Clostridia in the analysis for dysbacteriosis: what is dangerous about increasing the level of bacteria?
General information Clostridiosis (clostridium spp) is an infectious disease with an acute course. It is caused by clostridia
Ultrasound machine
What is pelvic ultrasound with Doppler, when and why is it necessary?
When is it prescribed? The pelvic organs are the bladder, in women the uterus with
X-ray of fallopian tubes reviews
X-ray examination of the fallopian tubes: how effective is the method?
Are HSG and ultrasound the same thing? HSG and ultrasound are
Is it possible to have surgery if you have a cold?
What tests are required before laparoscopy?
Author: Oleg Maltsev Not many people are interested in whether it is possible to have surgery for a cold,
general blood test indicators
What blood indicators indicate blood diseases: interpretation of the analysis
When a OAC is prescribed, a specialist prescribes a blood test to identify an infection in the body (including a viral one),
Why is MRI prescribed for diseases of the pancreas?
Diagnosis of pancreatic diseases using magnetic resonance imaging reveals functional and organic changes, condition
Everything you need to know about DNA paternity testing
DNA paternity testing is considered the gold standard by both the scientific and legal communities when
What are the consequences of the presence of acetone in the patient’s blood and urine?
Ketone bodies (syn. acetone bodies) are a group of organic compounds that are intermediate metabolic products
herbal healing after chemotherapy
How to quickly increase white blood cells in the blood after chemotherapy at home
Chemotherapy-induced decrease in the level of white blood cells in the blood, or leukopenia, is one of the most common
Photo: spermogram results transcript
How to decipher the results of a spermogram and understand whether they are normal or not
Spermogram: how does the procedure take place? Do you need to prepare for it? Preparation necessarily involves sexual abstinence
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