how to prepare for a biochemical blood test
how to prepare for a blood test for biochemistry
You are here: Blood test - Biochemical blood test Normal values ​​Indications for analysis Advantages
Computed tomography of the head
What does a CT scan of the facial skull show? Preparation, indications and contraindications
Computed tomography in modern medicine is considered the most accurate method for detecting pathology of bones and soft tissues.
Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky - an accurate assessment of kidney function
Why do a urine test according to Zimnitsky? Kidneys daily cleanse the blood of metabolic end products,
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What will the ultrasound result show at 7 weeks of pregnancy: is it possible to do the study?
Pregnancy for a woman is an exciting and responsible period associated with the birth of a long-awaited baby. State
Ultrasound image of 10 weeks of pregnancy
What is visible on an ultrasound at 10 weeks of pregnancy and is it worth doing it: normal and abnormalities
At the present stage of development of medicine, ultrasound examination is an integral part of diagnosing the female body in
Gastric biopsy using gastroscopy
How to decipher a cytological examination of the stomach
Confirming the diagnosis in the presence of signs of pathology of the digestive tract is the main task of the specialist. For this
Carrying out MRI during menstruation: impact on the result and cycle
One of the most accurate diagnostic methods is magnetic resonance imaging. Conduct research to identify
Test for toxoplasmosis during pregnancy
Blood test for toxoplasmosis: how to take it, explanation
Imagine that you are expecting a child and want to be able to decipher the test for toxoplasmosis yourself.
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11th week of pregnancy is a serious reason to do an ultrasound
Ultrasound at the 11th week of pregnancy is a unique research method that allows you to organize the first
Endometrial polyp on ultrasound: can it be seen, types and signs during scanning
Polyps in the uterus are a fairly common disease that can occur in women of any age.
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