White blood cells are elevated in an adult, what does this mean? 56599 1
Leukocytes, or white blood cells, are the most striking marker of the health of the human body. Neither
smear for cytology in women
Examination of smears for cervical cytology: interpretation
What is cervical cytology? The objectives pursued by this study are very diverse. It all depends on
Tests for sexually transmitted diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases are pathologies of bacterial, viral or fungal origin that affect the genitourinary system of men and
How to correctly measure the temperature of children and adults with an electronic or mercury thermometer - algorithm and methods
How to correctly measure temperature with a thermometer under your arm It is important to check the technical condition of the device you are using
Before a urine test - what you can’t eat and what you can
When collecting test material for analysis, certain rules are followed to ensure the accuracy of the result, so many
When to take AMG
How to take an AMH test correctly: what day of the cycle to take and how to prepare
Hormones play a special role in human existence. Overestimated or underestimated indicators indicate a violation
Blood magnesium test
Analysis of magnesium content in the blood and interpretation of the results
Norms and limits of values ​​To know when magnesium in the blood is elevated, you need to determine the range
WBC in blood test. What is this, the norm and deviation in children, women, men
What does wbc mean in a blood test in adults table
What is the WBC indicator? WBC in a blood test is a value that gives real
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What not to eat before donating blood for sugar and cholesterol: how to prepare for the test
Most of us are accustomed to considering cholesterol as a harmful substance that must be gotten rid of by any means.
Carrying out analysis
What tests are taken to detect syphilis, what are they called?
Testing for syphilis has long been included in routine medical observation. Pregnant women are prescribed this test
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