Boy or girl
Popular ways to find out the sex of a child in early pregnancy using a table
When young parents find out about their “interesting situation”, they quickly want to find out the gender
red blood cells in poikilocytosis
Poikilocytosis of erythrocytes: what it is, causes and degrees, symptoms, treatment and consequences
Violations of the basic functions of hematopoiesis occur in the practice of hematologists in a variety of forms and types.
Analysis for vitamin D. How to take it, what it shows, what it is needed for, price
Vitamin D norm in women's blood table by age
Vitamin D (calciferols) plays a huge role in human life, having a pleiotropic (multiple) effect on
PDW in blood test. What is it, norm and deviation, increased/decreased. Table
The relative width of platelet distribution by volume is increased: the PDW index in a blood test and its norm
Using the MCV blood test indicator in a child, knowing its norms and interpretation, you can
Where to buy, how to choose and what panties are needed for colonoscopy
Colonoscopy is considered the most informative method for examining the large intestine throughout its entire length. Since recently
Vascular CT, or CT angiography: how and why it is done
A doctor can prescribe effective treatment for suspected pathologies of arteries and veins only after
Equipment for examining the knee joint
In what cases is an x-ray of the knee joint needed, and what does the x-ray show?
Radiography is one of the very first methods for diagnosing pathological changes occurring in different structures
Diagnostics CT
How does MRI differ from MSCT and what does the choice depend on?
Features To adequately assess the vessel, angiography is performed with contrast. Contrast for non-selective angiography is introduced
Benign idiopathic neutropenia in children
What causes neutropenia in infants: signs and treatment of the disease
In the case when a pediatrician draws attention to an incomprehensible decrease in leukocytes and neutrophils in the blood
Ultrasound normal
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in adults: norm and deviations, interpretation of indicators, features of the procedure
Ultrasound diagnostics has gained great popularity due to its safety and relative ease of implementation.
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