health. During
Elevated TSH in women. Causes and treatment, consequences
Elevated hormones in women - causes, signs and treatment
Elevated thyroid hormone indicates a malfunction of the endocrine organ, and any deviation
Reasons for the increase in leukocytes in the blood of women after childbirth, symptoms, normal values, who is at risk?
Why are there elevated leukocytes in the blood after childbirth: causes and treatment
Childbirth is a natural process, but still stressful for a woman’s body. Weakness and some
Acute myeloblastic leukemia
Acute myeloblastic leukemia: diagnosis, treatment, prognosis
What it is? AML is a malignant transformation involving the myeloid lineage of blood cells. Affected blood
Dysbacteriosis in adults and children - myth or reality?
On average, the surface area of ​​the adult human intestine is about 200 m², on which they live
How long can urine be stored for pregnancy testing?
Urine for analysis is stored for up to 1 day, but there are exceptions
In the refrigerator Blood and urine for laboratory review remain in a container and test tube for a long time
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