Is the PCR test for HIV reliable and after how long can it be taken?
In the time since the discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus, serious progress has been made in treatment.
chair after laparoscopy
What to do if constipation occurs after surgery?
Home » Laparoscopy » Laparoscopy and its types March 11, 2020 Laparoscopy Many people
What kind of discharge occurs after laparoscopy and should I worry?
Today, the medical industry has fundamentally new technologies for surgical interventions. One of these
Signs of egg fertilization, symptoms of conception
When the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus: signs, sensations and timing
When a desired pregnancy occurs, all expectant mothers want to reliably make sure that the fetal
renal failure
Kidney failure - what is it, symptoms and treatment of the disease
Kidneys are paired organs that filter the blood from metabolic end products, as well as toxic
What to do if your stomach hurts after a colonoscopy
What is the procedure for intestinal colonoscopy? It is very difficult to examine such a tortuous and extended organ.
Bilirubin is normal
How to properly prepare for a bilirubin test
Every minute, many metabolic processes occur in the human body, as a result of which various enzymes appear.
toxic drugs
What is ALT during pregnancy. Normal ALT during pregnancy. Increased ALT during pregnancy
Among the large number of different tests that a pregnant woman has to undergo, it is important to determine the level
Myelocytes: structural features and types
Myelocytes in the blood: what are they, role, norm, reasons for the increase, how to treat
Myelocytes: structural features and types A myelocyte is an immature representative of leukocytes. It consists of
Is it possible to do fluorography and mammography on the same day?
Mammography and fluorography: indications for use Mammography is an informative method for the early diagnosis of breast cancer
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