How does a doctor use dental CT results?
Computed tomography of teeth in dentistry: basic information about the procedure
Dental CT is a type of modern x-ray examination. By performing it, a three-dimensional model of the area under study is obtained.
A boy undergoes echocardiography of his heart
Ultrasound of a child’s heart is a quick and harmless diagnostic method.
A specialist prescribes an ultrasound of the child’s heart to examine the organ with pinpoint accuracy and identify abnormalities.
Fatty acids in the stool of a child (steatorrhea): causes and treatment
What is coprogram Sometimes in the hospital a swab is taken from the anus of babies. More often
female pelvis
How does the small pelvis work in women, and what can be seen in the photo in the anatomical atlas?
The structure of the pelvis It is possible to distinguish certain components in the named part of the skeleton: the sacrum, the coccyx and two
What does a bad blood test mean and how to deal with it?
Poor blood clotting: causes, dangers and what to do
Poor general blood test A general (clinical) blood test is most often prescribed to patients. Deviations of it
What urine tests should be taken for pyelonephritis and what do they show?
The importance of urine analysis for diagnosing pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease caused by infection and
ultrasound at 26 weeks of pregnancy
26th week of pregnancy: fetal development, full description, photo, ultrasound
The last trimester of pregnancy begins at 26 weeks. It is rightfully considered the most difficult for
What does fluorography show and what diseases can it detect?
X-ray examination: positive and negative aspects of the procedure X-ray of healthy lungs X-ray examination is based
Ultrasound of the sinuses
Diagnostics of the nose: how to assess the condition of the nasal cavity and sinuses
Types of endoscopy Examination of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx can be done in several ways. It all depends on the character
Prothrombin index (PTI) - what it is and how to calculate (formula). Why does PTI rise or fall?
array(21) { [“catalog_code”]=> string(6) “100002” [“name”]=> string(158) “Prothrombin, International normalized ratio, INR (International
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