Leptothrix what is it and how to treat it.

What is Leptothrix

This is an anaerobic microorganism that can exist and reproduce without the presence of oxygen. It multiplies especially actively under conditions of high concentrations of carbon dioxide.

Leptothrix is ​​a transitional form between bacteria and fungi. When examined under a microscope, it looks like threads interspersed along its entire length with small dots.

The infection has the ability to affect not only the woman’s genitals. It can also develop in the oral cavity, causing severe tooth decay.

Leptothrix can enter a woman’s body through water from a natural reservoir or swimming pool, or it can also be transmitted sexually.

The detection of this infection in a smear is not yet proof of a spouse’s infidelity.

Leptothrix during pregnancy

This is a serious reason to worry about both the health of the fair sex and the health of the unborn child developing in her womb.

After all, the activation of this opportunistic pathogen often indicates that the body has some other sexually transmitted disease.

Naturally, it is recommended to get tested as soon as possible.

Leptothrix provokes inflammatory processes in the genitals.

Naturally, their presence adversely affects the course of pregnancy.

As a result, a successfully proceeding process can end in the fading of pregnancy or miscarriage.

Or the development of an intrauterine infection in the fetus, which will adversely affect all organs and systems of the future person.

Treatment of pathology is not fundamentally different from the case if therapy is necessary for an ordinary woman.

True, doctors select medications that will cause the least harm to the body of the fair sex.

The negative impact of a number of medications on the fetus is also taken into account, which also affects the choice of medication.

Consequences of the disease

There are often cases when the disease occurs with virtually no symptoms.
Symptoms begin to appear only when the pathogen accumulates in large quantities in the vagina or mouth. When the disease is localized in the oral cavity, the woman’s tongue, palate and tonsils become covered with a gray coating. A woman's teeth crumble and decay at a rapid rate.

If the infection develops inside the vagina, a woman may exhibit the following signs of illness:

  • gray vaginal discharge, which has an unpleasant odor characteristic of the process of decay;
  • the vaginal mucosa becomes abundantly covered with spots;
  • The vaginal epithelium acquires a yellowish tint.

If treatment aimed at eliminating the infection is not carried out in a timely manner, the possibility of complications cannot be excluded:

  • the body of a pregnant woman affected by Leptothrix practically loses the ability to bear or give birth to a healthy child;
  • high probability of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • development of inflammatory processes on the vaginal mucosa;
  • infection of amniotic fluid and the baby itself;
  • a child infected with Leptothrix experiences a number of diseases that are bacterial in nature.

It is worth noting that Leptothrix infection is not dangerous for men.

When the first symptoms of the disease are detected, you must contact a gynecologist and undergo a course of medical therapy. Otherwise, there is a high probability of complications developing.

Leptothrix: what complications to expect

Leptothrix is ​​a disease that may not show any signs of itself for a long time.

In this case, the pathogenic microorganism will cause harm to the body, which will be extremely difficult to resolve in the future.

Any inflammatory process in the genitourinary system, first of all, negatively affects reproductive functions.

Both women and men face infertility.

Infertility is difficult to treat, especially if its cause is opportunistic microorganisms.

In addition to infertility, the patient may face:

  • impotence, which can be caused by both prostate and testicular damage
  • decreased libido in the fair sex, which is explained by discomfort during sexual intercourse, lack of pleasure
  • damage to the child’s body if the disease is diagnosed in a woman during pregnancy
  • if the oral cavity is affected, tooth decay, inflammatory diseases of the gums and oropharynx are possible

Leptothrix in women and the stronger sex is not a harmless infection that can be ignored.

Adequate therapy for exacerbation of the disease is mandatory!

How can you prevent infection?

To prevent infection with Leptothrix, you should adhere to the following recommendations from specialists:

  1. Comply with existing hygiene standards, especially after visiting public places (sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, beach).
  2. Carry out genital hygiene at least 2 times a day.
  3. Avoid getting water into the mouth.
  4. Pregnancy must be planned. This means that you must first undergo a comprehensive examination course, which includes tests.
  5. Do not drink tap water without first passing it through a filter.
  6. Since the disease can be asymptomatic, it is recommended to undergo a routine examination by a gynecologist at least 2 times a year.
  7. If you do not have a regular sexual partner, you need to use protection and contraception.

Subject to these simple rules, the possibility of infection with Leptothrix is ​​significantly reduced.

Folk remedies

In addition to medications, for a complex effect it is possible to use some traditional medicine recipes in the form of douching or tamponing.

Suitable for treatment: celandine, propolis, resin.

Below are several treatment options:

  • Decoction of Canadian goldenseal. 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 300 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes. Drink throughout the day, dividing into 4 parts. Continue treatment for 1 month.
  • Mumiyo. To prepare the solution, dissolve 2 g of mumiyo in 4 tbsp. l. Water, drink 2 times a day before meals. After dissolving mumiyo in water, 1 g per 1 liter of water, you can do daily douching.
  • Essential oils: fir, tea tree oil, lavender. When douching, use a solution of 10 drops of oil per glass of water.

What to do if Leptothrix threads are found in a smear?

If Leptothrix threads are detected in a smear, it is necessary to undergo additional examination:

  1. Submit biological material for bacterial culture . The essence of this laboratory examination is that the woman donates her urine as a biomaterial. It is placed in different nutrient media at different temperatures. This analysis makes it possible to determine the sensitivity of the infection to the action of various medications. Thanks to this, the specialist has the opportunity to choose the most effective treatment method.
  2. Carry out PCR diagnostics . This laboratory diagnostic method is aimed at determining the causative agent of infection. To do this, a microparticle of Leptothrix RNA or DNA is isolated from the patient’s biological material, which is quickly copied.
  3. Take a blood test for ELISA diagnostics . This examination method determines the presence in the woman’s blood of antibodies or antigens to the development of Leptothrix infection.

Only if the results of the above diagnostic laboratory tests are available, a specialist can make a final accurate diagnosis, as well as decide on the choice of treatment therapy.

Necessary therapy

Due to the fact that the microorganism is a companion of other, more serious pathogenic microorganisms, if leptothrix is ​​detected in the smear, additional tests for pathogenic microorganisms are prescribed.

Additional studies in this case are:

  • Bacterial culture is a test in which pathogenic microorganisms are placed in a friendly environment for them to grow.
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a method based on searching for RNA or DNA of a pathogenic microorganism in the microflora.

If, apart from this bacterium, nothing dangerous is identified, treatment, as a rule, is not prescribed, since the bacterium is considered opportunistic. But if a woman plans to have a child in the near future, she will still have to undergo a course of treatment.

READ ALSO: Cocci in a smear in women: causes and treatment

How to treat Leptothrix in the mouth

To treat pathology that develops in the oral cavity, both conservative and physiotherapeutic methods are used.

Conservative treatment of leptothrix in the mouth consists of taking a course of drugs that have an antibacterial effect. Among them are the following:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Clindimicin;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Metronidazole.

A course of physiotherapeutic procedures through the use of a laser or the use of dosed ultraviolet irradiation of a certain spectrum will also help to overcome the infection.

You can speed up the healing process by taking multivitamins, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the body's immune system.

Only as a result of comprehensive treatment can a rapid recovery be achieved.

Tests for leptothrix

Leptothrix is ​​not at all difficult to detect.

This bacterium is visible under microscopy.

In most cases, targeted testing for leptotrichosis is not carried out.

The pathogen is identified during a bacterioscopic examination.

A swab is taken from the mouth or vagina of women.

Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria are found in the clinical material.

They form chains in the form of alternating dots and dashes.

In turn, the detection of leptothrix is ​​the reason for a more in-depth examination of the patient.

Because the presence of this microorganism is an indicator of other diseases.

Against the background of leptotrichosis, the following are very often detected:

1. Sexual infections.

In approximately 60% of cases, along with leptothrix, a thorough examination of the patient reveals candida, ureaplasma, trichomonas, chlamydia or other pathogens.

Therefore, all women diagnosed with leptotrichosis are prescribed a smear from the urethra, vagina and cervix for sexually transmitted diseases.

PCR is mainly used for diagnosis.

2. Bacterial vaginosis.

It can be diagnosed by microscopy alone, which is supplemented by an amino test.

Bacterial vaginosis is said to occur when leptothrix and other anaerobic flora significantly outnumber lactobacilli.

Vaginal dysbiosis is considered a condition when the number of lactobacilli is less than 90%.

To clarify the state of the biocenosis, seeding or PCR may be prescribed.

3. Immunodeficiency states.

Leptothrix is ​​considered an indicator of reduced immunity.

This is because in most patients, Leptothrix does not cause symptoms and does not multiply to the point of being detected by microscopy.

If this happens, it is likely that the immune system has failed.

It cannot inhibit the proliferation of the microorganism.

Therefore, patients diagnosed with leptothrix are often tested for HIV.

All patients are recommended to consult an immunologist.

The doctor may order an immunogram.

Based on this, the presence or absence of immunodeficiency is determined.

If necessary, immunocorrection is carried out in the future.

Occasionally, PCR or tank culture is used to detect leptothrix.

Methods of treating Leptothrix in gynecology

The choice of treatment if an infection is detected in a smear is based on the results of bacterial culture and PCR diagnostics. As a rule, patients are prescribed a course using antibacterial drugs:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Clindamycin;
  • Tibiral;
  • Trichopolum;
  • Nystatin.

In addition, therapy is used using iodine-containing drugs with a high concentration of iodine.

A prerequisite for treatment is compliance with the instructions and recommendations of the attending physician.

What drugs are used to treat mastopathy?

Are Laktozhinal suppositories effective, and when are they prescribed? Read more here.

About exocervix and endocervix: https://venerolog-ginekolog.ru/gynecology/diseases/endotserviks-i-ekzotserviks.html.

Conservative treatment

There is no standard treatment regimen for this disease. But this does not prevent the use of a number of medications to combat leptothrix, such as:

  • broad-spectrum antibiotics – chloramphenicol, tetracycline;
  • beta-lactam antibiotics;
  • clindamycin;
  • trichopolum;
  • nystatin;
  • tibiral.

In addition, iodine drugs with increasing dosages and antifungal drugs (metronidazole) are used. Moreover, the bacterium is characterized by resistance to aminoglycosides and fluoroquinols.

Before taking prescribed medications, a sensitivity test to the components of the drug must be performed.

For pregnant women, therapy is carried out under gentle conditions, using vaginal suppositories (Terzhinan) and antifungal ointments. During treatment, it is recommended to take medications aimed at strengthening the immune system and restoring the vaginal microflora.

If, in addition to leptothrix, the smear reveals the presence of chlamydia, trichomonas, increased levels of candida, and bacterial vaginosis, a course of antibiotics is necessarily prescribed to treat the established diseases.

A connection between Leptothrix and bacterial vaginosis has been established, so recently it has been accepted that the appearance of colonization of this bacterium in the vaginal microflora is a kind of indicator of the presence of bacterial vaginosis or dysbiosis. The disease can lead to inflammation of the uterus and appendages, even leading to infertility, so if detected, it is necessary to immediately carry out a course of treatment.

Methods for diagnosing leptothrix

Not all patients know which doctor to contact if symptoms appear. Usually women, first of all, go to a gynecologist, and the male part of the population goes to a urologist. If there are signs of damage to the oral cavity, you should contact an ENT specialist.

The bacteria are quite clearly visible under a microscope and have a thread-like structure. In this regard, specialists do not experience any particular difficulties when conducting diagnostics. If leptothrix is ​​found in the smear, the doctor will tell you what it is and what treatment will be required. In order to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may insist on additional studies. These methods include:

  • Examination of a woman in a gynecological chair to identify the presence of vaginal infection.
  • Examination of the oral cavity.
  • Taking smears from the vagina, cervix in women, from the urethra in men, as well as from the pharynx in both sexes for microscopy and culture in order to identify infection and select effective treatment.
  • Examination of urine by culture on nutrient media with subsequent identification of the pathogen. The presence of bacteria in quantities exceeding 105 CFU/ml indicates the presence of pathology.
  • Study of venous blood using PCR.

If the smear result is positive, the biomaterial will need to be retested for the presence of STIs.

Leptothrix: features of infection

If leptothrix is ​​detected in a vaginal smear, then a woman may have a reasonable question.

What is it and where did this infection come from? In appearance, the pathogen has a shape resembling threads.

The infection can live not only in the vagina, but also in the mouth. Because it feels good in conditions of high CO2 concentration. In addition, pathogens are often inhabitants of natural bodies of water. If leptothrix is ​​detected in vaginal smears, the doctor should conduct an additional examination. It is necessary to identify the possible presence of other dangerous infections.

If tests for concomitant infections show a negative result, then there is nothing dangerous. The infection may go away on its own even without treatment.

The disease is often found in pregnant women. As for men, they develop the disease very rarely; more often they are carriers of the infection. The characteristics of the pathogen are such that the bacterium can exist and is even capable of reproducing under anaerobic conditions (without the presence of oxygen). Microorganisms can be inhabitants of the vagina and oral cavity of healthy people.

When living conditions change, bacteria begin to multiply rapidly and become dangerous to humans. Treatment of the disease is carried out only if infected people make any complaints. Microorganisms exhibit maximum activity in the spring and autumn.

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