Advice and recommendations from doctors on whether you can drink water before donating blood

Rules for the patient

Regardless of the method of donating blood, the patient must follow simple rules before donating blood:

  • Donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach and on an empty stomach; avoid cigarettes for an hour before blood collection.
  • You should not eat food 5-6 hours before. The optimal time is 10 am.

Some types of genetic testing allow you to take tests even after eating. In addition to all of the above, the result is influenced by the emotional background and physical activity. Arriving at the clinical laboratory, you need to sit down for a while to rest and normalize your breathing, calm down, and then go get tested.

  • How to prepare for blood tests
  • How to prepare for a urine test
  • Rules for collecting stool for dysbacteriosis

Preparing the patient for the blood donation procedure

  1. A number of tests are done on an empty stomach. For example, biochemical (glucose, cholesterol, bilirubin, etc.) and serological tests (syphilis, hepatitis B), hormones (TSH, parathyroid hormone), etc. “Fasting” is when at least 8 hours pass between the last meal and taking blood (preferably at least 12 hours). Juice, tea, coffee, especially with sugar, are also food, so you will have to be patient. You can drink water.
  2. Strictly on an empty stomach (after a 12-hour fast) you should donate blood to determine lipid profile parameters: cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides.
  3. If you have to take a general blood test, your last meal should be no later than 1 hour before donating blood. Breakfast may consist of unsweetened tea, unsweetened porridge without butter and milk, and an apple.
  4. It is advisable to exclude fatty, fried and alcohol from the diet 1 - 2 days before the examination. If there was a feast the day before, reschedule the laboratory test for 1-2 days. Avoid smoking an hour before blood collection.
  5. The content of many blood tests is subject to daily fluctuations, so for some studies blood should be taken strictly at a certain time of day. So, blood tests for some hormones (TSH and parathyroid hormone), as well as for iron, are given only before 10 am.
  6. When donating venous blood, it is necessary to exclude factors that influence the research results: physical stress (running, climbing stairs), emotional arousal. Therefore, before the procedure you should rest for 10-15 minutes in the waiting room and calm down.
  7. It happens that the doctor ordered a test, but for various reasons it is difficult for the patient to come to the medical office (illness, pregnancy, lack of time, etc.) In this case, it is enough to call the INVITRO Laboratory Emergency Service by calling tel. (495) 363-0-363, and our procedural team will arrive at a place and time convenient for you.
  8. Blood is taken for analysis before starting to take medications (for example, antibacterial and chemotherapy) or no earlier than 10 to 14 days after their discontinuation. The exception is when they want to study the concentration of drugs in the blood (for example, valproic acid, anticonvulsants). If you are taking medications, be sure to tell your doctor about this.
  9. Blood should not be donated after X-rays, rectal examinations, or physical therapy procedures.
  10. During hormonal studies in women of reproductive age (from approximately 12 to 13 years of age and before the onset of menopause), the results are influenced by physiological factors associated with the stage of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, when preparing for examination for the hormones FSH, LH, prolactin, estriol, estradiol, progesterone, the phase of the cycle should be indicated. When conducting a test for sex hormones, strictly adhere to the recommendations of your doctor about the day of the menstrual cycle on which you need to donate blood.
  11. When performing tests for the presence of infections, it should be taken into account that depending on the period of infection and the state of the immune system, any patient may have a negative result. But, nevertheless, a negative result does not completely exclude infection. In doubtful cases, re-analysis is recommended.
  12. Different laboratories may use different research methods and units of measurement. To ensure that the assessment of your results is correct and the results are acceptable, do the tests in the same laboratory, at the same time. Comparison of such studies will be more correct.

Preparing the patient for the urine donation procedure

Collecting urine for general analysis in a container with a preservative

Is it possible to eat

In order not to change the reliability of certain parameters of the biomaterial under study, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of prohibited products. The preparation method depends on the purpose for which the material is collected. It is important to remember that on the eve of tests (most of them) you should not eat spicy, fatty or sweet foods, or sugar. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid eating oranges, tangerines, bananas, and avocados. Dill and cilantro can also have a negative impact on the results of the study.

On the eve of collecting biomaterial for examination, you can have dinner with stewed or raw vegetables, cereals, and white meat. It is allowed to include low-fat fish in the menu. If you decide to prepare a salad in the evening, then instead of mayonnaise, season it with olive or vegetable oil. The following fruits can be eaten the day before:

  • grenades;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • plums;
  • apricots;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots
  • Blood Rh factor
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  • Meningioma of the brain

Before biochemical analysis

This type of analysis is a basic method for examining the condition of internal organs based on metabolite substances circulating in the blood. During biochemical analysis, it is necessary to collect biomaterial on an empty stomach. In this case, you should not only eat, but also drink tea and coffee before the study, not to mention alcohol-containing drinks. Additionally, you should avoid brushing your teeth and chewing gum.

In addition, it is important to try to exclude fried, smoked and fatty foods and all sources of animal protein (fish, meat, kidneys, etc.) from your diet 12-24 hours before the analysis. To obtain more reliable results, the treating specialist may prescribe the subject a relatively strict diet, which should be followed 1-2 days before the test. Such an event should not be ignored, because... The accuracy of the diagnostic results determines how quickly and effectively the therapeutic process will proceed.

Before general analysis

It is necessary to undergo this type of diagnosis on an empty stomach, i.e. You cannot eat anything immediately before collecting biomaterial. In this case, it is advisable that the subject take his last meal no earlier than 8 hours before the procedure. Any meal before the general analysis should be light and consist of a small amount of food. It is strictly forbidden to eat fish, meat, smoked foods, sweet products, sugar, fatty and canned foods, and all types of oils.

Despite such strict restrictions, patients for whom food intake is vital even before taking biomaterial, there is a small exception in the form of a certain list of products. Before this type of examination, they can eat the following food:

  • weak tea (unsweetened);
  • bread;
  • cheese (low-fat);
  • fresh vegetables;
  • all types of porridges made with water, but without added sugar or butter.

Nutrition before sugar testing

Submitting biomaterial to check your sugar level requires avoiding the consumption of foods 8-12 hours before the analysis. Any food increases the blood glucose level and thereby distorts the result. The exception is taking an analysis for a sugar curve, the essence of which is to track changes in the indicator during the day with a normal diet.

How to prepare for a blood test

When a doctor issues a referral for a particular test, he always warns about the rules for preparing for it or gives a reminder. Forgetful patients can find this information on the clinic information boards.

Blood donation is usually done on an empty stomach in the morning. At this time, its composition is best suited for research. On the eve of the procedure, it is forbidden to eat any food so that its components do not affect the chemical composition of the main body fluid. If an urgent procedure is necessary, blood is drawn immediately. If the patient is not unconscious, he is asked what he has eaten and drunk in the near future.

It is important to remember that doctors inform about restrictions not out of a desire to somehow disadvantage the patient. Without this, it is difficult to obtain correct results for further diagnosis

So, what rules should be followed by those who are assigned to donate blood:

  1. Three days before the study, you should not eat fatty or spicy foods, sauces, or alcoholic beverages .
  2. The last meal should be 12 hours before the procedure . Usually this is a light dinner, including porridge, steamed vegetables, and dairy products. At this time, physical activity, sports, and emotional stress should be avoided.
  3. Before the study itself, you should not smoke or take medications .

If the patient urgently needs medication, the doctor is warned about this when prescribing the test. Some studies require taking certain medications or compounds when donating blood in order to determine the effect of the pharmaceutical on the patient's body. For example, a sugar curve with a load involves taking glucose added to tea or warm water in the second phase.

For other studies, 12 hours before blood collection you should not drink tea, coffee, lemonade, mineral water, sweet juices, jelly or compotes. This, perhaps, does not apply only to a general blood test. But even with it, you should not drink these drinks in the morning before the procedure.

Preparing for a blood test

When a doctor issues a referral for a specific test, he advises the patient about the conditions for preparing for this procedure or issues a special reminder. Such information is often posted on information boards in the clinic building. Blood donation most often occurs in the morning on an empty stomach. The composition of blood in the morning is most suitable for testing. The day before taking blood for analysis, you should not eat food so that its components do not affect the chemical composition of the main fluid of the human body.

If the matter does not require delay, then blood is taken for analysis immediately. At the same time, the patient is asked what food he has recently taken.

Attention : doctors restrict patients from eating before taking the test, not because of the patient’s infringement, but to obtain the correct results and subsequent diagnosis.

General preparation

How do you prepare for donating blood? This process requires special attention. It is important, for example, for donors. Donating blood without special preparation will lead to incorrect tests. Sometimes because of this, people are prohibited from becoming donors, if alcohol is detected in the blood - for sure.

To obtain the most accurate research results, you must:

  • give up alcohol 2-3 days in advance;
  • do not smoke for at least a day;
  • do not eat sweet, salty, spicy, fatty, fried foods;
  • do not overwork;
  • avoid stressful situations.

This is the preparation for donating blood. In addition, the person will have to stop taking medications at least a day before the test. And, as a rule, the collection of the mentioned biological material is carried out on an empty stomach - a person should not eat or drink for about 8 hours. Otherwise, the results may be distorted.

What can you eat and how much?

For almost all examinations, a strict rule applies: the time interval between the patient’s last meal and blood collection in the laboratory is at least 8 hours. For a couple of days, it is recommended to eliminate fried foods, fatty foods, and alcoholic drinks. Dinner the day before the event should be light.

There are laboratory studies that allow a person to eat even immediately before the procedure. You can eat before genetic tests (paternity test), since food does not affect DNA.

During emergency hospitalization, biomaterial is taken from a person, regardless of what and when he ate. In this case, they only look at indicators that are not affected by food.

Patients planning to donate blood are recommended to take a chocolate bar or a bun for the procedure. Food should be eaten immediately after the test to restore strength.

Pros and cons

First of all, the question of whether you should donate blood for biochemistry on an empty stomach or not depends on what blood parameters the doctor wants to study. Thus, even a small amount of water can affect the concentration of white blood cells, uric acid content and blood glucose levels. Therefore, people who donate blood to study these indicators should not only eat on the day of the examination, but also drink water.

On the other hand, it is recommended to drink a small amount of clean drinking water before taking a vein test to facilitate the blood collection procedure. This is especially true for pregnant women, in whose body a new uteroplacental circulation appears, which significantly reduces blood pressure. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult for the laboratory technician taking the sample to get into the vein and collect the required amount of blood. And especially impressionable people sometimes faint due to hunger, thirst and the sight of blood. For this reason, as well as to relieve thirst, doctors allow you to drink water in small quantities before the examination. Then the vein is less damaged during blood sampling, and the laboratory assistant can collect the required amount of blood for the sample.

For example, donors are specifically advised to drink clean water before the blood collection procedure.

It should also be noted that the opinions of foreign and domestic doctors on this issue differ significantly. If doctors abroad allow the consumption of water and even some other drinks on the day when a biochemical blood test is performed, then domestic doctors have a more radical opinion on this matter. And they prohibit not only drinking water before the test, but also brushing your teeth or using chewing gum.

Why can't you eat?

A significant part of the tests that involve taking venous blood are taken on an empty stomach. In this case, the last meal should be no earlier than 8 hours ago. It is advisable to maintain a 12-hour interval. This is due to the fact that food brings minerals, sugars, vitamins and other compounds into the body that can change the chemical composition of the blood.

For example, glucose levels rise almost immediately after eating. If venous blood is examined at this moment, the result will be overestimated, and the person may be diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Cholesterol levels change similarly after eating.

Blood from a vein on an empty stomach is taken for another reason. Some reagents used by laboratory technicians may interact with other substances in food. The result will be false positive. Infection tests are especially sensitive to such fluctuations. There are known cases of erroneous detection of syphilis in patients who ignored the diet on the eve of the study.

Important! If you violate the recommendations for donating blood, you need to tell your doctor about it. Perhaps the error will not affect the test result in any way, but if necessary, the doctor will prescribe a repeat test.

Coffee and tea thin or thicken the blood

Those who want to “get to the core” in any matter, as the famous poet wrote, have doubts: what is to blame for the caffeine contained in both coffee and tea, if it does not affect the amount of such important components of the blood as, for example, platelets or red blood cells?

Experts warn against such straightforwardness. The bottom line is that caffeine, like other active substances, has a complex effect on the human body, affecting the functioning of its glands, organs, systems, including the circulatory system.

Therefore, it can really make adjustments to the analysis results.

Our favorite morning drinks can change such indicators as blood thickness. Strong black tea and black coffee increase its viscosity.

Moreover, if you drink a lot of coffee, dehydration occurs (coffee helps remove large amounts of fluid from the body), and this is one of the main reasons why the blood is thick. Find out how much coffee you can drink per day.

Experts call coffee and black tea drinks that are not drinks from a physiological point of view and, in fact, do not participate in the formation of the water balance of our body.

Blood thinning drinks include chicory, green tea, and hibiscus herbal tea.

If you add ginger, cinnamon, thyme, oregano or honey to tea, these properties of the drink will be further enhanced. Tea with such additives reduces blood clotting.

Popular due to its medicinal properties, fireweed tea is a drink that reduces blood viscosity.

The phenols contained in the leaves of the plant do not allow iron microelements found in the body to be fully absorbed and form hemoglobin - a component, the excess of which leads to blood thickening.

Alcohol before tests

Listening to the doctor’s advice regarding preparation for the upcoming blood test, few of us pay attention to the fact that alcohol is not mentioned at all. Do you think that doctors allow its use on the eve and immediately before the procedure? No, they just don’t assume that a person can think of such an act

The fact is that alcohol a priori negatively affects the body, and early in the morning - even more so. What does this mean? See for yourself:

  • in the body the concentration of some substances simultaneously increases and the concentration of others decreases;
  • general health worsens;
  • body cells begin to absorb oxygen worse;
  • True blood sugar levels decrease.

In addition, alcohol has a negative effect on red blood cells, causing an increase in cholesterol levels and a decrease in hemoglobin. In the liver, the intensity of lipid metabolism decreases, while it is its activity that is important in the process of preparing for surgery. According to medical instructions, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol three days before the scheduled date of the test, and not a day later.

Is it possible to drink water before a blood sugar test?

As a rule, you have to donate blood infrequently, which means that all medical prescriptions can be followed, if only to avoid putting your finger under the scarifier again.

When is it okay to eat a little?

The rules on how to take a clinical blood test from a vein indicate: only on an empty stomach and you should not ignore this recommendation.

The requirements for how to properly donate blood from a finger prick are more lenient. If, for medical reasons, you cannot fast, then a morning snack is allowed, but you should not eat:

  • fatty dairy products (sour cream, butter);
  • meat products;
  • spices.

Drinking tea and coffee is prohibited.

A morning snack consisting of fruit and porridge would be ideal.

Of course, it is better not to have breakfast at all, but there are groups of people who are contraindicated to abstain from food:

  • diabetics with a tendency to low glucose;
  • pregnant women suffering from toxicosis;
  • Small children.

Healthy skin

A daily habit will benefit the body and affect the condition of the skin. Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning is beneficial for those who have begun to notice that their face looks haggard. Lack of fluid in the body quickly affects the condition of the skin. It begins to peel off, becomes thinner and becomes covered with a network of fine wrinkles.

By drinking water regularly, you can quickly eliminate the effects of dehydration. The body will recover, and there will be no more swelling on the face. Cells will be able to store nutrients and produce collagen more efficiently.

You will notice that the skin will become more toned and acquire a healthy color.

Girls whose sebaceous glands are not functioning well will pay attention to the reduction of inflammatory rashes. The skin will become less oily and less shiny

What does "on an empty stomach" mean?

When they say that blood is drawn on an empty stomach, it means that no nutrients enter the patient’s body before the test is taken. Typically, food and drink restrictions last for at least 8–12 hours.

Prohibition of eating for 8-12 hours

Blood is taken in the morning after a night's sleep, so it is not difficult to adhere to the “fasting” rule. But when you wake up, it can be hard to force yourself not to drink a glass of water or tea to wet your throat.

Doctors use the word “on an empty stomach” to mean limiting not only food, but also drinking products (tea, coffee, juices). It makes no difference where nutrients and elements come from: solid or liquid foods. In any state of aggregation, they should not penetrate the human body before taking biological material.

What is the effect of raising or lowering blood sugar?

The properties of drinks may vary depending on how they are consumed.
A cup of strong coffee, drunk “on major holidays,” gives a surge of adrenaline and, as a result, increased blood sugar levels.

For those who drink coffee regularly and in moderation (no more than 2 cups a day), the effect will be the opposite - there will be no increase and even a mild decrease is possible. Of course, provided that the drink is unsweetened.

However, it is important for diabetics to make sure that their body reacts to coffee in this way - which means they should consult their doctor or monitor changes in the blood using a home glucometer. . Various teas reduce blood sugar levels

Green provides this effect by stimulating the production of natural insulin in the body.

Various teas reduce blood sugar levels. Green provides this effect by stimulating the production of natural insulin in the body.

Rules for donating blood

Restrictions on preparatory activities are not significant, but compliance with them is extremely important to obtain an accurate result. The general rule is that blood donation should be done on an empty stomach.

That is, immediately before collecting the biomaterial, you cannot consume any food products, otherwise it will cause a chemical reaction and affect the composition of the blood. General list of preparation rules:

  • Before donating biomaterial, you can only drink plain water, i.e. without any dyes and gas.
  • It is strictly forbidden to consume any food products. The meal should be no later than 8-12 hours before the collection of biomaterial - this period of time is considered optimal for complete absorption of food.
  • 2 days (48 hours) before the study, you must avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • It is advisable to collect biomaterial in the morning, because during this period of the day, his condition will be as close as possible to the actual one, which will make it possible to obtain reliable data about the current state of health of the subject.
  • For 3 days (72 hours), you must stop taking medications that have any effect on your blood. Their list is wide, so it is better to consult with your doctor on this issue before the examination.
  • In the morning immediately before the examination, it is recommended not to take any medications. If you can take a break, take your last dose the day before the test.
  • In the period 3 hours before collecting the material, you should not smoke, because... Nicotine can also have a certain effect on the test result.
  • Before the study, it is very important to get enough sleep and first eliminate any psychological and physical stress on the body. Emotionally, the patient should be calm. It is recommended to arrive for the examination 15 minutes in advance, so that during this time you have time to relax and get some rest.

Following the simple rules described is especially important when donating plasma or platelets. It is important to follow some rules even after the analysis:

  • Immediately after submitting the biomaterial, sit in a relaxed state for 10-15 minutes.
  • If you feel weak or dizzy, be sure to contact the staff. The easiest way to overcome dizziness is to sit down and lower your head between your knees, or lie on your back and raise your legs higher than your body.
  • After donating blood, refrain from smoking for an hour.
  • The bandage should not be removed for 3-4 hours. Make sure it doesn't get wet.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours.
  • Try not to expose yourself to significant physical activity for a day.
  • Drink increased amounts of fluid for two days.
  • Vaccinations after blood donation are allowed no earlier than 10 days later.
  • You can drive a motorcycle 2 hours after the procedure. There are no restrictions on driving a car.

What can you drink

Before prescribing an examination, the attending physician always clarifies how long you should not drink or eat, and what you can do while preparing for blood sampling. The question of whether you can drink water before donating blood is usually not asked. Before you take a general blood test, sugar test, or undergo a biochemical examination, read the recommendations regarding water. Please note that immediately before collecting biomaterial you should not drink tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, sweet juices, or alcohol. Avoid alcohol and soda 12-24 hours before biochemical analysis.

  • Emergency contraception
  • Duodenogastric reflux
  • When to collect mint for drying for the winter

Is it possible to drink water

In general, you can drink water before a blood test, the main thing is that it is regular, i.e. not mineral and not carbonated. Experts even recommend starting to slowly drink liquids in the morning on this day - this is necessary in order to thin the blood. Thanks to this, the collection will be easier for both the patient and the laboratory technician. The question arises about how much water you can drink. Everything here is relatively simple: drink a glass of liquid at home and take a small bottle with you. While waiting your turn, periodically take a couple of sips - in this case there should be no problems with taking the material.

Ordinary water also consists of chemical elements, therefore, theoretically, it can create errors during the study of hormonal and biochemical parameters. There are several types of studies in which it is prohibited to consume even ordinary liquid. These include:

  • blood test for HIV infection or AIDS;
  • for hormones;
  • biochemical research.

Can I take pills?

To conduct a clinical trial, there is a ban on the use of drugs, except in cases where a specialist prescribes an examination to determine the effect of the drug on the condition of the human body. In other cases, during any tests, you should not take medications the day before. This is especially true for drugs with a diuretic effect. If you did this (for example, because of a severe headache), then be sure to warn the laboratory assistant about this. If possible, stop taking the medication the day before the test.

Can I drink coffee?

It is known that coffee has a great effect on the human body. In this regard, it is strictly not recommended to drink the drink not only before donating blood, but also before conducting any other tests. For this reason, it is better not to take risks (since the specific diagnosis will depend on the accuracy of the indicators) and drink a cup of your favorite drink after all medical procedures. It is strictly forbidden to drink grain coffee before blood sampling; the only exception may be a cup of a weak drink without sugar as breakfast, but this is also undesirable.


If certain rules are followed, the body cannot be harmed. There are practically no people who should not drink water on an empty stomach.

Caution must be taken when:

  • swelling;
  • high blood pressure;
  • heart diseases.

If these restrictions exist, it is better to consult a specialist.

You should not drink water with oil if you have gallstones, and if you have stomach diseases, you should not drink water with lemon. There are no other restrictions on fluid intake.

Drinking a couple of glasses of water in the morning is very simple. To remember this, you can use reminders at first, but very soon it will become your daily habit.

Taking blood from a vein

For complex biochemical studies, during which the number of platelets, red blood cells, sugar, bilirubin, hormones, etc. is studied. At least 2 ml of material is required, so blood is taken from a vein. In such cases, it is imperative to take the test on an empty stomach!

Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy?

When not to drink coffee before the test:

  • Sugar research.
  • Hormones.
  • Infections.

An exception is the analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor. In this case, there are no restrictions before the study!

Analysis for sugar and biochemistry

It is taken when it is necessary to examine the functioning of internal organs, identify the lack of any macroelements, establish glucose levels, and also during pregnancy to monitor the woman’s health. If you drink coffee with sugar before the test, you will have to retake the test in 100% of cases because the results will be incorrect.

An unsweetened drink adjusts the indicators up or down, which means the doctor may make an incorrect diagnosis or not see the problem at all

Hormonal study

Taking blood from a vein to study hormonal levels requires very serious preparation. As a rule, it is taken to study the correct functioning of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, and reproductive system.

During pregnancy, this test is taken several times and, of course, it is very difficult for a woman to start the day without a cup of coffee or tea. Doctors do not recommend drinking even clean water before a hormonal test to avoid distorting the results, although in extreme cases it is allowed as an exception.

Blood test for infections

The test to determine infectious diseases can be carried out throughout the day, and doctors do not prescribe dietary restrictions before taking the test. Indeed, the antibodies formed during the infection process are stable and should be easily determined in the process of studying blood.

However, there are cases when a person was mistakenly diagnosed if he drank a caffeine-containing drink before taking the test. In this case, the result was false positive, and the study had to be repeated.

Is it possible to drink water before donating blood?

Doctors rarely focus on a patient's fluid intake before a medical procedure. Patients also care little about this point. But sometimes even pure still water can affect the results of examinations.

Principles of fluid intake before drawing blood from a vein:

  1. For a general blood test, a little fluid will not hurt. Some doctors advise taking a couple of sips if you are thirsty before an event. But it is permissible to take only pure liquid without gas or additives.
  2. If the biomaterial is taken to study sugar concentration, it is not advisable to drink.
  3. The material is submitted for biochemistry without first drinking. Fluid affects the biochemical composition of the blood, especially in urinary diseases.
  4. When donating blood for hormones, tumor markers, and infectious diseases, the fluid does not affect the results.

Thus, the answer to the question about drinking drinks before taking blood from a vein depends on the type of study.

Is it possible to drink water before biochemical analysis?

The biochemical test has certain indications. It is prescribed for kidney and liver diseases, for changes in water-salt metabolism, as well as for suspected vitamin deficiencies. Before such a test, you should use the following recommendations:

  1. For a few days you need to stop visiting the sauna and any physical activity.
  2. 12-14 hours before the procedure, you must avoid eating any food.
  3. You need to stop drinking alcohol, smoking, taking medications and antibiotics.
  4. You should not take any liquid.

If you need to undergo a blood test to determine the level of uric acid, then you need to go on a diet for some time.

In this case, it is necessary to exclude the following products:

  • fish and meat;
  • , sparkling water and tea;
  • offal.

What tests are taken on an empty stomach?

As a rule, when a doctor prescribes a certain test for a patient, he explains how he needs to prepare, or a nurse does this. Most blood tests are taken on an empty stomach, which is one of the main conditions. Therefore, the task of doctors is to tell whether it is possible to eat and drink before the study, and how many hours later the biomaterial can be donated after the last meal or liquid.

You can also read the recommendations yourself in order to be prepared in advance for various requirements. What blood tests are taken on an empty stomach, and how strict are these rules for a specific type of research?

The most common and predominantly prescribed include general, biochemical, serological, immunological tests, as well as blood sugar diagnostics. Therefore, it is advisable to consider these studies in detail, to find out whether to take them on an empty stomach or not?

General analysis

Clinical blood testing is rightfully considered the simplest and most informative technique. Its diagnostic capabilities have already been described above. It follows from this that food intake will not have a significant impact on the results of the analysis, however, despite everything, it gives up after a long fast - 8-12 hours. What is this connected with?

The fact is that after nutrients or chemical compounds that can cause a reaction enter the body with food or drinks (everything except pure water), various metabolic processes are activated. Almost everything, not just digestive reactions, is reflected in the composition of the blood.

Of course, they will not violate its formula, but they can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the sample itself, making it less suitable for study. For example, fatty foods will cause lipemia - the appearance of lipids (fats) and their acidic compounds in the blood, which will cause turbidity in the donated biomaterial.

How to take a general blood test?

Such changes occur approximately 1-2 hours after eating and last for quite a long time. In this regard, it is recommended to refrain from a large dinner the day before the examination and try not to eat fatty foods during the day.

Reading such very serious restrictions, the question involuntarily arises: how do they take blood from children, especially small ones, to whom it is difficult to explain why they need to be patient and go hungry for several hours?

Here is a slightly different approach - just feed the baby and wait 3-4 hours, and then get tested. Considering that a child of this age is not fed complex and long-digesting food, the consequences of its consumption will not affect the results of the study.

A similar method is suitable for older children. In the morning, a light early breakfast consisting of porridge without butter and sugar, eggs and rye bread. You can also eat chicken breast. You cannot eat cheese, butter, pastries, sweets, beef, pork, or lamb. At the same time, children can drink water, which will suppress their appetite for a while and allow them to undergo the examination with the least discomfort.

Fatty foods cause blood lipids and cloudiness of the sample taken

In some situations, for example, if the patient has a history of diseases of the digestive system (peptic ulcer, etc.), prolonged hunger will cause pain. Naturally, there is no point in causing inconvenience to a person, and in such situations it is allowed to have breakfast before the procedure.

The recommended products are the same as for children, but it is advisable to wait at least 4-6 hours before taking blood. Adults are also allowed to drink water, but only clean, non-carbonated, non-mineral water, without dyes or various additives.

Some doctors even recommend drinking a glass of water about an hour before the test, which will slightly thin the blood, making the collection procedure more comfortable for the patient and the laboratory specialist. However, this does not mean that it should be consumed in any quantity - a significant amount of liquid drunk will lead to a decrease in the concentration of blood cells and distort the data obtained.

Blood biochemistry

To undergo this diagnosis, the patient will need to face serious limitations in terms of preparation. A biochemical blood test is done exclusively on an empty stomach; you will even have to refrain from drinking water - you are allowed to take only a few sips if you are very thirsty.

The essence of the study is to study biochemical components, the concentration of which varies depending on the ingestion of nutrients into the body and the characteristics of their composition. No exceptions are made here; even small children are tried to be examined after a long period of abstinence from feeding.

Otherwise, there is a high probability that, due to artificially created changes (food intake), problems in the body will not be detected, and the diagnosis will remain unknown. Patients who are being examined for pathologies of the urinary tract must adhere to these prohibitions.

Blood for sugar

A similar strict principle underlies the preparatory process for testing blood glucose levels. It must be taken not only on an empty stomach, but also with minimal water intake, since even a couple of glasses drunk several hours before the procedure can lead to distorted results.

In addition, the person being examined should not drink too much liquid on the eve of the day of diagnosis, as this will lead to a similar problem. It is allowed, by analogy with blood biochemistry, to moisten the throat with two or three sips of plain water to reduce thirst.

To facilitate the process of taking blood for most tests, doctors recommend drinking one glass of clean water 1-2 hours before.

Immunological, serological and hormone analysis

Serious restrictions apply to the consumption of food and water and in preparation for tests for hormones and HIV. Serological and immunological blood tests do not require such strict abstinence, but this does not mean that you can drink liters of water both on the day of the procedure and on the eve of the diagnosis.

Blood tests for tumor markers also do not require significant dietary and drinking restrictions. If for some reason a person has already had breakfast and needs to take a general, serological or immunological test, it is enough to wait a few hours before taking blood. The sample taken will be completely suitable for study.


Even if you stopped drinking coffee and tea before taking the tests, doubts that everything will go smoothly remain, since there are many other “pitfalls” that can distort a reliable picture of your physical condition.

Here's how to maneuver between them:

  • do not take medications on the eve of the procedure, their effect on test results is very significant;
  • switch to lighter foods, giving up spicy, fatty foods;
  • go to bed early to get a good night's sleep;
  • a day before taking the test, try to avoid stress and physical strain;
  • stop smoking at least 0.5 days before;
  • immediately before testing for the presence of sugar in the blood, you need to be careful with toothpaste - if it is sweet, it increases its level in the body (chewing gum is also prohibited);
  • in the morning before the test, do not drink mineral water, but plain water is a must; it lowers blood viscosity, so the sampling procedure will be less tiring for the patient (you can take a bottle of water to the clinic and drink it while waiting your turn in the treatment room);
  • no matter how much you are in a hurry, a few minutes of rest before the procedure will be useful - a hot, excited person may experience a temporary increase in blood sugar levels;
  • for those who donate blood for hormones, it is advisable to carry out this procedure at the same hours - the dynamics of the processes occurring will be more accurate;
  • It is recommended to postpone non-urgent types of tests for a while if a person has some kind of inflammation or viral disease - the effect of infections and microbes affects the results of the studies.

If blood is taken from a woman for analysis, the most favorable time for this is considered to be days 5-8 of the menstrual cycle.
The doctor should inform the patient about any restrictions in taking tests related to the characteristics of the female body.

How to donate blood to a child?

Taking blood for a general analysis from a child is additional stress. That is why more thorough psychological preparation is required. When there is intense crying and fear, hormones are released into the baby’s blood. They can greatly distort the result. To avoid nervous tension in children it is necessary :

  • Calm the child down and tell him about the procedure;
  • Distract with your favorite toy or book;
  • Support in case of strong feelings and in no case scold.

As for food intake, it depends on the age of the child:

  • Children under 1 year old donate blood 2 hours after breakfast;
  • Children from 1 year to 3 years. If the baby tolerates the absence of breakfast well, there are no screams or hysterics, then it is better to donate blood on an empty stomach. If the baby is capricious and cannot tolerate hunger, you can feed him light porridge 3 hours before donating blood;
  • Children over 3 years old donate biomaterial for a general blood test on an empty stomach, as they can endure hunger. The exception is children with diabetes.

Immediately after collecting the biomaterial, the child should be fed food with carbohydrates.

If the procedure for children turns out to be a lot of stress, then preference should be given to light carbohydrates (sweets, baked goods). This is due to the fact that under stress, blood glucose levels drop sharply and need to be raised.

How to prepare for the procedure

Before drinking water before taking tests, the patient should consult a doctor, since he, giving a referral for the appropriate diagnosis, instructs the patient or gives him a memorial sheet.

Blood donation is usually carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach. Only in this way will the composition of the biological fluid most accurately indicate the patient’s health status. The day before testing, it is not recommended to eat spicy, fatty, spicy, salty foods or drink alcohol.

If the analysis is carried out on an emergency basis, then the biomaterial is taken immediately, without preparation, after checking with the patient what he ate the day before. The main thing to remember is that dietary restrictions allow you to obtain the most reliable data when testing your blood. If it was not possible to avoid the feast, then the examination should be postponed for several days, then following the doctor’s recommendations.

Blood donation will be correct if certain measures are followed:

  • 2-3 days in advance, adhere to a gentle diet;
  • Do not drink lemonade, caffeine-containing drinks, or sweet juices. This does not apply to the diagnosis of general blood parameters, although such drinks should not be consumed before the procedure;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • the last meal should be taken 12 hours before (especially if it is necessary to obtain lipid profile indicators);
  • Smoking is prohibited an hour or two before the test;
  • do not take antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs. The examination is prescribed either before the start of the drug course or 2 weeks after its completion. If a person needs to take vital medications regularly, he must inform the laboratory assistant;
  • Donating blood from a vein requires psycho-emotional balance. You can’t be nervous, worry, or worry. If a person experiences nervous tension, he should rest for 10-15 minutes, relax;
  • It is not advisable to donate blood after radiography, rectal examination and other physiotherapeutic measures;
  • When taking hormonal tests in women, they must take into account age, monthly cycle and other physiological factors that directly affect the indicators.

Important! Most blood parameters are entirely dependent on the time of day. Therefore, some tests (for example, for thyroid-stimulating hormone) are taken only before ten in the morning

Features of taking blood from children

Should a child donate blood from a finger prick on an empty stomach or not? For young children, visiting a clinic is stressful, but here it is also intensified by the discomfort of hunger. Children's tantrums and crying provoke the release of hormones into the blood, and this affects the reliability of the result, so the requirements for children depend on age:

  • For babies under one year old, biomaterial is not taken on an empty stomach, but parents are advised to visit the laboratory 2-3 hours after feeding;
  • A child older than one year can already be distracted and helped to endure hunger.

Children react differently to food refusal. Some people tolerate this calmly, while for others hunger causes irritation. It is impossible to explain to a 1-3 year old child the need to refuse breakfast; he will cry and be capricious, and children's tantrums distort the diagnosis more than food intake. In this case, it is better to feed the child and wait the required 3 hours, after which you go for tests.

For older boys and girls, the requirements are stricter - kindergarteners and schoolchildren can endure a couple of hours without food without harm to their health.

Parents should remember that when examining blood taken on an empty stomach, the calculation of indicators will be as reliable as possible, so it is better to try to follow all the rules.

Should I take a clinical blood test on an empty stomach or not? From a vein - only on an empty stomach, and when giving from a finger, some relaxations are allowed. But even if there are no special indications prohibiting refusal to eat, then to increase the reliability of the diagnosis it is still better to fast.

Today, a blood test is taken from a vein from almost every patient admitted to a hospital with a particular disease, and even from those who simply visit a local physician.

This is explained by the fact that it is the blood that first reacts to all changes occurring in the human body.

Thus, the composition of a biofluid is significantly affected by a banal acute respiratory infection, not to mention more serious diseases.

What types of blood tests are there from a vein? It is from a vein and biochemical. What each of these options shows is discussed in more detail in the article.

Despite the fact that a clinical or general blood test is traditionally taken from a finger, an increasing number of modern clinics, especially if the most complete, detailed clinical analysis is needed, prefer to take blood from a vein.

This is explained by the fact that a detailed clinical analysis involves the use of a significant amount of biofluid, which can be quite problematic to obtain from a finger, but very simply from a vein.

A detailed clinical blood test is prepared on ultra-modern, expensive analyzers, which require a fairly large amount of material for research.

And another argument in favor of taking blood from a vein rather than from a finger is that capillary and venous blood are quite different in composition.

The latter, for example, contains much more glucose, which can be very important for making a diagnosis for some diseases.

Thus, if a detailed analysis is needed, venous rather than capillary blood is preferable.

What is research? What is the difference between clinical detailed and ordinary tests?

A general blood test is a study of a person’s biofluid, aimed at identifying pathological processes in his body at the early stages of their development.

The analysis is carried out for both therapeutic and preventive purposes, as well as to monitor the progress of pregnancy.

Clinical fluid analysis provides information on various blood parameters.

Their number can range from 10 to 50. If the number of obtained parameters exceeds 30, this is a detailed general analysis.

It is preferable to take a clinical test (either from a finger or from a vein) on an empty stomach, having previously given up too heavy (spicy, fatty, fried) foods 2 days in advance.

Taking a biofluid on an empty stomach is explained by the fact that if less than 6 hours before the test the patient eats (even if he just drinks sweet tea with cookies), this can greatly distort the results of the analysis.

If it is too difficult to eat nothing for a long time, it is still advisable to come to the laboratory on an empty stomach and remain hungry when donating blood, but take a snack with you so that you can have a snack immediately after the procedure.

What parameters does the study show? Decoding the received data and making a diagnosis based on them is the job of a qualified specialist.

Along with this, knowing the basic parameters, you can try to understand the results yourself.

The article provides information about the most important indicators, without knowing which, there is no point in trying to decipher the results:

  • Iron-containing protein hemoglobin. Norm: 120-160 g/l. Low hemoglobin indicates anemia and severe blood loss;
  • Hematocrit is the ratio of certain cells to the total amount of blood. Norm: 36 – 45%. Hematocrit drops sharply in case of intense blood loss, during acute infectious diseases, and some autoimmune diseases;
  • ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). Norm: 1 – 12 mm per hour. An increase in ESR indicates strong inflammatory processes in the body, cancer, and blood diseases;
  • Erythrocytes (red blood cells). Norm: 3.9x10 12 – 5.5x10 12 cells/liter. A decrease in the number of red blood cells indicates the development of anemia in the patient. A significant excess of the norm can signal the development of a disease such as leukemia. A decrease in the level of red blood cells is possible due to diseases such as myeloma, cancer, bone marrow metastases, measles;
  • Leukocytes (white blood cells, their types: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, directly, leukocytes). Norm: 4 – 9x10 9 /liter. If the number of leukocytes is higher than normal, then an inflammatory process is guaranteed to develop in the body;
  • Lymphocytes (immune defenders, main types of lymphocytes: T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, NK-lymphocytes). Norm: 1 – 4.8x10 9 /liter. If there are significantly more lymphocytes in a person’s blood than normal, he may develop a viral disease or acute radiation sickness. A lack of lymphocytes indicates cancer, an immunodeficiency state;
  • Platelets. Norm: 170 – 320x10 9 /liter. An increased number of platelets is observed in diseases of the cardiovascular system, for example, thrombosis. Thus, with thrombosis (especially at its initial stage, during the formation of a blood clot), an accumulation of platelets is observed in some difficult-to-pass areas of the vessels. Along with this, with thrombosis, other indicators in the clinical analysis will also deviate from the norm.

A detailed blood test also necessarily includes a leukocyte formula, which indicates how all types of leukocytes in the blood correlate and whether there are any deviations from the norm in this ratio.

What is a blood test

Donating blood from a finger or vein is necessary for comprehensive laboratory diagnostics. It allows you to assess the condition of a person’s internal organ systems, as well as determine his need for microelements. Based on the analysis, a specific course of treatment is selected. Any changes occurring in the body are reflected by deviations from the norm of certain indicators of the biomaterial.

Specifics of the blood test may vary. The most common study used in practice is general clinical analysis. During this procedure, blood is drawn from the ring finger. Sometimes biomaterial can be taken from the index and middle

In this case, the soft tissues are carefully pierced using a disposable sterile needle. The material is then placed in a special tube and sent for research.

For some tests, it is necessary to collect venous blood. It is obtained from a vein located in the bend of the elbow.

The most common blood tests used in practice are:

  1. General clinical analysis. It is used to determine the amount of hemoglobin, leukocytes, red blood cells, platelets and a number of other substances. The method helps to identify various inflammatory, infectious and hematological diseases.
  2. Immunological. The study reveals the number of immune cells in the human body. The study makes it possible to determine the development of immunodeficiency in the early stages.
  3. For sugar. Using the method, the concentration of glucose in human blood is determined.
  4. For tumor markers. The study reveals the presence of proteins that are produced in benign and malignant tumors.
  5. Biochemical. Allows you to determine the functional state of the body. Using the method, the peculiarities of the course of metabolism, as well as the nuances of the functioning of internal organs, are clarified.
  6. Serological. The analysis is required to determine the presence of antibodies to a particular virus. The method allows you to find out a person's blood type.
  7. Hormone. It is used to identify a whole list of diseases. Using the research method, the current level of certain hormones is determined.
  8. Allergy tests. The study must be carried out if there is an allergy. Using this diagnostic method, a specialist makes a conclusion about a person’s individual sensitivity to certain products, as well as elements of the environment.

Types of blood tests ordered by your doctor

This procedure is a blood test that involves taking a small amount of blood to analyze its structure. The doctor prescribes the following types of tests to check your blood:

  1. A general analysis is prescribed for almost all patients who complain about their health. It allows you to pre-check and prescribe auxiliary analysis.
  2. Biochemical research is a method of testing blood with in-depth identification of diseases in the functioning of internal organs, abnormal metabolism and to clarify the preliminary result.
  3. A blood sugar test is needed to determine if blood sugar levels are abnormal.
  4. A blood test for hormones is based on changes in the content of bioactive substances that are produced by the glands of the human body. This makes it possible to find the causes of various diseases, infertility, and endocrine diseases.
  5. An analysis for tumor markers must be done to determine the hidden oncological process before the onset of symptoms of the disease.
  6. Analysis for hepatitis, HIV and other infectious diseases.

Such studies help to identify diseases in a timely manner, since the composition of people’s blood changes only under the influence of factors such as inflammation, infection, imbalance of glucose, hormones, and disruption of internal organs.

When is blood donated?

If a person wants to become a donor, he will have to face a lot of restrictions. The following rules must be observed:

  1. The last drink of alcohol should take place no less than 2 days before the procedure.
  2. Smoking is prohibited within an hour before donating blood.
  3. You should not take analgesics the day before. Additionally, you need to give up smoked foods, sweet and fatty foods, as well as dairy products.
  4. On the day of blood donation, you must have a nutritious breakfast.

If the blood donor is a woman, you cannot undergo the procedure during menstruation. The ban is valid for a week after its end. Pregnant women cannot take part in donating blood. In addition, there is a whole list of diseases for which donation is impossible. This:

  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • syphilis;
  • AIDS;
  • hepatitis.

The list is not exhaustive. You can find out the entire list of prohibitions by first consulting with a specialist.

Experts' conclusions

It follows that drinking water before donating blood is prohibited if a biochemical analysis is being carried out. In this case, you should not drink water 12 hours before donating blood. If you are very thirsty, you can wet your lips.

There are diseases for which drinking water on an empty stomach is prohibited, both before taking tests and at other times. For example, with hypertension, too much fluid on an empty stomach can lead to increased blood pressure. If you don't know whether you can drink liquids before getting tested, ask the doctor who referred you for the test. There is no point in asking laboratory technicians about water consumption, since it will already be too late. In addition, you need to clarify with your doctor what food restrictions exist the day before donating blood.

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