Hematocrit in a 3 month old child. What does it mean to have a low (below normal) hematocrit in a child’s blood?

Folk remedies

In addition to drug treatment, traditional medicine is quite effective in correcting hematocrit.
To normalize the ratio of formed elements to total blood volume in case of anemia, you should take:

  • various fruit cocktails and mixtures of: currant, peach, apple, pomegranate;
  • tomato juice;
  • fresh carrot salad: 100 g of product with 2 tbsp. l. sour cream 20-30% fat for 1 month;
  • apples with pork fat, egg yolks, sugar and chocolate: grate 5-6 apples (Antonovka variety) in 400 g of pork fat and put in the oven (no more than 80°C) for 1.5-2 hours, then add 12 chicken egg yolks , separated in advance and mixed with grated dark chocolate (400g). Take orally, 4 times a day, after meals, with warm milk.

With elevated hematocrit values, you can take an infusion of yarrow, meadowsweet and budra (50% of the total collection), adding celery leaves, parsley and immortelle.

Two tablespoons of the resulting herbal mixture are poured into a thermos (2 liters) and poured with boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours. For treatment, the dose should be divided into 4 servings (500 ml each) and taken throughout the day. The resulting infusion restores kidney function and relieves inflammation in the body.

For erythrocytosis (increased number of red blood cells in the blood), taking an infusion of garlic (200g) and honey (300g) will be effective. The ingredients are thoroughly crushed and mixed, after which they are allowed to brew for 3 weeks. Take 1 tbsp. 3 rubles/day, for 30 min. before meals.

Diet therapy

Diet therapy is aimed at eliminating from the diet: alcoholic beverages, fatty, dried and fried foods.

If the hematocrit decreases, add foods rich in iron and protein to the diet:

  • seaweed;
  • beef liver;
  • parsley;
  • beans;
  • sea ​​fish and caviar;
  • cranberries, apples, peaches.

With elevated levels, foods rich in vitamins are indicated to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, butter);
  • grated vegetables and fruits.

Compliance with dietary table No. 11 (consumption of boiled and steamed food). This limitation is associated with the loss of salts by the body, as well as a violation of the water-salt balance.


Very rarely, a decrease in hematocrit in laboratory tests is due to physiological factors.

Usually, the decrease in men is due to the progression of pathological disorders in the body:

  • massive blood loss as a result of various injuries, internal bleeding of various etiologies;
  • fanatical adherence to diets without consultation with a nutritionist;
  • impairment of motor activity, forced adherence to bed rest for a long period of time;
  • , in which there is a disruption in the formation of new red blood cells;
  • genetic diseases that lead to structural damage to blood cells and disruption of their life span;
  • decreased properties of the blood coagulation system;
  • caused by oncological lesions of the circulatory system;
  • retention of a large amount of fluid in the body - hyperhydration, which is observed in diseases of the urinary system, with the development of infectious processes, during infusion therapy;
  • as one of the possible complications of the second half of pregnancy.

Based on other examinations, the doctor has the opportunity to assume that a patient with reduced hematocrit values ​​has the following diseases:

  • types of anemia that are accompanied by a decrease in the number of red blood cells;
  • malignant forms of oncological diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • the presence of chronic foci of inflammation in the body;
  • of various etiologies;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

Reasons for increased hematocrit

If the indicator changes upward, one can suspect disturbances in the body by 3 mechanisms at once:

  • the number of formed elements is stable, but the plasma volume decreases;
  • the concentration of bodies increases due to increased production of red blood cells (erythrocytosis occurs);
  • the number of all cells increases simultaneously.

Hematocrit increases due to a decrease in the liquid fraction of blood during hydronephrosis and a decrease in the absorption capacity of the kidneys. Plasma loss can occur due to burns (starting from 2nd degree), when many fluid-filled blisters form. Sweating of plasma into the abdominal cavity occurs with peritonitis, diseases of the internal organs accompanied by ascites (for example, with chronic heart failure). The cause may also be edema caused by peripheral circulatory disorders (thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities, diabetes mellitus).

Blood naturally thickens when dehydrated. Massive losses of fluid force the body's cells to take it from the accessible connective tissue (blood), which increases its saturation with bodies. This happens when:

  • severe diarrhea, vomiting;
  • exposure to dry or hot conditions (when a lot of water is lost through sweat and breathing);
  • drinking too little fluid;
  • treatment with diuretics.

The concentration of red cells in the blood increases with erythrocytosis. They can be primary, that is, provoked by disorders in the functioning of the bone marrow (this includes erythremia), or secondary. The latter develop with an increase in the synthesis of the hormone erythropoietin, which stimulates the maturation of red elements and their release into the systemic bloodstream. Most often, the provocateurs are neoplasms and kidney cysts. Some glucocorticoid medications and anabolic steroids can also trigger this process.

Erythrocytosis may be hypoxic. Then it acts as a protective reaction of the body to chronic lack of oxygen. This is observed when:

  • heart defects;
  • erythro- and hemoglobinopathies;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • respiratory diseases (chronic bronchitis, emphysema).

Natural provocateurs of erythrocytosis and high hematocrit can be active and prolonged smoking. Then hemoglobin binds to combustion products (which are inhaled along with cigarette smoke), forms stable complexes and can no longer be used for oxygen transport. To adapt to such conditions, the bone marrow produces more cells to transport it.

If a person lives in high mountains and often flies long distances, natural erythrocytosis occurs as a response to inhalation of rarefied air. To “get” the required amount of oxygen from it, more hemoglobin and cells carrying it will be required.

High hematocrit is observed in leukemia and polycythemia vera. In this case, the cause of the deviations is an increase in the number of not only red blood cells, but also platelets (thrombocytosis), segmented neutrophils (neutrophilia). The changes are caused by myeloproliferative processes in the bone marrow and increased division of progenitor cells. Anemia, in particular B12- and folate-deficiency anemia, can provoke deviations in the hematocrit number.

Changes in hematocrit

Above normal

The hematocrit may increase in a child due to one of these two processes:

  1. The number of formed elements increases.
  2. Plasma volume decreases.

In childhood, an increase in hematocrit is most often caused by dehydration, which can be caused by fever, intestinal infection, lack of fluids, overheating, or physical activity. To compensate for the loss of fluid, the body takes in plasma, so there are more blood cells in the bloodstream than normal.

Another common cause of high hematocrit is chronic lack of oxygen. It can be provoked by lung diseases, heart defects, diabetes mellitus, and exposure to mountainous areas. In a child’s body, during hypoxia, the formation of red blood cells is activated, which affects the hematocrit.

In addition, increased hematocrit is diagnosed when:

  • Polycythemia.
  • Long-term use of glucocorticoids.
  • Use of diuretics.
  • Burns.
  • Bleeding.
  • Leukemia.
  • Injuries.
  • Peritonitis.
  • Diseases in which blood coagulation is impaired.
  • Kidney diseases.

The main danger of increasing hematocrit is the deterioration of the movement of thicker blood through the vessels and the formation of clots that block small vessels, impairing the functioning of internal organs. That is why, if the indicator is 10-12% higher than the upper limits of the norm, this should not go unnoticed by the doctor.

The pediatrician will evaluate other blood test data and refer the child for additional examinations, and then prescribe therapy, as a result of which the hematocrit will return to normal.

Hematocrit is reduced - what does this mean?

Deviation of values ​​from existing standards is an indication for further examination of the patient. To find out why the hematocrit is low, what this means in a woman, hardware research methods are prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Ultrasound of the liver;
  • examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

To find out why the hematocrit is below the established norm, what this means, doctors also take into account the time of the analysis. During menstruation and a few days after its end, the hematocrit level in girls decreases. Hematocrit is also below normal during pregnancy, which a woman is often unaware of during pregnancy.

Hematocrit is reduced - reasons

When the hematocrit is low, what kind of disorder it is and what is connected with it can only be determined by a specialist. The interpretation of the analysis is carried out exclusively by doctors who have information about the general condition of the patient’s body, his diseases and chronic pathologies. Among the disorders and conditions accompanied by a decrease in hematocrit:

  1. Aplastic anemia is caused by congenital and hereditary diseases, toxic damage to the bone marrow.
  2. Hemolysis is the resolution of blood cells in congenital anomalies of red blood cells, a decrease in their elasticity, and diseases of the spleen.
  3. Overhydration is the introduction of a large amount of fluid into the body during infusion.
  4. An increase in the volume of proteins and salts in the plasma, which leads to a relative decrease in the concentration of blood cells.
  5. Pregnancy.

Low hematocrit - symptoms

The fact that the hematocrit is low can be suspected by a number of characteristic signs. Most of them do not have specificity, so patients often do not attach importance to them. Among the main symptoms of a decrease in hematocrit in the body:

general malaise - a decrease in the concentration of red blood cells leads to a decrease in the volume of oxygen delivered by blood cells to organs and tissues;

  • constant fatigue;
  • the appearance of a feeling of lack of air;
  • pale skin;
  • tachycardia;
  • hair loss;
  • frequent headaches.

Why is low hematocrit dangerous?

A reduced hematocrit in the blood indicates insufficient production of red blood cells - erythrocytes. These formed elements are responsible for delivering oxygen and some nutrients to the organs and tissues of the body. A decrease in their concentration is fraught with the development of chronic hypoxia - constant oxygen starvation. This phenomenon negatively affects the functioning of the brain. Memory impairment, decreased ability to concentrate, and mental activity are directly related to cerebral hypoxia.

A hematocrit below normal (what this means is indicated above) is the cause of anemia. As a result, a disruption of hematopoietic processes occurs. Such patients are more often susceptible to colds and infectious diseases, and constantly experience weakness and fatigue. Other negative consequences of low hematocrit include:

  • heart disease;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • deterioration of kidney function (toxins are poorly removed from the body, intoxication is possible).

What can affect the hematocrit rate?

For children under 12 years of age, the permissible limits of Ht are identical and are in the range presented in the table:

  • 33–63% – in newborns;
  • 32–44% – for infants aged from 2 weeks to 3 months;
  • 36–44% – in babies under one year old;
  • 33–41% – for children from 1 to 5 years;
  • 33–42% is the norm from 5 to 12 years.

After 12 years of age, adolescents begin puberty, and in girls, due to the established menstrual cycle, the number of red blood cells may decrease slightly. From this age until the age of eighteen, the following hematocrit index values ​​are considered optimal:

  • 35–45% – for boys;
  • 34–44% – in girls.

Minor one-time deviations from the norm are not considered by specialists as a serious pathology. The results of the analysis may be influenced by external factors and errors when taking the material. If the discrepancies with the standard values ​​are significant or dynamic, the child is sent for additional examination to determine the pathology that caused the change in the number of red blood cells.

The reason for the increased Ht in the blood test results may be that the child did not drink for a long time before the blood was taken. However, in this case, the increase in hematocrit will not be critical, and repeated analysis will not show deviations. The change in the indicator may also be associated with an increase in body temperature at the time of taking the biomaterial. Dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhea also affects the result.

Pathological processes accompanied by a significant increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood of children include:

  • kidney disease, which affects metabolism;
  • various abnormalities in the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • injuries and burns of the skin;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • leukemia (leukemia, aleukemia, leukemia);
  • severe condition of the body due to inflammation of the parietal and visceral layers of the peritoneum;
  • gene mutations that provoke the appearance of a bone marrow tumor, in which blood cells are produced in quantities exceeding those necessary for the normal functioning of the body due to a disruption in the process of division of the myelopoiesis precursor cell;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hypoxia;
  • long-term uncontrolled use of glucocorticosteroids.

Small deviations from the permissible hematocrit values ​​towards a decrease are most often caused not by serious pathologies, but by poor and unbalanced nutrition, frequent viral and bacterial infections or low hemoglobin levels. When it comes to teenage girls, the cause of low Ht may be blood loss due to heavy menstruation.

Serious pathologies that contribute to a significant decrease in the hematocrit index include:

  • bone marrow diseases, in which red blood cells are formed in insufficient quantities for the body;
  • increased levels of proteins in the blood (with multiple myeloma, macroglobulinemia, cryoglobulinemia, hyperglobulinemic purpura);
  • disturbances in water-salt metabolism, accompanied by an increase in the amount of water in the patient’s blood (the child’s blood is too thin);
  • various types, forms and degrees of anemia;
  • significant blood loss caused by serious injury or illness;
  • various blood diseases in which red blood cells break down much faster than in a healthy person;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of certain organs (spleen, kidneys or liver);
  • oncological diseases.

To normalize the hematocrit level, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the underlying disease. To do this, visit the local pediatrician, who will refer the child for additional examination, and based on its results, he will tell you which specialist to contact.

Minor deviations from the norm can be corrected by providing the baby with proper and nutritious nutrition. The daily diet should be supplemented by taking vitamin complexes and iron-containing medications (liquid formulations are especially effective); such therapy is most relevant for low hematocrit and low hemoglobin at the same time. If the number of red blood cells increases, it is necessary to increase the volume of fluid consumed by the child.

Mothers during lactation should avoid cigarettes and alcohol. The harmful substances they contain are transmitted to the baby through milk and have a detrimental effect on the composition of the baby's blood.

In fact, the hematocrit number determines the thickness of the blood. When the hematocrit is low, the blood is too thin; when it is high, the blood is too thick. Red blood cells make up 99 percent of all blood cells, so their number is decisive.

Remember that the tests are done not so much for you as for the specialists. It’s good to understand what’s what and what certain meanings mean, but it’s better not to make independent decisions and not self-medicate. Each situation requires an individual approach. For example, in the case of increased hematocrit, first you need to determine what exactly led to it.

Hematocrit is measured as a percentage, so the indicators are different for each age. Normal hematocrit in children:

  • on the fifth day of life and before the end of the first month - 53-49%.
  • for infants up to one year old – 45%;
  • in children from 1-3 to 5 years old – 35%;
  • in children from 5 to 9-10 years old – 37%;
  • in children aged 10-15 years – 39%;
  • in children over 15 – 47%.

It is worthwhile to carefully examine the table and, at the slightest deviation, contact a doctor who will help you understand what is causing the high indicators and prescribe preventive actions.

Hematocrit level norms

The hematocrit value is different for children of different ages. Newborns have more blood cells than plasma, but by the end of the first week of life their ratio becomes equal, after which the liquid part of the blood begins to predominate.

Normal hematocrit values ​​will be the following numbers:

A blood viscosity test is prescribed for people who have severe symptoms of dehydration, severe vomiting due to poisoning, or diarrhea. Biological indicators are affected by the age and gender of a person. Doctors have a special formula used to establish the hematocrit number. It is calculated as follows:

  1. The content of red blood cells is determined as a percentage or as a fractional component.
  2. The result obtained is multiplied by 0.001.

A high hematocrit in newborns is considered normal. The value of this indicator is 20-30% higher than in adults. Then the number of red blood cells decreases sharply. It is considered normal when the hematocrit value in the blood is 40-45%. In pregnant women, the number of red blood cells begins to decrease from the 20th week, and then returns to normal after childbirth.

Among women

Blood tests are interpreted taking into account the age and health status of the patients:

  • For young women under 30 years of age, the figure should not be more than 43%.
  • After 35 years, a value of 44-46% is considered normal.
  • During pregnancy, the norm decreases to 35-40%. This fluctuation in indicators is due to the fact that the fetus begins to actively develop.

In children

At birth, babies have a normal hematocrit of 60-65%. Blood sampling for determination is carried out from the umbilical cord. At 2 weeks this figure decreases to 56%. Mild erythrocytosis persists for up to 1 month. The hematocrit value at this time reaches 50%. Closer to the year the figure decreases to 40%. In adolescents aged 12-13 years, regardless of gender, the ratio of red blood cells to plasma should not be more than 41%.

In men

Gender affects the amount of hormones in the body. In men, the amount of estrogen in the body is lower, so the blood is thicker and the blood vessels are susceptible to the formation of blood clots. Standards:

  • In boys under 20 years of age, the hematocrit should not exceed 48%.
  • From 20 to 50 years, a value of 46-49% is considered normal.
  • After 50 years, an increase in the rate to 49.5% is permissible.

An increase or decrease in the number of red blood cells can be caused not only by serious illness or exposure to traumatic factors such as burns. In people who like to smoke, the hematocrit is higher than normal, because the process of inhaling tobacco provokes oxygen starvation of the tissues. The patient may not even realize that his body is in a state of constant stress. The hematocrit rate may change for the following reasons:

  • Continuous or occasional work at height. Residents of high mountain areas and climbers are susceptible to the influence of this factor.
  • Taking anabolic steroids, which provoke muscle growth, lowers hemoglobin. As a result, the hematocrit number decreases.

Red blood cell volume (hematocrit) is the total number of white blood cells and red blood cells in the blood plasma, expressed as a percentage. The indicator takes into account all formed elements, but red blood cells have diagnostic value. In simple terms, the hematocrit determines the viscosity of the blood. In the study protocol it is designated by the following abbreviation – HCT.

The research sample is capillary or venous blood. The biomaterial taken for research is placed in a graduated glass tube and centrifuged in the laboratory. After separating the blood components, the results are calculated using the measuring scale of the test tube.

The normal value for adults is:

  • formed elements – 45%;
  • blood plasma – 65%.

If hematocrit is examined in children, the norm depends on age and presents the following picture:

  • in infants – 56%;
  • from the 5th day of life to a month – 53-45%;
  • from one to 5 years this figure varies from 35 to 37%;
  • at the age of 10 years –39%;
  • in adolescents it is 47%.

The deviation of the hematocrit number indicates the degree of blood concentration.

In the process of growth and development, the functionality of the child’s body constantly changes. Therefore, it is important to regularly evaluate the cellular composition of the circulatory system in order to diagnose any pathological changes in time.

Hematocrit is below normal - what does this mean?

A low hematocrit in an adult indicates a reduction in the number of red blood cells in the blood. In this case, the doctor will prescribe additional laboratory tests and instrumental diagnostic methods.

Among the laboratory indicators, it is important to determine: the level of iron and ferritin, as well as evaluate the biochemical parameters of the blood. Of the instrumental methods, it is preferable to conduct an ultrasound examination of the digestive organs, liver and pelvis

Based on the results of a comprehensive examination and the patient’s collected medical history, the doctor determines the cause of the low hematocrit.

It should be borne in mind that if a woman submitted biomaterial for analysis during menstruation, then the hematocrit is below normal - this is a standard phenomenon. During this period, the woman loses a certain amount of blood, which means the level of red blood cells decreases somewhat.

It is important to follow the rules for preparing the patient, as well as taking and transporting biomaterial. During venipuncture, red blood cells in the tube may be destroyed (hemolysis)

For example, due to strong or prolonged compression of the site of biomaterial collection with a tourniquet or due to incorrect storage temperature of the collected blood. The readings obtained cannot be considered reliable, and the patient will definitely need to take the biomaterial again.

Causes of low Ht

The hematocrit is considered to be reduced if it has dropped to 25%. A low level of this indicator in a blood test in children is a reason for additional examination to determine the cause. In most cases, the decrease is due to the following pathologies:

  • slow formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow;
  • increased rate of breakdown of red cells;
  • hyperproteinemia, or increased levels of protein in the blood;
  • overhydration, or thin blood;
  • anemia;
  • large volume of blood;
  • acute bleeding.

Most often, in children, the hematocrit is reduced due to anemia. In this case, you need to see a doctor who will help you create the right diet and, if necessary, prescribe medications to increase Ht levels. You need to include more foods rich in iron in your food: apples, meat, liver, eggs, nuts. Doctors recommend using hematogen, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

General information about the indicator

The hematocrit value in medicine is defined by two concepts:

  • total volume of red blood cells in blood plasma;
  • the ratio of the total volume of all blood cells to the total volume of blood.

It should be noted that the equivalent use of these two concepts is permissible, since 99% of the total number of blood cells are directly erythrocytes. It is known that up to 48% of the blood is cells (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets), and 65% is plasma.

The method for determining the indicator is simple: the collected venous blood is placed in a special measuring tube with graduation. The tube with the biomaterial is centrifuged. As a result, the formed elements end up in the sediment, the plasma on top. The total volume of deposited elements is an indicator of hematocrit.

Currently, the process is automated and does not have a large error due to the subjective assessment of the laboratory assistant. However, the risk of obtaining inaccurate results cannot be excluded. This is possible at the stage of taking biomaterial. If the baby’s vein was tied with a tourniquet for a long time or hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) occurred in the test tube, then the obtained indicators are unreliable. The biomaterial should be taken again.

A repeat study is also necessary if results are obtained that deviate slightly from the norm or are at the lower limit of the norm. It is necessary to understand precisely whether such a deviation was the result of the influence of temporary external factors or a sign of a disease.

When should you check your hematocrit?

The hematocrit value is not determined separately from other indicators of the general blood test. Since this data is not enough even for a screening examination

The value of hematocrit is important to consider when you suspect anemia, assess the degree of dehydration, when assessing the severity of hypoxia, in case of kidney disease (polycystic disease, hydronephrosis, neoplasms), if you suspect an increased amount of proteins in the blood, as well as in case of excess water content in the child’s body

What does the hematocrit level show?

The composition of human blood includes such formed elements as leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets. It is the concentration of these components that will determine the level of hematocrit, which affects the content of red blood cells in the blood of children, because red blood cells are the predominant mass of all cellular components. Typically, the hematocrit level is expressed as a percentage of the total blood volume.

How can you correctly determine hematocrit? To correctly determine the indicators in an infant or an older child, a glass tube with a division value is used, into which blood is poured, and then this tube is placed in a centrifuge. When exposed to gravity, red blood cells sink to the bottom, so it becomes possible to determine what part of the blood they occupy. In medical laboratories with modern equipment, automated analyzers are more often used to establish hematocrit.

Possible consequences

Red blood cells are cells that transport oxygen to internal organs and the brain. When a child's hematocrit is low, this may indicate a decrease in their number. In this case, children experience the following symptoms:

  • paleness of the skin. In children under one year old, they may have a “marble” tint;
  • weakness that occurs against the background of any physical or mental work;
  • tachycardia not associated with other diseases.

In cases where changes in the blood remain undetected for a long time and the child does not receive therapy, they lead to organic changes. Against the background of cerebral hypoxia, the child experiences difficulties in learning - he cannot concentrate on educational material for a long time, forgets information and takes a long time to formulate answers to the teacher’s questions. Also, a lag is formed in physical development, since children are not able to engage in physical education lessons with their peers. In severe cases, degenerative processes develop in the internal organs, which can cause symptoms of diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs, etc.

It is important to understand that a change in hematocrit is not an indication for starting any treatment. The doctor conducts an additional examination of the child, as well as laboratory and instrumental methods, identifying the reason for the deviation of the indicator

Once it is established, complex therapy is prescribed.

Reduced hematocrit - what does this mean?

Parents who see a decrease in their child's hematocrit in their test results often worry about what this means and what measures should be taken to correct it. Doctors note that a deviation in the indicator does not indicate serious pathologies, but may be associated with lifestyle, diet or iron deficiency anemia. The main task of parents is to visit the doctor in a timely manner and follow his instructions.

Why is the hematocrit level low in children?

If the level of red blood cells is reduced to 25% or less, this indicates that the blood is thinner than necessary, or that blood loss is occurring in the body.

To figure out what are the reasons that the hematocrit is low and what this means, the child’s blood is taken again for analysis.

Among the most common causes of low hematocrit are the following:

  • disorders in the bone marrow that lead to insufficient formation of red blood cells;
  • hyperproteinemia – the protein content in the child’s blood is increased;
  • overhydration is a physiological feature of the body in which the blood is too thin;
  • anemia of varying levels of complexity and origin;
  • bleeding caused by injury or disease;
  • blood diseases in which the rate of breakdown of red blood cells increases;
  • renal failure and some infectious diseases;
  • liver problems or cancer.

A low hematocrit in a child can be caused by prolonged bed rest, insufficient levels of physical activity or diet: poor nutrition and prolonged fasting.

A low hematocrit in itself does not always indicate problems. Its indicators are usually correlated with hemoglobin levels.

This allows you to more accurately determine the causes of low hematocrit and prescribe appropriate treatment.

You will get a false result if blood was taken for analysis incorrectly.

Taking medications, untreated illnesses or injuries that cause blood loss are the reasons that cause changes in indicators.

Such analysis results will only complicate the diagnosis and interfere with treatment.

A separate group consists of children who are too tall and underweight. Their heart load is greater than others, and often the body does not receive sufficient quantities of nutrients.

For such a child, control of the hematocrit level should be increased by both parents and doctors.

What does hematocrit mean?

When considering the indicator, first of all they draw conclusions about the saturation of the blood with erythrocytes - red blood cells. They are the most numerous, making up about a quarter of all cells in the human body. Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and perform an extremely important function - gas exchange. The process involves the transport of oxygen from the lungs to all tissues of the body and the return of carbon dioxide (produced by cells) to the respiratory organs for subsequent elimination.

Hematocrit is directly related to the red blood cell count. The fact is that 90% of all blood cells are made up of red cells. The values ​​of leukocytes and platelets are much lower. In modern laboratories, hematocrit is determined by the volume of all formed elements or specifically by red blood cells, which does not have a significant impact on the result. The indicator is important for assessing blood viscosity. Deviations of hematocrit from the norm can indicate serious diseases and life-threatening conditions.

What is this indicator

Red blood cells play an important role in the growth and development of a child’s body, because thanks to these red blood cells, oxygen is transported, which is necessary for the growth and full functioning of all body tissues.

The hematocrit index determines the percentage of erythrocyte ratio of red blood cells to the volume of total blood flow in children.

The baby grows, and the norms change depending on age:

  • after birth 44-62%;
  • 0-3 months 32-44%;
  • 3-12 months 36-44%;
  • 1-10 years 37-44%.

Boys and girls under 10 years of age have almost the same hemotocrit level, but older children are already adjusted for gender when taking the analysis.

From 10 to 17 years old the norm should be:

  • boys - 35-34%;
  • girls - 34-44%.

The lower percentage of red blood cells in girls is due to the fact that they are undergoing puberty and the menstrual cycle is established.

Parents of girls whose menstrual cycle has not yet established and Ht is slightly reduced, of course, need to show their child to the doctor, but there is no need to panic - almost always a decrease in the percentage is associated with an unsteady menstrual cycle. If the reason is maturation, then no treatment is required, you just need to carefully monitor the girl’s health.

Reasons why it is below normal and the connection with hemoglobin

As a rule, most often the number of red blood cells in the blood is associated with insufficient intake of iron into the human body, or with a decrease in hemoglobin synthesis. That is why low levels of both hematocrit and hemoglobin are often diagnosed.

Important! Low hematocrit cannot be regarded as an independent disease, however, this phenomenon can lead to a persistent decrease in immunity, disruption of blood clotting and other dangerous conditions. Also, the cause of a low hematocrit can be excessive blood loss - internal bleeding, injuries that are accompanied by severe bleeding, etc.

Also, the cause of a low hematocrit can be excessive blood loss - internal bleeding, injuries that are accompanied by severe bleeding, etc.

Another factor that can affect the concentration of blood cells is the thinning of the blood and the accumulation of fluid - it remains in the tissues when the kidneys malfunction, being in one position, as well as with excessive use of spices and salt.

In addition, the accumulation of fluid structures can be caused by intravenous administration of solutions and drugs; hematocrit levels are affected by anti-thrombosis and blood thinners. Therefore, it is better for patients undergoing treatment not to measure the hematocrit, but to wait until the end of therapy.

In some cases, a low hematocrit level is a false result. This can occur if the patient took a blood-thinning drug before donating blood, or if a vein was clamped for a long time during blood collection.

A false result can also be obtained if the patient:

  • poisoning,
  • diarrhea,
  • vomit,
  • severe fatigue after heavy physical activity,
  • diabetes.

In adults

As for diseases in which the hematocrit level may decrease, they are as follows:

  • disruption of the protein structure of hemoglobin,
  • autoimmune and genetic diseases,
  • infectious diseases in which there is an increase in the volume of fluid in tissues - both internal organs and subcutaneous fat,
  • myeloma is a malignant disease of plasma cells,
  • hemoblastosis - tumors of the hematopoietic system or lymphatic tissue.

Viral and bacterial infectious pathologies also change the composition of the blood.

A decrease in hematocrit can result from:

  • chronic cystitis or glomerulonephritis,
  • polycystic kidney disease,
  • narrowing of the renal artery - stenosis,
  • hepatitis,
  • cirrhosis of the liver,
  • fatty liver degeneration,
  • opisthorchiasis,
  • oncological processes in the body,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • thrombosis,
  • thrombophlebitis and others.

In children

In children, a lack of iron in the body, and, consequently, a decrease in hematocrit can be observed with:

  • unbalanced diet - insufficient intake of foods containing this essential element - apples, meat, buckwheat, pomegranate juice,
  • growing too fast
  • problems with iron absorption due to pathologies of the digestive tract.

In addition, a reduced hematocrit in children can be a consequence of bleeding, low production of red blood cells in the spinal cord, as well as an increase in protein elements in the blood.

In women during pregnancy

In pregnant women, a decrease in hematocrit is a normal phenomenon; as already mentioned, the amount of circulating blood in a woman during this period increases, but the level of red blood cells does not change.

If we talk about a pathological decrease in hematocrit during pregnancy, this may be a problem with the kidneys - they do not function fully and do not remove the required amount of fluid.

Despite the fact that a decrease in hematocrit during pregnancy in most cases is a variant of the norm, you should not take the result of this analysis lightly - this may be due to serious disorders during pregnancy. Therefore, you should definitely consult your doctor.

What causes a decrease in hematocrit level

Why might a child have a low hematocrit? There are many reasons for this.

The most common provoking factors can be identified:

  • impaired production of red blood cells in the bone marrow sprout;
  • malfunctions of the spleen, where erythrocyte breakdown occurs;
  • high level of protein fractions in the blood;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • blood loss;
  • anemia;
  • an increase in the volume of circulating blood (with a delay in the removal of fluid from the body).

The most common cause of a decrease in the percentage of red blood cells is anemia. Most anemias, if the rate is reduced to 25%, respond well to treatment with a special diet and medications. The best drug for treatment is pharmaceutical hematogen, which children eat with pleasure.

If the deviations from the norm are small, then, most likely, they are caused not by childhood pathologies, but by unfavorable external factors (poor nutrition, heavy menstruation in teenage girls, or frequent colds). Such children are monitored by a pediatrician and, if possible, the causes are eliminated. Treatment is prescribed only if the condition worsens.

Other diseases

The number of red blood cells may decrease in infectious diseases of viral or bacterial etiology

In chronic inflammatory processes (for example, chronic cystitis or glomerulonephritis), the lag from the norm will be very significant, so it is important to take a blood test during treatment and after its completion to make sure that there are no other foci of infection left in the body, and there are no hidden diseases. A similar clinical picture can be observed in other diseases, some of which have a high mortality rate

Pathologies of the vascular system

The most common disease in which a decrease in hematocrit occurs is atherosclerosis. This is a pathology of the arteries, which is chronic in nature and is manifested by the deposition of cholesterol in the vascular membranes (in the inner part). Atherosclerosis is caused by a disorder of lipid metabolism, which is often a complication of obesity, diabetes and other endocrine diseases.

A decrease in hematocrit is also characteristic of thrombosis. This is a disease in which a blood clot forms inside a vessel, interfering with the free flow of blood. The result is a violation of cellular nutrition and acute tissue hypoxia. Some types of thrombosis (for example, coronary artery thrombosis) lead to life-threatening conditions, the main one being myocardial infarction.

Kidney diseases

Kidney pathologies often lead to a decrease in hematocrit, since in various forms of renal failure fluid retention occurs in the subcutaneous fat. A decrease in Ht is observed in the following diseases:

  • pyelonephritis - damage to the kidney parenchyma, renal pelvis and calyx, accompanied by an inflammatory process;
  • glomerulonephritis – inflammation of the renal glomeruli of autoimmune or infectious etiology;
  • stenosis (narrowing) of the renal artery;
  • polycystic kidney disease is a disease accompanied by the formation of cysts with serous contents in the kidney tissues.

A nephrologist diagnoses kidney pathologies. If there are no highly specialized specialists in the medical institution, you can contact your local physician, who will give you a referral to auxiliary rooms.

Liver diseases

Often the hematocrit is lowered if the patient has impaired liver function. List of major diseases characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells in relation to the total mass of blood components:

  • hepatitis – inflammation of the liver, predominantly of viral etiology;
  • cirrhosis is a liver pathology accompanied by the death of hepatocytes (organ cells) and the formation of fibrous areas in their place;
  • fatty liver is a chronic disease in which liver cells are replaced by fatty tissue;
  • opisthorchiasis is a type of helminthic infestation in which the liver is affected by fluke worms.

Sometimes the liver can be damaged under the influence of harmful factors: alcohol and tobacco abuse, a sedentary lifestyle and a rich diet with high energy value.

Low hematocrit

A low hematocrit (less than 20%) indicates:

  • a decrease in the number of red blood cells, due to their insufficient formation or reduction in cell shape;
  • hemolysis of red blood cells;
  • plasma dilution.

Blood diseases

The cause of low hematocrit is impaired erythropoiesis (formation of red cells). It is observed in the following diseases:

  • Anemia (iron deficiency, Addison-Beermer, B12 (folate) deficiency, aplastic);
  • Leukemia;
  • After taking cytostatics and antitumor therapy;
  • Significant blood loss (during the postoperative period, injuries).

Hematocrit is reduced during intense hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells):

  • For hemolytic anemia (hereditary and acquired);
  • For infectious diseases.

Kidney diseases

There is a decrease in hematocrit in the following conditions:

  • Hematocrit is reduced during large volume intravenous fluid administration to children with kidney disease. The increased plasma volume disrupts the normal blood ratio and reduces the indicator;
  • With overhydration, when the number of red cells remains the same, and the volume of fluid increases. This condition is observed in cases of circulatory failure and disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system.


The accumulation of proteins in the blood is observed during infection, vomiting, diarrhea, malignant formation of blood cells, cancer of the lymph nodes (Hodgkin's disease). Most often, the accumulation of proteins in babies is observed when artificially feeding goat or cow milk. The protein content in these products is higher than in breast milk. To eliminate the cause, it is necessary to adjust the baby’s diet.

Preconditions for reduction

Conducted studies indicate that a slight decrease in hematocrit concentration is not dangerous to the child’s health. This is due to the change in the indicator depending on the regime, since insufficient water causes a decrease in the amount of hematocrit in the blood.

Any change in the indicator is a reason for parents to contact a specialist for help. There is no need to panic, but you should not delay the examination. This is due to the fact that some diseases can cause changes in blood composition and lead to the development of other pathologies. A reduced hematocrit indicates a decrease in hemoglobin and problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Hematocrit can drop below normal due to various factors. The main reasons for this condition:

  1. Increasing the volume of circulating blood;
  2. A decrease in the number of formed cells due to their insufficient production or premature death;
  3. Blood thinning.

Such changes can occur as a result of serious illnesses or under the influence of external factors not related to health.

Most often, a blood test, according to which the hematocrit is low, indicates the development of one of these painful conditions:

  • Anemia. The number of red blood cells decreases and, as a consequence of this reason, a decreased hematocrit occurs;
  • Inflammation. Mainly chronic form;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and blood vessels. There is an increase in the proportion of plasma in the blood.

If the volume of red blood cells in the blood is reduced, then it is necessary to do a full examination for the presence of the listed diseases. Only identifying the true cause of changes in hematocrit will allow the necessary treatment and normalization of this indicator.

During pregnancy, the hematocrit number may be lowered as a result of an increase in blood volume due to its plasma part. In this case, by the third trimester there is a natural return to normal limits (due to the intensive removal of excess fluid). No special treatment is carried out; constant monitoring of the hematocrit value is required.

It is known that hematocrit is reduced during prolonged periods of lying down. If you take an analysis in this position or immediately after lying down for a long time, the hematocrit may be lowered as a result.

What to do?

Many parents are faced with the fact that their child has a low hematocrit, and do not know what it is and what to do about it.

Hematocrit number (hematocrit) is a value characterizing the ratio of the number of red blood cells to the volume of blood plasma (its liquid part).

In adults this value is constant, but in children it changes with age or under the influence of various factors. Hematocrit is determined by centrifuging the blood taken for analysis.

Year-5 years32-41%
5-12 years32-42%
12-17 years old34-45%

If the value is lower than specified, the hematocrit is considered insufficient.

This indicates the influence of various factors: hormonal changes, pathologies, etc.

With prolonged absence of treatment, the development of ischemic heart disease and hair loss are also observed.

Signs and symptoms

A child suffering from anemia is pale, suffers from shortness of breath and weakness, gets tired quickly and is unable to perform either physical or mental work that is feasible for his healthy peers. In addition, shaking (tremor) of the hands, severe shortness of breath and increased heartbeat may occur.

The skin and mucous membranes are dry and may take on a bluish tint.

With a reduced hematocrit, oxygen starvation of the organs and tissues that most need oxygen begins in the body. The brain is the first to suffer, many nerve cells die. This is what explains the child’s forgetfulness and problems concentrating.

The heart muscle, hair roots, skeletal muscles and other organs also suffer. The body tries to compensate for the oxygen deficiency by increasing breathing and heart rate.

This, in turn, leads to overstrain of the heart, resulting in ischemia.

At-risk groups

Not all children are equally susceptible to diseases that lead to a decrease in the concentration of red blood cells. There is a high probability that the child’s hematocrit will be low:

  • With genetic diseases.
  • During chemotherapy.
  • Living in regions with unfavorable environmental conditions.
  • The patient has blood or liver diseases leading to the death of red blood cells.
  • In children who have experienced trauma, burns, and surgery.
  • In children whose diet lacks vitamins B and C.

For analysis, blood is taken from a finger, which is poured into a test tube and centrifuged.

The centrifugation method allows you to separate the formed elements of the blood (including red blood cells that settle to the bottom) in order to then determine the ratio of the volumes of rebound plasma and settled red cells.

Any disease or pathological condition can affect the result, for example:

  • Worm infestations;
  • Cold or flu;
  • Consequences of injury;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Hormonal changes associated with the onset of puberty;

At the same time, deviations can be in one or the other direction.


Parents are wondering: if a child’s hematocrit is low, what does this mean? To answer, you need to consider the reasons for the decrease in this indicator:

  • Bleeding. The death of red blood cells can be caused by both internal and external bleeding due to injury or disease (for example, cancer, urolithiasis, hemophilia, etc.).
  • Fanatical adherence to a diet without a doctor’s recommendation. This is especially true for teenage girls and children from vegetarian families.
  • Prolonged physical inactivity (being without movement), for example, due to bed rest.
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic organs.
  • Genetic mutations (sickle anemia).
  • Increased protein in the blood caused by cancer.
  • Fluid retention in the body due to kidney disease, infections, infusion therapy, etc.


It is very important to keep the hematocrit level under control, since it shows one of the most important characteristics of blood - the number of red blood cells in it, and therefore the ability to carry oxygen.

If a child has a low hematocrit, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • Vitamins B9 (folic acid) and B12.
  • Iron-containing preparations and dietary supplements.

From the group of iron-containing products, the most popular is Ferrum Lek, the active substance of which is iron hydroxide polymaltosate.

Available in the form of tablets, injection solution and syrup. In case of overdose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and tachycardia are possible.

Contraindicated in case of excess iron, allergies, individual intolerance, kidney infections. Suitable for children of all ages.

"Aktiferin" is also suitable for children of any age. Infants are given drops, children 2-7 years old - syrup, older children and teenagers - capsules. Side effects - digestive disorders, allergies, shock, headache, weakness and dizziness. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

"Hemofer" - contains iron (II) chloride. Indicated for children of all ages. Side effects - gastrointestinal upset. Contraindicated for anemia not associated with iron deficiency, inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, intolerance.

Diet changes are also recommended:

  1. consumption of more foods containing iron (pork liver, apples, beef, etc.),
  2. green beans and peas,
  3. buckwheat and oatmeal,
  4. eggs,
  5. strawberries,
  6. cocoa,
  7. dried apricots and carrots.

In case of overhydration, restriction of the intake of water and table salt into the body.

It should be remembered that only a professional doctor can establish the cause of a decrease in hematocrit and prescribe adequate treatment.

Self-medication can be harmful and will certainly lead to the development of the disease, leading to a decrease in the number of red blood cells, which, in turn, can seriously affect the child’s health in the future.

Other methods

An increase in hematocrit is promoted by:

  • Physical activity and active lifestyle.
  • Eating pomegranates, meat, apples, etc.
  • Consumption of foods rich in ascorbic acid (citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants).

What to do if your red blood cell count is low?

If the hematocrit level in children is low, then this is not as dangerous as its increase, but treatment is still required.

For a child, blood composition is an indicator of both development and susceptibility to diseases; it depends on many factors.

First of all, you should pay attention to the baby’s diet and the range of foods he eats. Iron-containing components must be present in the diet

Foods such as meat, liver, nuts, eggs and apples can replenish iron reserves and also enrich the body with other nutrients

Iron-containing components must be present in the diet. Foods such as meat, liver, nuts, eggs and apples can replenish iron reserves and also enrich the body with other nutrients.

For children who have low hematocrit and hemoglobin, it would be useful to use hematogen. It’s sweet, so you won’t have to spend a lot of time persuading your little one to eat this “candy.”

But still, before this, it is better to consult a doctor, since hematogen is a drug, and its excessive use can harm the child.

For children under 2 years of age who are breastfed, the concentration of red blood cells depends on the mother's diet.

If there is not enough iron in milk, then the hematocrit in the blood will be reduced. Proper and timely complementary feeding is also of great importance.

At the age of one and a half to two years, the baby must eat meat and dairy dishes, and also spend a lot of time in the fresh air.

Unfortunately, sometimes a child’s hematocrit is low not due to poor nutrition. The reason may be hidden in pathological conditions and diseases.

Naturally, pathologies are more difficult to eliminate. The most important thing is to make a timely diagnosis and start treatment as early as possible.

Most likely, additional tests and diagnostics of the whole body will be required.

It is important for parents not to panic and carefully follow the recommendations of doctors

During the development of a child, growth spurts occur, during which the number of red blood cells will decrease.

In small children, especially in the first 2-3 months, the hematocrit should not be reduced. On the contrary, it exceeds the indicators of adults.

Tests must be taken regularly to monitor the composition of the blood, on which the proper functioning of the entire body depends.

Organization of normalization of hematocrit in a child’s body

In a situation where a child’s hematocrit is low as a result of anemia, it is important to normalize the diet - consume more apples, nuts, liver, eggs, and meat. Food should contain a lot of iron. It is good for a child's body to consume hematogen. Special medications, vitamins containing iron, which are prescribed by a doctor, can completely overcome anemia. Sometimes they are administered intravenously, taken in solutions or in tablets.

Don't panic. It is best to independently study all the results of clinical blood tests, because the information will not be a final diagnosis. If the hematocrit does not correspond to the norm, then this does not indicate the development of a deadly disease in the body. The volume of red blood cells and their ratio to plasma is only a general clinical picture that does not directly indicate the disease. Establishing hematocrit indicators and their correct interpretation can only be carried out by specialists who take into account all the nuances of conducting a hematological examination.

In general, the treatment process involves eliminating problems that have caused a low hematocrit in an infant or an older child, or where its indicators have increased. In accordance with the specification of the pathology, the doctor prescribes medications to restore blood.

It is important!

Low hematocrit is diagnosed somewhat less frequently than high levels of this value. People who smoke are often at risk, since their body lacks oxygen, and therefore red blood cells are produced in large quantities. Climbers can also be included here, because at altitude their bodies also develop a lack of oxygen.

Among the indicators determined during a child’s blood test, there are some that are not entirely clear to parents. One of them can be called hematocrit, which in the analysis is denoted by the abbreviation Htc.

Determination of hematocrit number

To find out this indicator, you need to take a routine blood test. Material for subsequent research is collected from a vein. An anticoagulant is first added to the blood (it prevents the clotting process), and then placed in a centrifuge.

In this apparatus, the test tube spins to maximum speed. As you know, all blood elements are characterized by different weights. Therefore, in a centrifuge it is enough to simply separate them and determine the volume of each component.

After completing the marking procedure on the tube, the laboratory assistant can easily assess the parameters of red blood cells. Since these elements are heavier, they will occupy most of the bottom of the flask. After them, leukocytes and platelets will take their place, and plasma will remain on top.

To determine this indicator as accurately as possible, a 100% marking is made on the test tube, and 100 ml of material is placed in it. The resulting figure should be considered the hematocrit number.

How is the analysis carried out?

The hematocrit number is calculated during a general blood test. To do this, the blood is placed in a special tube called a hematocrit and centrifuged for one and a half hours. As a result, heavier formed elements, most of which are red blood cells, settle to the bottom of the tube, and plasma remains at the top.

Using the applied divisions, you can determine what volume the red cells occupy in relation to the plasma. In modern laboratories, the hematocrit number is calculated using hematological analyzers, which provide more accurate results. Despite the fact that the Ht indicator gives a quantitative, but not qualitative assessment of red blood cells, this analysis is considered quite informative. It is most often expressed as a percentage, sometimes it is written as a fraction - liter/liter.

Reasons when hematocrit in the blood is low

Before talking about reducing the level, it is necessary to know the normative values ​​of the indicator, based on the gender and age of the patient. The normal hematocrit for a newborn baby is from 42 to 62%, for children under one year old - 36-44%; for children from one to 10 years old - 37-44%, for an adult woman over 18 years old the normative limit is set - from 30 to 46%, for an adult healthy man the figure can range from 42 to 52%.

A reduced hematocrit in the blood is sometimes found in a person if he spent a long time in high mountains or was submerged under water for a long time. It is also not considered a pathology if a slightly reduced hematocrit is detected during pregnancy; this condition is associated with an increase in total blood volume; as a rule, in expectant mothers the figure ranges from 30 to 34%. However, if decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit are present together, and the pregnant woman feels unwell and experiences ailments, then most likely we are talking about anemia, and this condition is quite dangerous for the woman and the unborn baby, because both bodies receive an insufficient amount of oxygen. If the hematocrit is lowered during pregnancy, then the indicator should definitely return to normal after the birth of the child, unless, of course, the mother suffered from an advanced stage of anemia.

Anemia (or anemia) occurs not only in pregnant women. This is the most common reason why hematocrit hct is low in a blood test. But, there are still some pathological and physiological factors that affect the state of the blood and the number of cellular components, these include:

  • slow formation of red blood cells or their early destruction;
  • blood thinning due to hyperhydration;
  • heart or kidney disease;
  • large blood losses as a result of internal bleeding or injuries;
  • fasting or malnutrition;
  • being in a supine position.

Methods of determination and norm

Red blood cell volume (hematocrit) is the total number of white blood cells and red blood cells in the blood plasma, expressed as a percentage. The indicator takes into account all formed elements, but red blood cells have diagnostic value. In simple terms, the hematocrit determines the viscosity of the blood. In the study protocol it is designated by the following abbreviation – HCT.

The research sample is capillary or venous blood. The biomaterial taken for research is placed in a graduated glass tube and centrifuged in the laboratory. After separating the blood components, the results are calculated using the measuring scale of the test tube.

The normal value for adults is:

  • formed elements – 45%;
  • blood plasma – 65%.

If hematocrit is examined in children, the norm depends on age and presents the following picture:

  • in infants – 56%;
  • from the 5th day of life to a month – 53-45%;
  • from one to 5 years this figure varies from 35 to 37%;
  • at the age of 10 years –39%;
  • in adolescents it is 47%.

The deviation of the hematocrit number indicates the degree of blood concentration.

What does a decrease in hematocrit indicate?

Red blood cells are to some extent responsible for the condition of the entire body, since they provide oxygen to each of its cells, and these ellipsoid bodies are also required to take carbon dioxide from the cells.

But if the supply of cells is disrupted (with a decrease in the number of red blood cells and their inability to cope with the task), hypoxia develops, which in turn will lead to a disruption of the acid-base balance and dysfunction of each individual organ.

Its reduced level in the blood causes:

  • Fatigue and general malaise;
  • Palpitations and tachypnea;
  • Headaches and hair loss;
  • Marbling of the skin.

These indicators are often reduced if a woman is pregnant, but to confirm the diagnosis of anemia, you need to go for an additional examination and take the appropriate test.

Why is a low hematocrit dangerous?

Red blood cells supply nutrients and oxygen to organs. If their level drops, the organs begin to experience oxygen starvation, in addition, this leads to an imbalance in the acid-base balance.

External signs of low hematocrit:

  • weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • a person gets tired quickly;
  • the skin becomes pale.

Important: a decreased hematocrit, like an increased one, is not a reason to immediately start treatment. These indicators tell the specialist in which direction to look for a possible problem, and only if additional tests reveal it, only then treatment is prescribed.

If a child’s blood test shows a low or high hematocrit level, there is no need to panic right away. This is not necessarily evidence of a dangerous disease. As we have already noted, a deviation from the norm can be caused by temporary factors, and in children under one year of age, a deviation of hematocrit from the norm within 10 percent is generally a common occurrence and is caused by normal physiological processes. When the child reaches the age of 12 months, the indicator should return to normal, but if even then the hematocrit number continues to remain above or below normal, additional examination should be carried out.

Timely identification of a possible problem contributes to effective treatment and will help the specialist choose the right course of preventive measures. Regular medical examination will help monitor your health, because it is always better to find out about a possible problem at the time of its inception than to deal with the consequences.

Based on the results of a general blood test, many indicators can be determined, including finding out whether a child’s hematocrit is low or high.

This test is important primarily to monitor blood flow and prevent blood thickening.

Hematocrit depends on age, gender and some physiological characteristics of the body. If the indicator is low, then it is important to find the reasons and stabilize the level of red blood cells.

As soon as the child is born, his tests are studied to exclude congenital pathologies or emerging diseases.

It is important for parents to understand that the blood composition of a 2-month-old baby cannot be the same as that of an adult. Normally, all indicators should be increased.

Over time, the child's body adapts to the world around it, and the ratio of cells changes. In the case of hematocrit in a child, the norm for a newborn is 44 - 62%.

This is a very high percentage when compared with the results of an adult. But when a baby’s hematocrit is low after birth, we can talk about serious problems.

After 2-3 months, the level of red blood cells drops to 32 - 44%, and closer to a year it is 36 - 44%.

This may simply be a feature of a particular organism and not cause a worsening of the condition.

During the first 8 to 10 years, the hematocrit should not be significantly reduced or increased. The norm is a result of 37 - 44%.

Changes begin when a child enters puberty. In girls, after the onset of menstruation, the red blood cell count will be reduced (34 - 44%) compared to boys (35 - 45%).

During this period, it is important to monitor hematocrit levels to ensure that the cardiovascular system is functioning properly and the blood is not too thick.

As is known, it is during adolescence that an increased load on the heart occurs, which can provoke various pathologies in adulthood.

At-risk groups

A child's hematocrit is almost always at the same level and changes slightly only with age, during the growth of the child's body. But there are groups of children in whom the hemotocrit number may change pathologically. Pediatricians classify such children as a risk group, and they are registered at the dispensary.

The risk group includes:

  1. Newborns born with a large body weight and infants who pathologically quickly gain weight.
  2. Children who eat poorly or suffer from metabolic disorders.
  3. Children with a tendency to develop iron deficiency anemia.
  4. Newborns with congenital abnormalities of the liver and kidneys.

These children need careful monitoring and exclusion of all provoking factors. If the underlying disease can be cured, the erythrocyte composition will soon stabilize without specific treatment.

Is a low hematocrit level dangerous? Regardless of the cause that caused it, this condition is dangerous because it disrupts the supply of oxygen to the cells of the child’s body. If this condition persists for a long time, it will negatively affect the growth and development of children.

It is important for every parent to know that everything is fine with the health of their child and there are no deviations from the norm. Quite often these abnormalities can be determined by blood tests. That is why it is important to know when the hematocrit is low, which means that there are certain health problems that need to be addressed urgently. What does it mean? What measures should be taken, the reasons and other features of this phenomenon - we will answer all these questions further.

You may also find our articles useful: “Hematocrit: what level is considered normal? Table by age" and "Hematocrit is reduced during pregnancy: norms by trimester, reasons for deviations."

Indicators of normal hematocrit in women

What is hematocrit, the norm for this indicator in women and what deviations from this norm indicate - these questions are of interest to many patients.

Every person regularly has to undergo a general blood test. There are several indicators that allow us to draw conclusions about the patient’s health status. Hematocrit depends on several factors.

Hematocrit is considered to be one of the conditional indicators that appears in the conclusion after a general analysis.

In particular, it can be concluded that blood measurements were made only on red blood cells, which is also correct, because the volume of red blood cells is about 99% of all blood cells.

Most of the blood cells are represented by erythrocytes, which are red blood cells. They are responsible for oxygen saturation of human tissues and organs. There are several methods for determining hematocrit, which can be represented as the ratio of all elements present in the blood: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Most of all, red blood cells are present in the blood.

The bone marrow is responsible for the production of red blood cells, in which approximately 2.4 million of these elements are formed per second. The average lifespan of red blood cells is 100 to 120 days, after which they are consumed by macrophages. The hematocrit value Ht is expressed as a percentage of the total blood volume. Sometimes notations in liters are used, in which case the recording is made in decimal fractions, for example, 450 ml of red blood cells in 1 liter of blood = 0.45 l/l or 45%.

The hematocrit indicator in men is 0.40-0.48, in women - 0.36-0.46, in young children it is 20% more, in infants it is about 10% below the adult norm. Based on the hematocrit readings, the doctor makes a conclusion about the degree of anemia or anemia, which causes a decrease in red blood cells from 15 to 25%.

Analysis data may be decreased or increased for various reasons. However, it must be borne in mind that sometimes hematocrit indicators in a general blood test may not be entirely accurate. This may be due to the fact that the person has had a large blood loss, he is a donor and donates blood. In some bedridden patients, the hematocrit level may also be inaccurate.

If the hematocrit is elevated

Now consider a situation in which the hematocrit level is higher than normal. This may be caused by the following situations:

  • the person is bothered by diarrhea, vomiting, and sweats a lot;
  • high level of red blood cells in the blood;
  • when traveling to a high mountain region;
  • with burn disease, with severe peritonitis;
  • malignant blood diseases, such as leukemia;
  • kidney diseases, which lead to increased formation of erythropoietin;
  • polycystic kidney disease and hydronephrosis;
  • erythremia, which is related to tumor transformation of stem cells;
  • for heart diseases (heart defects);
  • diseases associated with intestinal obstruction;
  • taking medications;
  • exposure to diuretics.

An elevated hematocrit level is a very bad sign. This means that there is not enough oxygen in the body. This affects the condition of the blood, which becomes much thicker. This condition often leads to blood clots forming, and there is a risk of developing a heart attack or stroke.

If the hematocrit is low

If the hematocrit is below normal, then this is also dangerous. This is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • constant fatigue;
  • tachycardia;
  • pale skin;
  • hair loss.

A low hematocrit in women may indicate the presence of certain diseases or conditions, including:

  • anemia, which often develops during pregnancy;
  • with an increase in fluid in the body (overhydration);
  • pregnancy for more than four months (in some cases this may be normal);
  • large blood loss;
  • with excessive salt consumption, which often leads to hemolysis of red blood cells;
  • with an increased concentration of proteins in the blood plasma, which is typical for hemoplastic disease, myeloma, and blood thickening;
  • poor nutrition.

There are people who are potentially at risk for this symptom:

  1. A decreased hematocrit is often found in children who are iron deficient.
  2. Children with a sharp growth spurt.
  3. Women in a state of pregnancy.
  4. Women after childbirth.
  5. Chronic liver and kidney diseases.
  6. People who are immobile for a long time.
  7. Chronic smokers.

What is HCT in a general blood test?

So, knowing some data, you can easily decipher the results of a general blood test. Specifically HCT, which means percentage of blood elements. The elements of blood include red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in its plasma, which is in a liquid state.

The percentage of normal hematocrit depends on the gender and age of the patient. The conclusion of the HCT blood test allows you to determine the reduced hematocrit, which is characteristic of anemic conditions. This may be a condition of pregnancy in women, blood thickening. There is another blood test - WBC. It allows you to find out the number of leukocytes (white blood cells) in the blood.

Depending on the number of leukocytes, a conclusion is drawn about the state of the immune system. Indicators from 4 to 10 thousand per ml are considered normal. If there is an increased level of leukocytes, then a conclusion is made about the development of an inflammatory process in the body or there is a suspicion of infection. Often such results reveal the development of leukemia and the presence of an allergic reaction. A low level of white blood cells indicates a viral disease, such as measles, rubella or the common flu.

So, at first glance, a routine general blood test can give a complete picture of your health. Why do you need to take the results of a general blood test seriously? Not everyone takes the results of a general blood test seriously. For them, it matters very little whether the hematocrit is low or high. After all, many serious diseases are asymptomatic in the initial stages.

Sometimes slight malaise and regular headaches are attributed to fatigue or even weather conditions. However, anemia can be associated with many diseases.

However, a low hematocrit in pregnant women and children is often considered normal. During pregnancy, this condition is normal, since it is associated with the formation of red blood cells in the unborn child, which requires increased iron consumption. Therefore, nutrition during pregnancy should be given great importance.

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Why does blood hematocrit decrease, causes, methods of treatment and prevention

The total volume of formed elements in the blood is usually called the hematocrit number. The majority of the hematocrit is made up of red blood cells. This value in a biochemical study is measured as a percentage and is denoted by the abbreviation HCT.

Blood is the supplier of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the body. Any changes in the structure or physiology of organs are reflected in the circulatory system. Therefore, biochemical and general clinical blood tests are priority examinations.

What is hematocrit?

Hematocrit is the volume of particles suspended in the blood. Red blood cells and other formed elements perform vital functions in the body - they transport oxides, participate in the synthesis of biological substances, and remove waste.

The transport of oxides is carried out by a protein globule in red blood cells - hemoglobin. Mutations that cause hemoglobin to assemble incorrectly can slow oxide transport.

What does low hematocrit mean: reasons

A reduced hematocrit in the blood is observed when red blood cells are hyposecreted by the bone marrow. In some cases, a decrease in hematocrit is due to accelerated breakdown of red blood cells. A decrease in the volume of red blood cells impairs the rheological properties of blood. The body receives an insufficient amount of substances, chronic hypoxia is observed, and spontaneous bleeding occurs.

Important! If the hematocrit is below normal, the patient needs urgent help, because even with minor bleeding he can die.

Causes of low hematocrit:

  • Severe blood loss.
  • Overhydration.
  • Starvation.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Diseases of the excretory system.
  • Various types of anemia (iron deficiency, sickle cell and others).
  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system or liver.

The HCT score may be lowered due to hereditary diseases. The exact cause of the decrease in NBT can be determined by the attending physician.

Normal hematocrit values ​​in women and men

The human body contains approximately 5 liters of blood. An HCT blood test shows “thickness” of fluid tissue. The HCT rate in a blood test directly depends on a person’s gender and age. For a man, the figure is 42-52%, and for an adult woman - from 34 to 47%.

During menstruation, women's hemoglobin levels may drop sharply, but this is normal. This condition disappears after the end of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, tests show a false positive result due to improper blood sampling from the patient.

What does a low hematocrit in a child’s blood indicate?

In the presence of serious pathology, the child’s hematocrit is reduced. In this condition, you need to consult a doctor to find out the cause. This often happens when a child consumes excess water (overhydration). However, fluid often accumulates in the body due to pathology of the excretory system.

Children may experience swelling in the arms, legs, or other parts of the body, difficulty breathing, and a feeling of weakness and “light-headedness.” In case of overhydration, a substance is prescribed that reduces the volume of circulating blood. A low hematocrit in a child is dangerous because it can delay the normal development of the skeletal and muscular systems. Low HCT values ​​in infants can cause sudden death.

How to increase the hematocrit level in the blood?

Depending on the etiology of the disease, recommendations are given to increase the hematocrit. For iron deficiency anemia, add foods containing iron and vitamin B12 to your diet. In case of hyperhydration, reduce the intake of fluids and salts into the body that retain water (sodium chloride, for example). Constant physical activity and normalization of lifestyle are recommended. Diuretics can increase HCT levels because they “actively” remove fluid from the body.

Advice! If there are serious pathologies of the excretory system, you need to consult a doctor to draw up a treatment plan. Uncomplicated and physiological forms of low hematocrit resolve on their own.


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