What do they look for on an ultrasound at the 37th week of pregnancy and what does the fetus look like, normal indicators in the table
Mother's condition at 37 weeks According to statistics, childbirth at 37 weeks occurs quite often,
How many weeks after fluorography can you get pregnant?
All the expectant mother thinks about is the long-awaited child and his condition. Each
What to take with you to the hospital A reminder that will be useful during hospitalization
What to take with you to the hospital: a list of personal belongings Slippers (preferably rubberized ones so that
Pregnancy ultrasound day
When can you find out if you are pregnant or not: determining the exact period before and after the delay
Every woman involuntarily thinks about the impending conception if she develops characteristic symptoms or
Formed elements of blood.jpg
When taking a smear, the cervix bleeds (reasons) || Cervix bleeds after cytology
A complete blood count means counting the number of cells in a venous blood sample. Capillary blood is not
The importance and information content of teleradiography in orthodontics
Projections in X-ray diagnostics X-ray projection is an image on a plane obtained during the passage of X-ray
What is atherosclerosis?
In what cases is a comprehensive examination of the body necessary?
Pain, itching, discomfort that interfere with your usual lifestyle is a sufficient reason to visit a doctor. But
Ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy
Indications for ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy: what will the study show and how is it done?
If a woman has not performed an ultrasound examination of the fetus at an earlier stage, then an ultrasound scan at
How to properly test for enterobiasis in a child; procedure technique
How and where to get a smear test for enterobiasis for children: a detailed algorithm
PCR analysis for enterobiasis Polymerase chain reaction is one of the most informative laboratory methods
FGDS and colonoscopy
Simultaneous FGDS and colonoscopy under anesthesia: advantages and disadvantages
Endoscopy is a modern and very popular research method. It is rightly called the gold standard
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