Preparing for an ultrasound scan of the pancreas and interpreting the results
In what cases is diagnostics needed? Ultrasound, in relation to the pancreas, is considered a screening method, then
During a polygraph test
Is it necessary to do an EEG to get a driver's license?
What is EEG and its features Electroencephalography is an examination of the brain, its electrical
Sugar curve norm - how to take it, norm indicators by points
Blood biochemistry 07/09/201801/24/2019 Chernenko A. L. 1979 Views sugar, diabetes mellitus According to official statistics
How to perform transrectal ultrasound of the rectum
Medicine has made great progress in recent decades and today makes it possible to study the condition of any organ.
Doctor and patient in the ward
Pleural sinuses, the contour of the diaphragm and the mediastinum on a plain radiograph are normal and pathological.
What is pulmonary infiltrate? With pulmonary infiltration, healthy tissue is replaced by a pathological formation filled with fluid,
How to take a blood test for creatinine and correctly interpret the results?
What is creatinine? Creatine is destroyed in the muscles, and the residual product is creatinine.
Poisoning with copper compounds and vapors is one of the reasons for excess copper in the body
Copper deficiency in the body contributes to gray hair and vascular aneurysm
Copper enters the human body mainly through food. A large amount of it is found in legumes,
blood taken alcohol
Is it possible to drink alcohol before taking a urine blood test?
General analysis (coprogram) 2 days before collecting biomaterial, give up tomatoes, tomato juice,
Increased hemoglobin in pregnant women: why is it dangerous and how to reduce it?
Increased hemoglobin during pregnancy poses a serious danger to the health of the woman and child. May slow down
CT angiography of neck vessels
Angiography of the carotid artery: main stages
Advantages of CT angiography Minimum radiation dose (compared to radiography), which eliminates the possibility of any
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