Normal ESR during pregnancy. What to do if you get promoted

During gestation, a lot of transformations occur in the body, which is noticeably reflected in the biochemical indicators of blood composition. One of the characteristic changes is a deviation from normal values ​​of erythrocyte sedimentation rate - usually ESR levels are increased during pregnancy, as is the level of leukocytes. The reasons for the increase are not always pathological in nature, so when this feature is identified, there is no need to immediately panic, sometimes this is a completely normal phenomenon.

What is ESR

According to Westergen, the concept of ESR stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
In turn, erythrocytes are red blood cells produced by the bone marrow. Red blood cells perform such an important function as nourishing tissues and organs through the delivery of oxygen; they consist of hemoglobin, due to which they bear the red color. The lifespan of red blood cells is 4 months. What happens to the cells next? After this time, the red blood cells are destroyed in the spleen and liver, new cells will be produced by the bone marrow. ESR in the blood of pregnant women is one of the main indicators. Westergren's ESR in pregnant women indicates the density of red blood cells in 1 microliter of blood. What does this indicator tell you? Through this analysis, it is possible to find out whether blood renewal is occurring in the proper volume, namely, whether it is happening on time and in a satisfactory quantity.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate value

Erythrocyte blood cells perform essential functions, delivering the necessary nutrition and oxygen to the body's cells. They are elastic and have no cores, which allows them to percolate through small capillary walls. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is not a specific blood indicator and is not interpreted separately, since it sometimes increases for a number of physiological reasons.

  • For example, in newborn babies this indicator is quite low, and by adolescence it is equal to the ESR of an adult. By reaching old age, red blood cells begin to settle much faster, i.e. ESR increases.
  • Some physiological conditions can also affect this indicator, we are talking about an increase in ESR during pregnancy. During pregnancy, a lot of changes occur in the female body, which also affect the hematopoietic system.
  • The biochemistry of pregnant and non-pregnant patients is very different. A laboratory blood test will show that during pregnancy, hemoglobin levels fall and ESR increases. It is the mother's red blood cells that supply the baby with oxygen and nutrients.

Red blood cells do not live long, only 120 days, after which they die in the spleen or liver, and are replaced by new red cells produced in the bone marrow structures. In the blood they are in suspended form, do not stick together and cannot be attracted, but when red cells enter an unnatural environment for them, they begin to precipitate. At first, weak and damaged red blood cells settle.

When biochemistry is being tested, blood is placed in a test tube and sodium citrate is added to prevent it from clotting. The biomaterial settles for an hour, then the height of the sedimentary column, which was formed during the settling of red cells, is recorded.

Reasons for decreased ESR

A decrease in this indicator is observed quite rarely and is usually regarded as a diagnostic error or error. Despite this, there are some reasons for this indicator to decrease below 2 mm/h in a healthy person, including a pregnant woman while carrying a child.

Theoretically, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate depends on the presence of protein molecules in the blood being tested. If their synthesis decreases, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate may decrease. However, in practice, an ESR of less than 2 is extremely rare. The main reasons leading to their appearance in pregnant women can be:

Oncological process. For the development of tumor tissue, a sufficiently high amount of protein molecules is required, the amount of which the body is not able to produce. Liver damage. Diseases of this organ often lead to increased protein synthesis, although, in some cases, suppression of its function is observed during pregnancy, causing both the maternal body and the fetus to suffer. Redistribution of blood. It is usually observed during multiple pregnancies or during the development of a fairly large fetus. At the same time, all the produced proteins are used to lay the tissues of the child, which leads to a decrease in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the women examined. Blood thinning. It can be observed after long-term use of antiplatelet drugs, as well as as a result of suppression of the activity of coagulation factors, which can be caused by physiological processes, as well as by some diseases, which are quite difficult to identify during pregnancy. Mental stress

Despite their apparent harmlessness, their influence on the human body, especially during pregnancy, is quite important. A pregnant woman should avoid various conflicts and quarrels, as they can significantly affect the state of the blood system and lead to significant disruptions in its functioning, including changes in ESR.

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Reasons for low values

In addition to an increase, the indicator may also show low values. Sometimes this happens at the very beginning of pregnancy, whereas normally it should be the other way around. There may be trivial reasons: stress, increased blood viscosity, even taking the necessary multivitamins (individual reaction of the body). All this comes into line with the norm as pregnancy progresses, if no pathological abnormalities are identified: the nervous system gets used to the increased load on it, the blood clotting system adapts to bearing a child, the doctor selects the necessary vitamin complex.

But the reasons are not always so obvious and easily eliminated. A decrease in ESR may indicate sickle cell anemia, decreased protein synthesis in the body, or erythremia. To correctly assess the situation, the doctor always considers the ESR, correlating it with other indicators: leukocytes, platelets, lymphocytes, mast cells, eosinophils. A urine test, coprogram, and feces for worm eggs are indicated.

Only with a complete picture of the pregnant woman’s health status does the doctor make a diagnosis or decide on additional examination.

Changes in ESR cannot be left unattended; this can lead to undesirable consequences for both the expectant mother and the child: the development of serious diseases, fetal hypoxia, early miscarriage, frozen pregnancy, intrauterine death and stillbirth.

Why does ESR increase in pregnant women?

Many women have heard that ESR increases in some dangerous diseases, including tumors and rheumatoid arthritis. But a pregnant woman’s body lives by slightly different rules. The following factors cause ESR to increase during pregnancy:

  • increased concentration of fibrinogen in the blood (which is typical for the last trimester). In this way, the body demonstrates that it is ready for a possible complication that arises during childbirth - bleeding;
  • anemia. Red blood cells that take part in fetoplacental blood circulation wear out and die faster than usual, and new ones do not have time to appear so quickly. This threatens not so much the woman as the fetus. The doctor will prescribe special iron supplements and a diet to eliminate anemia. This often happens in pregnant women, so you should not despair;
  • past infectious disease. After recovery, the ESR will remain elevated for about 2 weeks.

Common symptoms of erythropenia

Hypotension as a possible sign of erythropenia in pregnant women

Often a woman learns about a possible problem only after consulting a specialist. Manifestations of erythropenia can be confused with other frequent companions of pregnancy - increased fatigue and weakness. However, there are other, more specific signals that would suggest a decrease in the concentration of red blood cells:

  • low blood pressure;
  • Attacks of rapid heartbeat;
  • anemia of the mucous membranes;
  • cold palms (especially if such a symptom was not observed before pregnancy);
  • weakness, and in some cases fainting;
  • weight loss;
  • the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips;
  • increased fragility of nail plates;
  • sudden nosebleeds and bruising of the skin

The first symptoms are usually detected already at 4-5 months of pregnancy. It should be remembered that anemia develops gradually, so inattention to alarm signals can lead to very serious consequences over time.

OM during pregnancy

CO is one of the indicators of a general clinical blood test. Stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. This indicator is a nonspecific marker of inflammation of various origins. CO is usually determined from venous blood using the Wintrobe method.

CO is a fairly variable indicator in the human body. Thus, in a newborn child, CO is very slow; by adolescence, the CO rate is determined on a par with adults. In old age, the CO indicator is increased. Pregnancy also has its own certain fluctuations in this indicator.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes various changes from all organs and systems. The woman’s hematopoietic system is no exception. Biochemical indicators in the body of a pregnant and non-pregnant woman are very different from each other. When conducting a general clinical blood test, it has long been noted that a non-pregnant woman will have a normal number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and platelets, while a pregnant woman may have a decrease in hemoglobin and an increase in CO.

Normal CO during pregnancy

The CO level in pregnant women increases compared to the usual rate in women, which is up to 15 mm/h. The norm of CO in pregnant women ranges up to 45 mm/h.

The indicator of a general clinical blood test CO may indicate many inflammatory processes in the body, such as:

  • infection;
  • kidney disease;
  • endocrine system disease;
  • poisoning by chemical agents;
  • intoxication;
  • liver disease;
  • elderly age.

Why does CO increase during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the combination of protein fractions in the blood plasma changes, so increased CO during pregnancy is not a signal of an inflammatory process.

The norm of CO in the blood of pregnant women has its own dynamics of change. Thus, in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, CO may decrease, and towards the end of pregnancy and in the postpartum period, this indicator can increase sharply. It should be remembered that each organism is individual, and the dynamics of changes in CO during pregnancy can vary in different women, so increased CO in pregnant women in different trimesters up to 45 mm/h is not a cause for concern. A decrease in CO during pregnancy is also not a cause for concern. The reason for this process may be:

  • increased blood viscosity;
  • neuroses;
  • use of pharmaceuticals.

At the same time, a low CO indicator can occur with such pathologies as:

  • sickle cell anemia;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • starvation;
  • polycythemia.

Therefore, in some cases, you should still consult a doctor so that he can dispel all your doubts and determine the presence or absence of the disease.

Blood test - CO during pregnancy

A general clinical blood test during pregnancy must be taken 4 times:

  • in the first trimester;
  • at 21 weeks;
  • at 28 weeks;
  • before childbirth.

This analysis is a simple, inexpensive and effective method of monitoring body parameters and their changes. Performing this procedure will help to timely detect pathological changes in the blood system of a pregnant woman and correct them.

Laboratory error may also be the reason for the incorrect determination of this indicator in the body of a pregnant woman. If a false result is suspected, it is advisable to repeat the general clinical blood test in another laboratory.

When assessing the CO indicator during pregnancy, one cannot judge the overall picture and condition of the body by only one indicator

It is important to take into account all clinical blood test data for correct conclusions and correct diagnosis.

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Methods for identifying this indicator

The abbreviation stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
This value is important due to the hemoglobin content in the membrane of red blood cells. It is hemoglobin that ensures the delivery of oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body. This protein gives blood cells their red color. The lifespan of red blood cells, as a rule, does not exceed four months. After this, they settle in the liver and spleen, where they are completely destroyed. At this stage, the bone marrow produces new blood cells.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate during pregnancy

Deciphering the level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate can tell a lot. It depends on the woman's age:

  • in newborns – no more than 15 mm/h;
  • in women under 60 years old – 20 mm/h;
  • in women over 60 years old – 15 mm/h.

The main factor influencing ESR is the protein component of blood plasma. In women who are expecting the birth of a baby, this component changes significantly, which entails its increase.

To determine ESR during pregnancy you should:

  • conduct a general blood test, for this you need to donate blood from your finger on an empty stomach;
  • follow the recommendations according to which food intake before donating blood should be no earlier than 10 hours before the scheduled time of examination;
  • maintain emotional and physical peace, and also not perform physical procedures before this, all this can affect the number of leukocytes and ESR in the blood during pregnancy.

Also find out about the symptoms of hepatosis in pregnant women. Analysis for ESR during pregnancy is as follows.

  1. A pregnant woman donates blood.
  2. After this, the blood is combined with anticoagulants.
  3. This analysis is left for an hour.
  4. After this, the laboratory technician can conduct a subsequent study: the blood is divided into two components - plasma is on top, and red blood cells are at the bottom of the container.
  5. The laboratory technician measures the height of the plasma layer and calculates the erythrocyte sedimentation rate after one hour.

Typically the analysis is carried out at the following stages:

  • up to the 12th week;
  • at 21 weeks;
  • at 30 weeks.

The norm for pregnant women.

  1. The rate of erythrocytes in pregnant women can be 45 mm/h. It varies based on the individual characteristics of the female body. For example, the first trimester is characterized by both a decrease in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and its increase.
  2. The ESR norm during pregnancy in the 1st trimester ranges from 13 to 21 mm/h.
  3. The number 25 mm/h means the norm during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester.
  4. As for the last trimester, in almost all cases the value of the sedimentation rate jumps sharply. In the 3rd trimester, an analysis level of no higher than 45 mm/h is considered normal. As a rule, the increased result remains after childbirth and returns to normal after a few months. A level of 30 mm/h during pregnancy is acceptable in the third trimester.

Venous blood for analysis

There are cases that an elevated result in pregnant women is determined incorrectly, so sometimes the test should be retaken in a specialized clinic.

Term, trimesterNorm, mm/h

Reasons for deviation from the norm

There are several reasons why the speed of movement has become higher or lower.

Why is it rising?

ESR values ​​during the day can vary from 18 to 27 mm/h - this is the norm during pregnancy.

The main reasons for increased blood cell sedimentation rate include:

  1. The increase in fibrinogen reaches its maximum in the third trimester. The hormone is responsible for the rate of blood clotting. This is the norm for pregnant women.
  2. Anemia. Red blood cells in the female body can quickly break down and wear out. Therefore, the transport of oxygen to the fetus deteriorates.
  3. Vegetarians' ESR levels are always slightly higher than those of women who eat meat products.

A high level of oxygen transport (40-42 mm/h) often indicates a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Such data may also indicate the development of infectious and viral diseases. Therefore, if there are any deviations, you should undergo additional diagnostics and check if there are any pathological processes in the body of the expectant mother. You can find out whether there are deviations in the results using a special data decoding table.

Why is it going down?

A low rate is noted in the early stages of gestation, although normally it should increase. Most often, such deviations are observed due to taking medications, frequent stress and an increased rate of blood clotting.

However, such results are not always harmless. Such pathological processes may indicate the development of anemia, erythremia or hypoglobulinemia within the girl.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is one of the main indicators that an obstetrician-gynecologist looks at during diagnosis.

Treatment tactics

The tactics of therapy will directly depend on the diagnosis, since the blood cell sedimentation rate is not a separate type of disease: it is one of the signs of the manifestation of the disease. Small red cells indicate the presence of a problem in the body; if the disease is eliminated, then they will return to normal.

So, if the expectant mother has anemia or low hemoglobin, then foods with a high iron content are added to her menu: liver, apples, buckwheat, etc. If there are no positive results, drug treatment is carried out with drugs containing iron.

The specific treatment of each disease is of its own nature and should be prescribed by a doctor, because if the result of ESR is affected by caries, then it should be treated by a dentist, and varicose veins should be treated by a phlebologist. However, when treating any disease, the full picture is taken into account:

  • degree of development of the disease;
  • survey results;
  • gestational age;
  • general well-being.

A friend of mine has chronic tonsillitis, and during pregnancy the ESR increased as soon as the disease worsened. After treatment, the disease decreased, and so on throughout the pregnancy. Before birth, the rate was 65 mm/hour, the birth of the baby passed without complications. After two months, the ESR decreased, but even now her red blood cells are deposited at a rate of at least 15 mm/hour.

In order for the ESR to be within the acceptable range, the expectant mother needs to monitor her health. For this it is important:

  • follow all doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations;
  • eat properly and balanced;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • eliminate stressful conditions;
  • walk more in the fresh air.

It is not difficult to follow such simple rules, because by doing this you are showing love and care for your unborn baby. You need to learn to be a good mother from the first days of pregnancy, then the baby will be born healthy and happy.

ESR during pregnancy

A clinical blood test is a mandatory test for a pregnant woman. It allows you to control the pregnancy of a child and helps to identify significant deviations from the norm. It is necessary to carry out analysis throughout the entire period of pregnancy:

  • Upon registration: up to 12 weeks.
  • In the second trimester: 20–21 weeks.
  • In the third trimester: 28–30 weeks.
  • Before childbirth.

When carrying a child, significant fluctuations in blood sedimentation rate are observed. This is due to changes in the protein composition of plasma. At the beginning of the first half of pregnancy, a decrease in the indicator may occur, but then it increases, increasing almost 3 times relative to the norm. This phenomenon is associated with a physiological increase in the content of fibrinogen, a protein of the coagulation system, designed to reduce blood loss during childbirth.


A high rate of sedimentation of formed elements, which goes beyond normal values, should always alert the doctor. But before you come to any conclusions, you need to take a blood test again, because the laboratory’s mistakes have not been canceled. And only with a confirmed result should you think about possible pathology. Conditions that can cause an increase in ESR include:

  1. Inflammatory diseases.
  2. Various infections.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.
  4. Autoimmune diseases.
  5. Hemoblastoses.
  6. Anemia.
  7. Bleeding.
  8. Consequences of injuries and operations.

A sharp acceleration in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is always a reason to look for serious disorders in the body that can have an adverse effect on the course of pregnancy, as well as become a real threat to a woman’s health. Therefore, timely detection of pathological disorders is the key to their successful elimination.


There are also situations when the indicator in question decreases compared to normal values. While carrying a child, this is also associated with additional risks, because it can become a manifestation of the following conditions:

  1. DIC syndrome.
  2. Abnormalities in the shape of red blood cells.
  3. Hyperproteinemia.
  4. Leukocytosis.
  5. Hepatitis.

Despite the fact that ESR is a nonspecific blood test indicator, its sharp increase or decrease should not go unnoticed. But in such cases, additional examination is required to identify the reasons that caused deviations from the norm.

Laboratory indicators during pregnancy should be given due attention, because both the health of the woman herself and the development of her unborn child often depend on this

Reasons for the increase

High ESR during pregnancy can be observed due to the influence of various factors. Usually, you should not worry about increased results of this examination, because, often, this creates the most favorable conditions for bearing a fetus.

  1. An increase in the ESR rate during pregnancy may indicate that the child is developing.
  2. However, sometimes a deviation from the norm during pregnancy signals an inflammatory process. Therefore, you should undergo further examination and understand the true reason for the increased numbers.

The norm for weeks of pregnancy can fluctuate depending on many factors.

An increased level is possible for the following reasons:

  • decrease in hemoglobin;
  • increase in the number of leukocytes;
  • change in protein composition.

ESR of 40 mm/h during pregnancy is normal in the last trimester, but requires attention in the first two trimesters. With elevated levels, anemia and blood thinning are possible.

Sometimes changes in blood tests are a consequence of certain diseases:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • respiratory tract infections;
  • breast problems;
  • hepatitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • fungal infection.

An increased rate may indicate dangerous changes in a woman’s body. You should pay close attention to the results of your blood test, as sometimes changes may indicate the formation of a malignant tumor.

Research in the laboratory

Let's look at the dangers of a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

  1. Possible leukemia.
  2. Lymphoma.
  3. The appearance of plasmacytoma.

A sharp jump in the level of erythrocyte sedimentation can provoke kidney pathologies, the aggravation of which often occurs during pregnancy. There are cases when an increase in erythrocyte sedimentation indicates nephrotic syndrome and glomerulonephritis.

Why is this deviation dangerous?

  1. There are cases when the indicator changes due to the appearance of an inflammatory process in the pelvic area.
  2. The same reaction of the body can be observed with inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreas, and large intestine.
  3. Inflated test results for erythrocyte sedimentation rate can provoke concomitant diseases such as sinusitis, tonsillitis and even caries.
  4. When carrying a baby, a woman’s legs place a lot of strain, and circulatory problems often occur, resulting in varicose veins. This problem can also cause elevated erythrocyte sedimentation levels.
  5. Also, an increase in the indicator can be caused by toxicosis, allergies, and helminthiasis.

It should be noted that elevated levels will be reflected in the patient’s blood only 24 hours after the infection.

How to normalize ESR

It will take a lot of time to normalize the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of ill health. And then begin conservative treatment of the problem.

To avoid jumps in indicators and improve well-being, doctors recommend that expectant mothers:

  • drink dietary supplements with a high concentration of iron;
  • stick to the right diet
  • eat more fresh and stewed vegetables.

Such simple prevention methods will help normalize the indicators and protect the woman from serious consequences.

Why you need to take a blood test and what it can show will be explained in the video.

How is ESR determined?

Red blood cells have the ability to “stick together” with proteins and antibodies that are formed in the body during the inflammatory process. The resulting aggregates have a higher density than blood plasma. To determine ESR, a blood sample is placed in a narrow vessel, and after an hour the height of the column of settled plasma is measured. The stronger the body’s reaction to the “intruder,” the larger the protein-erythrocyte aggregate, and the faster it will settle to the bottom of the vessel under the influence of gravity.

There are two methods for performing this analysis. According to the Panchenkov method adopted in post-Soviet countries, a graduated capillary with a diameter of 1 mm is filled with blood. The international reference method is the determination of ESR according to Westergren, where blood settles in a cylindrical test tube. It is believed that with an increased ESR, the Westergren method gives more accurate results.

How is the analysis performed?

Determining ESR during pregnancy is a common and routine procedure. You can take this test at any antenatal clinic. To do this, the doctor will give the expectant mother a special medical form - a referral. She must visit the clinic with this document.

The test should be taken on an empty stomach. The procedure for collecting blood is no different from that for a general blood test. For convenience, doctors many years ago decided to include ESR in the results of this study.

Blood sampling can be carried out in two ways:

  1. The first is to pierce the finger with a special device. In this case, the laboratory assistant takes capillary blood for examination.
  2. The second method is an intravenous puncture. In this case, venous blood is sent for testing. Currently, the advantage is mainly with the second method. It is less traumatic and better tolerated by expectant mothers.

This analysis can also be done in a private laboratory. You do not need a doctor's referral for this. In this case, the woman takes the test on her own. Results are obtained within a few hours.

In a regular antenatal clinic it may be slightly longer. It depends on the workload of the laboratory. In this case, the period for obtaining results is usually 1-3 days.

The test procedure is extremely simple. To do this, the laboratory assistant places the required amount of blood into a special tube. An anticoagulant is also injected there. This composition is aged for an hour. During this time period, the blood is stratified into two components: formed elements and its liquid part (plasma).

After this, the laboratory assistant evaluates the thickness of the layer formed by the formed elements and also writes down the resulting erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Currently all studies are automatic. For this purpose, special laboratory analyzers are used. Such devices carry out analysis completely autonomously, and the “human factor” is almost completely eliminated.

Determination methods

During a normal pregnancy, a blood test for ESR is carried out: in the first trimester (up to 12 weeks), in the second (at 21 weeks), in the third (at 30 weeks). Analysis of ESR in pregnant women is subject to a specific algorithm:

  • Taking biological fluid from a finger.
  • Adding anticoagulants to the blood.
  • Place the test tube in a rack for 60 minutes.
  • Measuring the transparent part of blood and sediment with a ruler.
  • Interpretation of results by a doctor.

The ability of blood to separate into plasma and red blood cells with the precipitation of the latter was known to the ancient Greeks, but it became firmly established in medical practice only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Today there are several methods for obtaining ESR data:

  • The Westergren method is recognized as the most reliable, in which capillary blood is taken and diluted with sodium citrate in a concentration of 3.8%. After an hour, the amount of erythrocyte sediment is measured.
  • The Panchenkov method involves an anticoagulant solution with a concentration of 5% and the height of the transparent plasma is measured.
  • Study of ESR using analyzers, which themselves carry out all the necessary manipulations within a short period of time and issue a printout with the results obtained.

Of all three methods, the Westergren method is recognized as the most accurate, since it is most sensitive to the test being carried out and to all factors influencing it. This is especially important given the ability of ESR (ROE) to increase, therefore, despite the modern capabilities of quickly obtaining an analysis, the ESR norm in pregnant women is measured precisely by this method.

What indicators are considered normal?

For pregnant girls, the norm is considered to be an erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 15–17 mm/h. After the baby is conceived, the data changes. In each trimester, the values ​​​​change due to cardinal changes in the body. In the first months up to the 12th week, the ESR level rises sharply from 11 to 20 mm/h.

In the second trimester, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate accelerates to 22-23 mm/h. By the end of bearing the baby, the values ​​reach the maximum level: 50–54 mm/h.

Sometimes after fertilization of the egg, the level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate can decrease significantly and rise sharply. Most often, the indicators remain normal for 7–8 months of bearing the baby. And already at 36-37 weeks the level gradually increases upward.

It is important to take into account the fact that high speeds (50–54 mm/h) are considered normal only at the end of pregnancy from 28 to 38 weeks of gestation. If the ESR level increases at 24-25 weeks, then this is considered a deviation and requires additional examination of the girl in position.

What to do if ESR is not normal

A high or low ESR in itself is not a disease, but is considered only a possible sign of an inflammatory process. If a significantly increased or decreased ESR is detected during pregnancy, additional examination is usually carried out to determine the cause of the disorder.

If the change in ESR is explained solely by physiological changes in the body during pregnancy, no correction is required. This figure returns to normal three months after birth. If, as a result of the examination, it is discovered that the SOE is affected by any disease, then this disease is treated.

What to do with elevated ESR

The question of the need for therapy for elevated ESR is decided solely by the doctor. If the cause of such a deviation from the norm is any disease, then drug treatment will most likely be required.

When the cause of an increased ESR lies in anemia, experts recommend that the patient reconsider her diet. It should be as balanced as possible. It would also be useful to take fortified preparations.

The ESR indicator can also be affected by insufficiently strong immunity. In this case, pregnant women should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Maintain the correct daily routine.
  2. Spend more time outdoors.
  3. Develop a full menu.
  4. Ensure yourself adequate rest.

The resulting decoction is taken in the morning, 50 grams for 10 days. The prepared product must be stored in the refrigerator.

You can prepare various decoctions of medicinal plants. You should choose those that have the ability to relieve inflammation. These include chamomile, sea buckthorn, linden blossom, calendula and some others. Take 1 tablespoon of these products twice a day. Before such treatment, you must consult a doctor.

Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from self-medicating. If there is an abnormal ESR in the blood test, consult your gynecologist. If necessary, he will redirect you to another specialist.

What will help normalize the ESR indicator?

If a value is detected in test results that does not correspond to the norm, it is important for a pregnant woman to remain calm and not panic ahead of time. Consulting with a doctor and finding out the reasons for the abnormal ESR level will be the first step to stabilize the situation. In the future, the expectant mother must take certain measures. Remember that a woman’s actions affect the condition of the fetus.

Table: reminder for mothers with elevated test results

Treatment of concomitant diseases, inflammatory processes or infections.
Control your diet by adding foods rich in vitamins and minerals to your diet, especially fruits, vegetables and legumes.
Taking special vitamin preparations that help influence specific conditions of the pregnant woman, for example, folic acid and B vitamins.
Timely completion of additional examinations, allowing timely detection of violations of health indicators and response to their occurrence.

ESR in the blood is an important indicator of the normal functioning of the circulatory system, so it is regularly checked, and based on the results, the doctor determines further actions or medications during pregnancy.

  • Author: Ekaterina Bandurka
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How is diagnostics carried out?

This type of study is carried out at 12, 21 and 30 weeks. If a woman develops symptoms of the disease, the indicator is determined unscheduled.

Signs of abnormalities

The main task of red blood cells is to saturate cells with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. If this algorithm is violated, the following symptoms appear:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • feeling of chills;
  • decreased appetite;
  • pale skin;
  • increased heart rate;
  • fatigue, weakness.

These symptoms may be the result of an excessive increase in the indicator due to an infectious disease or inflammatory process. The doctor evaluates the symptoms and decides on the need for diagnosis.


Diagnosis can be carried out using the Panchenkov method. In this case, capillary blood is needed. A general blood test is taken from a finger prick. The laboratory test looks like this:

  • After blood is collected in the laboratory, it is exposed to an anticoagulant (sodium citrate solution is used). This prevents clotting. To continue the study, the test tube with the material is left for 1 hour.
  • The density of red blood cells is higher than that of plasma. For this reason, they settle at the bottom of the container, and the plasma remains on top. The rate of sedimentation is determined by the degree of aggregation of red bodies, i.e. ability to connect. The laboratory technician evaluates the thickness of the upper layer and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

There is another diagnostic method called the Westergren method. It differs from the previous one in the calibration of the result and the characteristics of the containers used.

This is the most accurate way to determine ESR in the blood during pregnancy, more sensitive in the area of ​​​​high levels. The Panchenkov vessel has 100 divisions, and the Westergren method uses a scale of 200 divisions. The study allows you to determine the presence of abscesses, arthritis of rheumatoid and psoriatic origin, lupus erythematosus. The method detects vasculitis, septic processes, polymyositis. For this type of study, venous blood is required:

  1. The doctor tightens the forearm.
  2. After treatment with an antiseptic, a needle is inserted into the elbow area.
  3. During blood sampling, you need to clench and unclench your fist several times.
  4. After collecting the required amount of material, the needle is removed and the injection site is treated with alcohol.

To obtain reliable diagnostic results, the test must be taken on an empty stomach. You should stop eating 10 hours before the test. It is important to exclude physical exercise and any physical procedures during this period of time. It is also necessary to maintain a balanced emotional background.

Low rate

A low ESR in a pregnant woman is less common than a high one. Only a reading below 2 mm/h is dangerous. Such a sharp decrease signals serious pathologies. In other cases, a low level can be considered a variant of the norm, especially in the first two trimesters. The decrease in values ​​during pregnancy is caused by:

  • stress;
  • neuroses;
  • depression;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • taking steroid drugs.

Most often, the slow separation of blood bodies from plasma indicates that the expectant mother’s body lacks nutrients. Now they need twice as much to meet the needs of the fetus. Toxicosis, monotony of diet, loss of appetite lead to a lack of vitamins. If this is the reason, then treatment involves adjusting the diet.

During the period of bearing a baby, you need to follow simple rules: eat well, focus on iron-containing foods, walk a lot, avoid overwork and stress. Before pregnancy, it is important to cure all diseases. Then the tests will be normal.

A high or low ESR is not a reason to panic; only a doctor can determine whether there is a serious reason for such indicators or whether they are an individual norm. The doctor evaluates the analysis comprehensively: ESR, characteristics of platelets, leukocytes. It also takes into account the overall clinical picture. The expectant mother should not get upset ahead of time; she needs to trust the doctor, follow his instructions and not self-medicate.

How to lower ESR in the blood?

First you need to find out what caused the increase in the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation. This may require additional diagnostic measures, which will be prescribed by the attending physician. An increase above 45-53 mm/hour may indicate problems in the development of the fetus or severe inflammatory processes in the mother’s body. As mentioned above, if the indicators increase to 35-36 mm/hour, this is considered a variant of the norm. Ideally, ESR should not exceed 26 millimeters per hour.

If the cause of high ESR is iron deficiency anemia, medications containing iron are prescribed and the diet is adjusted, adding more meat, fish and flour products.

Table of iron and vitamin needs during pregnancy

Recurrent infectious diseases do not require drug intervention. Indicators of the rate of sedimentation of red cells in this case are normalized after the mother has fully recovered.

Methods that normalize ESR

If a woman has an increased ESR value in her test results, it can be normalized using the following methods:

  • Cure all existing diseases, if they are treatable, infections and inflammatory processes
  • The expectant mother should control her diet. To do this, it is recommended to add foods that are rich in nutrients to your daily menu.
  • Be sure to take special vitamin complexes that will help the body return to normal.
  • In addition to iron supplements, the doctor will prescribe B vitamins and folic acid

In addition to the above points, it is necessary to undergo additional examinations that will help detect problems in the health of the expectant mother. Among them is a study of the level of ESR in the blood, which will help prevent possible diseases in time.

Information on the video - for pregnant women:

20 Oct 2020 Yuki 433

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Physiological reasons for high rates

If it is discovered that the expectant mother’s red blood cells settle faster than normal, then it is important to find the cause of this phenomenon. If before conception such indicators in most cases indicate the presence of a disease, then during the gestation period high numbers do not necessarily signal a serious problem. ESR during pregnancy most often rises above acceptable values ​​in the following cases:

  • In the third trimester. By this time, the level of fibrinogen in the blood of pregnant women increases significantly. This substance is responsible for the clotting of blood fluid. Its increase is a regularity: this is how the body “reinsures itself” against possible bleeding. Fibrinogen affects the ability of blood cells to separate from plasma. An elevated ESR may be normal at the peak of the 3rd trimester. Confusion with results may occur if the deadline is incorrectly defined.
  • For anemia. When carrying a baby, a woman's body puts a lot of stress on it. It is also felt by the blood buffer systems. Red blood cells have to deliver oxygen to the fetus. Over time, the blood cells are destroyed. If everything is in order in the body, they are replaced with new ones. But with anemia, the rapid formation of red blood cells is impossible: the body lacks important substances. This is manifested by accelerated sedimentation of blood cells, which is determined by examining blood fluid.
  • For varicose veins. The load on the legs of pregnant women increases significantly. Because of this, blood circulation in the lower extremities is impaired. The result is varicose veins. ESR increases with this disease.

If the reason for the increase in values ​​lies in one of the above points, then it is considered physiological. It is also considered normal if the numbers increase due to toxicosis or an allergic reaction.

Methods for measuring ESR

After conceiving a baby, a girl must undergo a general blood test 4 times throughout the pregnancy:

  1. Before registering at the antenatal clinic.
  2. 20–22 weeks after fertilization.
  3. At 26–30 or 32 weeks.
  4. In the last days before childbirth.

Depending on the equipment and qualifications of doctors, the test is carried out in two ways:

  • according to Panchenkov (diagnosis of capillary blood);
  • according to Westergren (diagnosis of blood from a vein).

According to the Panchenkov method, the collected blood is placed in a capillary pipette along with sodium citrate. An hour later, the laboratory assistant determines how much the red blood cell count has dropped. These indicators indicate how quickly red blood cells settle on the walls of blood vessels. Sometimes errors are observed during diagnosis. Therefore, the results of the first test are not always accurate.

When performing a test using the Vstergren method, the sample is placed in a vacuum tube with a reagent (anticoagulant) and fixed on a stand. Test results are calculated automatically. If, according to the Westergren method, at 33-34 weeks of the baby’s development, the ESR level has reached 57-59 mm/h, then this indicates the development of pathology of the internal organs.

General blood test during pregnancy: norm in the table

After taking a general blood test during early pregnancy, the woman or the attending physician is given a form on which the numbers of indicators are written. Each of them has its own norm, depending on the trimester of pregnancy.

Indicator nameFirst trimesterSecond trimesterThird trimester
Hemoglobin, g/l111-160110-146108-141
Red blood cells, 1012l3,4-5,53,3-4,73,6-5,8
Color index0,85-1,160,85-1,160,85-1,16
Platelets, 109l180-320180-320200-330
Leukocytes, 109l5,9-10,17,1-10,46,8-10,3
Young neutrophils, %000
Band neutrophils, %1-51-51-5
Segmented neutrophils %40-7040-7040-70
Basophils %0-10-10-1
Eosinophils %1-51-31-3
Lymphocytes %16-3416-3416-34
Monocytes, %3-83-74-9
ESR, mm/h234451

If the general blood test indicator during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is significantly changed, additional diagnostic tests are prescribed to find out the cause of the condition.

Female norm

The normal ESR rate for women who are not expecting a baby is considered to be 3 – 15 mm/h. The indicator depends on various reasons, but primarily on age and the presence of diseases. Cells settle faster when:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • development of neoplasms;
  • ailments of the genitourinary system;
  • kidney diseases;
  • bleeding (even menstrual).

A low value indicates excessive viscosity of the blood fluid. This happens if there is too much protein in the blood. Low levels are often observed in girls who adhere to strict diets.

ESR: understanding the concept

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is what is encoded in the abbreviation ESR. Sometimes this concept is called a reaction, and the first letter in the abbreviation changes accordingly. An erythrocyte is a cell that forms in the bone marrow. This is an important component of blood fluid. Each cell contains hemoglobin, which is “responsible” for its characteristic color. The main function of red blood cells is transport. Thanks to them, human tissues and organs receive oxygen and various useful substances.

There are trillions of such cells in the body. However, they tend to “wear out”. The old ones are replaced by new ones, the production of which is actively carried out by the bone marrow. One cell lives for about one hundred and twenty days. After the expiration of the period, sedimentation occurs in the liver and spleen. There the old blood cells are destroyed.

ESR is an important indicator in blood tests. He will not tell you about any specific disease, but he will indicate that there is a problem in the body. This will give impetus for further diagnosis.

Blood cell velocity is the ability of blood cells to detach from plasma. If a glass test tube is placed vertically and blood is poured into it, then under the influence of gravity the blood cells will begin to sink to the bottom of the container. Over time, they will all be at the bottom, and plasma will be at the top. The number of cells that sank down in an hour is a speed indicator that is of interest for diagnostics.

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