Complete blood count with platelets manual counting
What are platelets? Platelets are non-nucleated blood cells that are synthesized by red bone marrow tissue.
What tumor markers detect bowel cancer and how to get tested?
The high mortality rates of people diagnosed with bowel cancer are due to too late detection of the pathology. Save
Traces of hemoglobin in the urine of women, men, and children. What does it mean, causes, treatment
Traces of hemoglobin in urine in adult men, women, and children of all age groups
osmotic resistance of red blood cells
How is the determination and results of studying the osmotic resistance of erythrocytes, norms and deviations carried out?
The resistance of erythrocytes is understood as their resistance to various destructive factors: mechanical, thermal and others.
What to do if platelets in a man’s blood are higher or lower than normal?
To obtain primary information about how the internal organs and systems of the body function,
RFMC (soluble fibrin-monomer complexes): the essence and purpose of the analysis, why elevated numbers are dangerous
Hemostasis Using the RFMC test, it is possible to detect the presence of fibrinomeric complexes - markers of thrombinemia. The
What is hemoglobin in the blood indicated for?
What is WBC and other UAC abbreviations - decoding of abbreviations
The meaning of hemoglobin Hemoglobin is a complex globulin protein. Its molecule consists of two parts: globin
test tubes
CA 72 4 tumor marker: interpretation, norm, reasons for increase
Gastrointestinal cancer can be detected in the early stages of development, but only with the use of a tumor marker
Antibodies to thyroglobulin are increased in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment
Antibodies to thyroglobulin (TG) are greatly elevated - what does this mean?
What is thyroglobulin and when does it appear in the blood? Hormones produced by the thyroid gland are called
Testosterone in women is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries.
Testosterone in women. Hormone norm, symptoms of high, low, general analysis. Treatment, food, drugs
The level of testosterone in women varies depending on many factors: age, time of day, phase
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