Thyroid biopsy and preparation for the procedure
Thyroid biopsy: what it is, how and why it is done, how and when a thyroid puncture is performed
A thyroid biopsy is perhaps the only final method of assessing the condition of the gland. Score with
Taking a vaginal smear
Characteristics of the causative agent of gonorrhea and methods for its determination
Indications for donating biomaterial Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease. It is characterized by mucous
rhinocytogram decoding normal in children
What is a rhinocytogram? Explanation, norm in children, description of the procedure and preparation for it
Inflammatory processes occurring in the nasal cavity are a very big problem for children. It happens,
The norm of leukocytes in the blood of a newborn: reasons for increased criteria and treatment features
What is leukocytosis in a child and its classification White blood cells are synthesized by the bone marrow
Nechiporenko for children
Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko: indications, preparation, standards
Urinalysis is one of the most common forms of primary diagnosis in children. With his help
Indications for analysis of blood sugar levels, information content of studies, interpretation of results and normal indicators
A blood test has a lot of useful properties for determining the patient's health status. If
Clinical blood test for chronic lymphocytic leukemia
What is lymphocytic leukemia? Lymphocytic leukemia in the modern medical understanding is one of the most common forms
how many days does a blood test take?
How long is a blood test done - timing, main indicators and interpretation
5 Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna 2017.09.29 32,741 Blood test To get a complete picture
To take a urine test, it is better to wait until your period ends.
Is it possible or not to take a urine test during menstruation?
It is not advisable to donate urine for laboratory testing to women during menstruation, but in some cases
Antinuclear factor on the HEp-2 cell line (ANF)
Synonyms: ANA, antinuclear antibodies, antinuclear factor, ANF, antinuclear antibodies, antinuclear antibodies, ANAs, Fluorescent Antinuclear
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