Heterogeneous echostructure of the liver on ultrasound - what does it mean and what to do?
The liver is the largest human gland; its functions are diverse and necessary. To the two most
Diaphragm diseases symptoms treatment
What is relaxation of the diaphragm on the right on an x-ray. Diseases of the diaphragm. What does an x-ray show?
General information It is sometimes difficult to notice diseases of the human diaphragm, but some pathologies immediately manifest themselves
How long does it take to be discharged after gallbladder removal?
Warehouse relocation to Europe. We sell drugs for hepatitis C in Russia at the purchase price
What are urates, how do they get into urine and how to get rid of them
Urates in urine are salts of uric acid. They are small round crystals,
ultrasound ear
Ultrasound of the ear: whether they do it or not, what it shows and how the examination of ENT organs is carried out, preparation, indications, interpretation of results, norm, price
The ear is a rather complex organ in its structure. It consists of three sections: external,
MRI head image
Is it possible to do an MRI with a stent: rules and restrictions for patients with vascular pathologies
MRI of the head helps to identify pathological changes in the structure of the brain before symptoms of diseases appear, which
heart pathology
What is a hyperechoic focus in the left ventricle of the fetal heart?
Ultrasound examination of the fetus or perinatal ultrasound diagnosis has become an absolutely integral part of obstetrics. Fetal ultrasound
What Giardia looks like
Interpretation of a blood test for Giardia. Results of ELISA analysis and microscopic examination. Antibodies Ig M and Ig G
Giardiasis is a disease that occurs when single-celled protozoa Giardia enters the human body. Giardia
Hernia after laparoscopy: why it occurs, signs and symptoms, treatment methods
Removal of an umbilical hernia by laparoscopy is considered an effective method of eliminating pathology. The main advantage of this type
types of hemoglobin tests
Checking hemoglobin levels at home: how to do it
Signs of anemia and the purpose of tests Hemoglobin is one of the most important elements of life. With pathological
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