What is prothrombin time in a blood test and the danger of deviations from the norm
Prothrombin time: what is it? The human body has the ability to recover. For various injuries
Lymph nodes in the neck. Location, causes of inflammation and treatment in adults, children
Diagnosis of lymph node metastases on MRI and CT scans of the chest
Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck usually occur as a result of contact with bacteria and viruses.
Intrauterine infections in newborns and fetuses during pregnancy. Causes, consequences, what it is, analysis
The request for "TORCH infection" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Intrauterine infections ICD-10 35.-39. ICD-9 771
Features of blood tests for ARVI in children: interpretation of results and normal indicators
Blood tests in children have their own specific features, primarily related to the fact that
Prescriptions from the attending physician
What tests are needed for laparoscopy - list of studies and deadlines for tests
No complex preparation is required for laparoscopy. Before the operation, the doctor is obliged to check the patient’s condition in order to
When and who needs to donate blood for adrenal hormones
Blood tests for the level of adrenal hormones are prescribed for signs of decreased or increased function,
Blood clotting factors and their role
Platelet factors for blood coagulation and fibrinolysis
Types of hemostasis The blood coagulation system consists of three main components: the coagulation system itself -
X-ray description of hip dysplasia in children
Detection of pathology of the musculoskeletal system at the initial stage in children in most cases seems difficult
Why is metrosalpingography (MSG) prescribed when planning pregnancy?
What is tubal MSG? Metrosalpingography (abbr. MSG) is a type of X-ray examination, with
Oxalates in urine
Formation of oxalaturia, its treatment and consequences
Clinical urine analysis is one of the traditional methods for diagnosing most diseases and reflects the main
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