Hematocrit is low, what does this mean?
Causes of low hematocrit and traditional treatment
Hematocrit is reduced: what does this mean? Let's start with what is hematocrit? This
Triglycerides in the blood: definition, norm by age and gender, causes of deviations in indicators
Causes of increased triglycerides An increased level of TG in the blood of an adult can be caused by certain
What threat does the presence of protein in urine pose during pregnancy?
Many expectant mothers, having once heard a doctor’s verdict based on the results of a urine test, think about how to reduce
What is a blood test for RW and its interpretation
How to take a blood test for the Wasserman reaction - test indications, preparation and interpretation of results
If for some reason - serious or trivial - a hospital looms in your life
How to prepare for hysteroscopy of the uterus
How is uterine hysteroscopy performed and why is it needed?
Hysteroscopy method Hysteroscope is a new generation optical medical instrument for visual diagnostics
What does increased ABS neutrophils in the blood of an adult indicate (causes and treatment)
Increased level of neutrophils (neutrophilia) Phagocyte engulfs bacteria The main function of neutrophils is to protect the body from
Elevated red blood cells in the blood: what does this mean in an adult?
The formed elements of blood represent a wide variety of specific structures of the body responsible for certain
Urea in the blood is increased. Causes, how to treat, symptoms, diet, folk remedies, medications
The norm of urea in the blood in women: table by age, the level of urea in the blood is normal after 50 years
What is urea and its functions in the body Urea is a biochemical substance that
Basophils in the blood are increased, decreased, the norm in women, adults, children by age
Reasons for increased levels of basophils in the blood - the norm for a child, men and women, how to reduce
What are basophils? Role and functions in the body Basophils are one of the few components
How to correctly decipher a biochemical blood test?
What is included in general blood biochemistry A comprehensive laboratory examination includes many tests. On practice
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