How is an MRI of the elbow joint performed and what does it show?
What pathologies of the elbow joint are detected on MRI? In the area of ​​the elbow there are three joints, united
Is it normal to have a stomach ache after an FGD?
Preparatory period The essence of FGDS is that through the mouth into the pharynx and beyond
Abdominal ultrasound: what it is, indications, stages of preparation for the procedure, which organs are examined
What is an abdominal ultrasound? Abdominal ultrasound (transabdominal) is one of the types of ultrasound diagnostics,
What indicators of glycated hemoglobin during pregnancy are considered normal?
What does the indicator mean? Blood contains a large number of different substances that circulate in the human body
Causes of low protein in the blood and methods of increasing it
A biochemical blood test allows you to evaluate the functioning of internal organs. One of the leading indicators of this study
Increased blood clotting during pregnancy: possible consequences, impact on the fetus, medical opinions
Poor blood clotting during pregnancy is a pathological condition that carries risks for a woman’s health
Features of performing a CT scan of the bladder, when is this procedure necessary, what do the images show?
Detected pathology Trauma and wounds CT allows one to assess the integrity of the bladder wall, its shape,
MRI scan of the brain
Reliability of CT research. Can anyone make mistakes? Reliability of computed tomography results. Problems.
Accuracy of the method: can MRI make mistakes in diagnosis? To obtain images, a device is used that
life expectancy three four months leukocytes
How long do leukocytes live and where are they formed? Types and functions of leukocytes
Leukocytes, or white blood cells, are components that protect the body from infectious agents. They
How to take a cortisol test correctly Preparation, cycle day, norm and interpretation of results
How to take a cortisol test correctly Preparation, cycle day, norm and interpretation of results
Get tested for cortisol Every person is exposed to stress almost every day - there is a lot of stress here
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