Blood collection
Features of incisional and excisional biopsy
What is a biopsy? Essentially, it is the collection of biological material for further examination under a microscope.
What is intestinal irrigoscopy and how is it performed?
What is irrigoscopy and why is it so important to prepare for it correctly? Irrigoscopy is
Monocytes in the blood of a child. Norm, reasons for increase in analysis by age. Table. What does this mean and how to treat it
Monocytosis and monocytopenia in children: how to diagnose and how to treat abnormal monocytes?
What are monocytes and what are they responsible for? Monocytes are part of leukocytes and the general system
Patterns of inheritance of blood type and Rh factor by a child
In total, a person has four blood groups and two variants of the Rh factor: positive and negative.
What is the rarest blood type in humans and why?
The rarest blood type in the world: facts, scientific hypotheses
Blood is an important component of the human body; it continuously circulates through veins and arteries,
Computed tomography with contrast of the abdominal cavity
Computed tomography with contrast of the abdominal cavity
Computed tomography is a first-class diagnostic equipment that allows you to see a highly accurate three-dimensional image and identify
Elevated uric acid
What are the dangers of reducing uric acid, and how to increase it?
Uric acid is formed in the liver and is microscopic crystals of sodium salts. By myself
What tumor markers to take for prevention, what can be determined by blood
To select effective therapy, it is necessary to conduct research, among which tumor markers for women are mandatory.
First screening during pregnancy
How is screening performed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and interpretation of the results?
Screening - translated from English, this word means sorting or selection. In short, perinatal screening
What does gastric FGS show?
Rules for preparing for gastroscopic examination
FGS stands for fibrogastroscopy (or simply gastroscopy), perhaps the most effective research method
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