PSA test
PSA test norm for men over 60 years of age and how to reduce elevated antigen
PSA analysis allows you to suspect the presence of prostate cancer without TRUS, biopsy and MRI, but in
Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages: preparation, performance, results
Ultrasound examination is popular due to its informativeness, reliability of results and painlessness. When choosing between others
Fetal head on ultrasound
3rd trimester screening. What does it include and for how long is it carried out?
The advent of ultrasound diagnostics has made it possible to observe the intrauterine life of the fetus. This research is mandatory
Parathyroid hormone: hormone norm, tests, reasons for increase in women
General information about parathyroid hormone In medicine, parathyroid hormone is a hormone that is produced by the parathyroid glands.
How often can an MRI procedure be performed without harm to health?
Myths about the dangers of MRI Nowadays they often talk about the negative impact of geomagnetic storms, the danger
red blood cell distribution index is reduced what does this mean
RDW CV and RDW SD in a blood test - interpretation and norm
Red blood cell distribution index (RDW) is a very important factor during a complete blood count.
Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase. Norm for women by age, interpretation
Antibodies to TPO: what they are, norms by age, reasons for the increase in the indicator, diagnosis and treatment
The biochemical features of the human body are represented by thousands of operations and reactions. They are accelerated by special compounds that
How to increase hemoglobin in women at home
What foods increase hemoglobin in the blood - a list of 20 options with the highest iron content
Without breath there is no life. It is obvious. But there are substances in the body without which
Hemoglobin content in newborns: norms in tables, reasons for deviations
0 Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna 2017.08.27 616 Hemoglobin A few days after the birth of the baby
Capsule endoscopy
Checking the stomach without FGS using capsule endoscopy
Patients are often frightened by the mere mention of words such as “gastroscopy” or “colonoscopy.”
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