Analysis of the compatibility of partners for conception: indications, preparation, methodology
In some cases, after examination of men and women planning to conceive a child, no
What kind of discharge occurs after laparoscopy and should I worry?
Today, the medical industry has fundamentally new technologies for surgical interventions. One of these
Bilirubin is normal
How to properly prepare for a bilirubin test
Every minute, many metabolic processes occur in the human body, as a result of which various enzymes appear.
toxic drugs
What is ALT during pregnancy. Normal ALT during pregnancy. Increased ALT during pregnancy
Among the large number of different tests that a pregnant woman has to undergo, it is important to determine the level
Myelocytes: structural features and types
Myelocytes in the blood: what are they, role, norm, reasons for the increase, how to treat
Myelocytes: structural features and types A myelocyte is an immature representative of leukocytes. It consists of
High bilirubin in the blood in adults: causes and treatment
13658 Bilirubin is a component of blood. This substance occurs due to the breakdown of red blood cells. He constantly
What are leukocytes, platelets and erythrocytes table (structure and functions)
Formed elements of blood Formed elements of blood provide its versatility Formed elements provide versatility of functions
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Blood test for stomach cancer: types and their interpretation
Cancer is a very common disease these days and it is truly alarming. Relevance of identification
RVI indicator
RVI indicator: how to use correctly, detailed description, Forex strategies on Relative Vigor Index
RVI indicator (stands for Relative Vigor Index and is translated from English as “vigority index”)
Ways to lower blood sugar - basic principles
This article will discuss in detail a topic that is important for people suffering from diabetes.
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