What does an ultrasound show in the 3rd week of pregnancy: indicators and long-awaited images
A person who does not have the necessary amount of medical knowledge may be somewhat confused when distinguishing between professional terms,
Does a pregnant woman need a kidney ultrasound and will it harm the fetus?
Is it possible to perform an ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy? The longer the pregnancy, the higher the load
P-LCR (the content of large platelets in the blood): what is it, the norm, when it increases or decreases
During various medical commissions and examinations, we undergo a lot of tests, including
Blood test for appendicitis: purpose, blood sampling algorithm, testing, interpretation of the result and consultation with a doctor
What tests are elevated in case of appendicitis - Stomach disease
Tests are a means of diagnosing diseases and assessing the condition of the body. One of the most informative methods
Serological test for typhoid fever. Blood test for typhoid fever. Tank analysis for salmonellosis
Diagnosis of typhoid fever is difficult due to the difficult differentiation of the disease from intestinal diseases with similar symptoms.
When the thyroid gland malfunctions, the normal functioning of the entire body is disrupted.
How to reduce the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) using folk remedies?
When the thyroid gland malfunctions, the normal functioning of the entire body is disrupted. When it happens
Features of computed tomography of the lungs in children: indications, contraindications, possible risks
MRI, like other diagnostic methods, is the most effective and in demand today
CRP in the blood: what is it, causes of deviations, explanation
Determining the presence of an inflammatory process occurring in the body in the initial stages without severe symptoms is very
Esophagoscopy - what is it and when is it used?
Esophagoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the esophagus, which is carried out using a bronchoesophagoscope or
On what day of the cycle is mammography done?
When can you do eco and mammography? Survey for eco. Tests for IVF have been completed: what next?
Among the numerous methods for examining the mammary gland, based on the use of the latest advances in diagnostic medicine,
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