Where can I donate blood for hCG?
If you donate blood for hCG after eating. Is hCG blood test taken on an empty stomach or not?
Where to donate blood for hCG? Unfortunately, not all district clinics have
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What not to do before taking a dog blood test
Blood tests are the basis of all medical examinations. Since many diseases, including
antibiotic sensitivity decoding rs
Urine culture for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics
Conditions for the growth of microorganisms Each type of bacteria requires individual living conditions: a certain level of acidity, humidity,
Hematuria infection diagram
Urinalysis for sterility - the norm and importance of indicators
Urinary tract infections are widespread among all age groups of the population. They are especially often affected
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Glucose in urine - normal indicators, renal threshold and reasons for increase
What is glucose in urine? The appearance of glucose in urine is a good reason for
Creatinine clearance (Rehberg test). What is it, how to calculate it, the norm
Creatinine is a special molecular product that arises as a result of various chemical processes (metabolism) in
Laboratory assistant with test tube
What does the tumor marker CYFRA 21-1 (cytokeratin fragment) show?
Oncology 12/18/201701/24/2019 Chernenko A. L. 2219 Views cyfra 21 1, oncology The problem of morbidity and
blood indicators for HIV
Complete blood count for HIV - indicators indicating the virus
Humanity realized the danger posed by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) too late. The disease it causes
two tubes of blood
Arterial blood gases: metabolic, respiratory acidosis, alkalosis
What is this analysis? Explaining the features of arterial blood gas analysis
Polymorphic rod in a smear: causes, examination, medical diagnosis and treatment
What is it? The vagina of a healthy woman is not sterile; it contains a large number of different
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