main groups of hormones
What hormones are tested for during pregnancy? Hormone levels during pregnancy. Elevated hormones during pregnancy
Hormones play a dominant role in the mechanism of egg fertilization, pregnancy and childbirth. Didn't put it on
Mantoux test
Mantoux test and fluorography. How to determine tuberculosis in a child?
Tuberculosis is a dangerous infectious disease that claimed thousands of lives at the beginning of the last century, now
Why do you need an HIV test, how to take it and prepare for it
Home — For the population Map of medical organizations Vaccination Medical examination Fluorography Addresses and opening hours
Preparing for tumor markers: general and specific recommendations
Laboratory techniques in oncology occupy an important place in the diagnosis of diseases. Blood test for tumor markers
ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy
Ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy (19 photos): normal indicators and interpretation, fetal size - table
From the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby takes its final position in the uterus. Besides that
pregnancy ultrasound
Ultrasound examination at 25 weeks of pregnancy
Having passed the twenty-five week mark of pregnancy, a woman is getting closer to the third trimester,
ultrasound at 36 weeks of pregnancy
Why do you need an ultrasound at 36 weeks of pregnancy, what is the weight and height of the child?
The 36th week of pregnancy is considered the beginning of the last month in the development of the fetus, its intrauterine life. On
Fgds during pregnancy: can it be done in the early or late stages?
Very often, such a wonderful period of waiting for a baby is overshadowed by the appearance of various dyspeptic disorders, causing
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine on x-ray
Diagnostic results Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine Having received the results of the study, the doctor carefully examines what the x-ray showed
X-ray of the lungs - how to prepare for an x-ray and what the image will show
Types of X-ray diagnostics There are two main methods of X-ray examination: Fluoroscopy (otherwise called X-ray transmission) ─
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