Kidney examination
What an ultrasound scan of the adrenal glands and kidneys shows: indications, how to prepare
Modern medicine has many opportunities for diagnosing diseases of the urinary system, and in particular the kidneys
fluorography in Moscow
X-ray for a child - is it possible to do it, how often and how do X-rays be done in childhood?
In this article we will look at the age at which a child can undergo fluorography. This diagnostic method shows
What to do with low platelets during pregnancy: reasons for the increase and methods, doctors’ recommendations
11/01/2018 Category: Tests and examinations Author: Tatyana Rosinskaya During the period of bearing a baby, it is very important that a woman
What are eosinophils, what are they responsible for and what is the normal level in the blood for women, men and children?
Eosinophils Eosinophils are formed blood cells that are included in the category of leukocytes along with
Ultrasound of soft tissues of the face, thigh, abdomen, lower leg, back: what does it show, when is it prescribed?
Description of the procedure Soft tissues make up a significant part of the body. These include: skin; muscles; subcutaneous
Which diagnostic method is better: MRI or CT?
What does a brain CT scan show and how does it differ from an MRI?
The information obtained through scanning provides an accurate diagnosis. The equipment allows you to identify various ailments
Girl donates blood
How and when to take a blood test for the hormone prolactin for women
In the body of every person there is and functions a very important gland of the endocrine system - the pituitary gland.
diabetes symptoms
A few simple tips for preparing for fluorography of the lungs
Fluorographic examination refers to x-ray diagnostic methods. The essence of the method is the ability of body tissues
Regular checkups
The norm of leukocytes in the blood of pregnant women by trimester
You are here: Blood test - Leukocytes in the blood - Leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy
HE-4 tumor marker. What does this mean, decoding, the norm for women
What is a he4 tumor marker, what does a he4 blood test mean with interpretation
Conducting an accurate differential diagnosis of oncological pathologies of pelvic organs and tissues in women is
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