Norm of lymphocytes in the blood of children (table by age)

When assessing the result of a blood test, doctors pay attention to the level of lymphocytes. Its change may indicate the development of infectious diseases, endocrine pathologies, allergic reactions and other health problems. You can understand whether there are any violations if you find out what the norm of lymphocytes is in children. It is important to check whether the obtained indicators correspond to the established norm.

What are lymphocytes?

Lymphocytes are a type of leukocyte. Depending on the morphological structure, it is customary to distinguish large (natural killer) and small cells (T- and B-lymphocytes).

It’s not for nothing that they say that lymphocytes are the guardians at the gates of health. This statement is based on the role of lymphocytes in the human body - protection against pathogens. In addition, they are able to recognize and destroy mutant cancer cells in the human body.

A distinctive feature of lymphocytes is the ability to provide a person with 2 types of immunity: humoral and cellular. The first is realized through the synthesis of protein molecules (antibodies), which are characterized by high affinity for various pathogenic microorganisms. After direct interaction of antibodies with antigens of the pathogen, a stable complex is formed. As a result of such interaction, toxins (poisonous substances synthesized by pathogenic microorganisms) are neutralized or the process of reproduction of a foreign cell is stopped.

The second (cellular) immunity is based on the direct participation of lymphocytes in the process of destroying pathogens, as well as on the regulation of the work of all other types of leukocytes.

The answer to the question of what is the normal level of immune cells in the blood is presented in the table (the values ​​are given for patients over 16 years of age).

Leukocyte typeNormal content
Neutrophils45 – 70 %
Lymphocytes20 – 35 %
Monocytes3 – 10 %
Eosinophils1 – 5 %
Basophils0 – 2 %


Now let's go through each of these indicators and figure out what they mean.

HGB - hemoglobin - Hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen throughout the body and delivers it to the necessary tissues. If there is not enough of it, the cells begin to starve and a whole chain of symptoms develops: weakness, fatigue, dizziness, hair loss and brittle nails, snags in the corners of the lips and others. These are symptoms of anemia.

The hemoglobin molecule contains iron, and vitamin B12 and folic acid also play an important role in its formation. If there are not enough of them, hemoglobin synthesis is disrupted in the body and anemia develops.

There are also hereditary forms of anemia, but they occur much less frequently and deserve separate analysis.

Normal hemoglobin is 120-160 g/l for women and 130-170 g/l for men. You need to understand that in each specific case the standards depend on the laboratory. Therefore, you need to look at the reference values ​​of the laboratory in which you took the test.

Elevated hemoglobin numbers most often occur due to blood thickening, if a person sweats excessively during the heat, or takes diuretics. Climbers and people who often go to the mountains may have even higher hemoglobin - this is a compensatory reaction to a lack of oxygen. Hemoglobin can also increase due to diseases of the respiratory system - when the lungs work poorly and the body constantly lacks oxygen. Each specific case needs to be examined separately.

A decrease in hemoglobin is a sign of anemia. The next step is to figure out which one.

RBC - red blood cells - Erythrocytes

Erythrocytes are red blood cells that transport hemoglobin and are responsible for the metabolic processes of tissues and organs. It is hemoglobin, or rather its iron, that colors these cells red.

What is the purpose of the research?

A referral for testing can be written by a doctor - pediatrician, surgeon, infectious disease specialist or hematologist. The norm of lymphocytes in the blood of children is determined for the purpose of:

  • diagnosing the presence of infectious diseases;
  • differential diagnosis of viral and bacterial infections;
  • determining the degree of immunity, which reflects the body’s ability to resist infectious agents;
  • diagnosing the presence of helminth infestation;
  • establishing the severity of an allergic reaction;
  • early detection of side effects from taking medications;
  • detection of immunodeficiency conditions;
  • primary differential diagnosis of leukemia (bleeding) and determining the effectiveness of the chosen treatment tactics.

The norm of lymphocytes in the blood of a child

Important: it is prohibited to independently establish a diagnosis and choose treatment methods.

Such tactics can lead to a delay in the appointment of effective therapies and, as a result, a deterioration in health. When making a final diagnosis, the doctor takes into account various methods of laboratory and instrumental examination of the patient.

The norm of lymphocytes (reference values) in children is collected in the table by age.

AgeNorm, *109 / l
Up to 12 months2 – 11,5
From 1 to 2 years2,5 – 9,8
From 2 to 4 years2 – 8,5
From 3 to 4 years2 — 8
From 4 to 6 years1,3 – 7,5
From 6 to 8 years1,5 — 7
From 8 to 10 years1,5 – 6,8
From 10 to 15 years1,3 – 5,5
Over 15 years old1 – 5

It is important to remember that the physiological norm is individual for each person. A slight excess of standard values ​​has no diagnostic value and can be caused by a number of reasons (improper preparation, violation of analysis technology, or errors at the preanalytical stage). In this case, a repeat study is indicated after 3-5 days.

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