Peak flowmetry. Algorithm, norm for adults, children, table for asthma, COPD, bronchitis, pneumonia
Instructions for use of a peak flow meter, peak flow meter indicators
A peak flow meter is a simple device necessary for individual monitoring of the course of bronchial asthma. Peak flow meter
Ultrasound of a month old baby
What examinations should a child undergo in the first year of life?
Examination When your baby turns 1 month old, it’s time for you to check the child’s health. Initial
Causes of lumbar intervertebral hernia
Signs of the disease The doctor sees the vertebra itself and the spinal hernia on an x-ray, if you have
Homocysteine ​​during pregnancy: what should be the norm?
Homocysteine ​​is a substance formed in the human body from methionine, which is extremely important for healthy pregnancy.
The branches of the pulmonary arteries correspond to the segmental structure of the lungs
Anatomy of the lungs: segments on x-ray and CT, the course of the bronchi.
Features of the structure of the lungs The lungs themselves are organs that ensure gas exchange between the blood and the environment.
An ultrasound determines the obstetric or embryonic period. Obstetric and ultrasound terms - differences and norms
The availability of ultrasound diagnostics allows a woman who has just learned about her pregnancy not to speculate
Rice. 5. Proposed functions of tissue resident T-lymphocytes
Cytotoxic T cells may be key to longevity
You are here: Blood test - Lymphocytes - T-lymphocytes Education and development Main functions Types
What are liver transaminases in a blood test?
AST (aspartate aminotransferase, AST) is an enzyme involved in the balance of proteins (amino acids). According to the level of this enzyme
What is HCT in a blood test and deciphering the norm of the indicator: low or high
Blood is divided into a liquid part (plasma) and a cellular part (formed elements). The main representatives of the cellular
Carrying out fluorography
X-ray of the lungs for tuberculosis: infiltrative, miliary, focal
What can be seen using fluorography This diagnostic method is very common for early detection
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