Monocyte cell test
Reduced monocyte count in the blood - causes and what to do
Causes of low monocytes The normal content of monocytes in the blood relative to the total number of leukocytes is
Preparing for a cardiac ultrasound: what not to do before the examination
Cardiological diseases are multifaceted in nature. Conventionally, they can be divided into functional and
What does pneumonia look like on an x-ray: description and photos of the images
Radiography is one of the main and mandatory research methods, which is necessary in case of suspicion.
Conduction system of the heart
Incomplete blockade of PNPG on the ECG: ignore it or be examined by a cardiologist?
In conclusion to the ECG, after indicating the heart rate, the nature of the rhythm and the location of the EOS,
The normal size of the thyroid gland in women - table, normal volume
What should be the normal size of the thyroid gland in women? Below is a table with all its
What does Fibrinogen mean during pregnancy? Table of norms by week
The influence of fibrinogen on pregnancy Increased fibrinogen during pregnancy (hyperfibrinogenemia) is a normal reaction of the body to the future
X-ray of the femur: indications for performing, interpretation of the result
What can be seen on an X-ray of the hip joint Endoprosthetics of the hip joint X-ray as a research method
What can you find out with a serological blood test?
» Blood tests Serology is a science that studies human blood serum and its properties. IN
Drug Isoniazid
Average red blood cell volume - reasons for deviation from the norm
You are here: Blood test - Red blood cells - Average volume of red blood cells Normal values ​​Deviations from
Norms and interpretation of ultrasound at 20 weeks during pregnancy
The ultrasound examination procedure is familiar to all expectant mothers. During pregnancy, a woman undergoes this examination
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