CRP in the blood: what is it, causes of deviations, explanation

Determining the presence of an inflammatory process occurring in the body in the initial stages without severe symptoms is very problematic. A diagnosis becomes available only when the main signs of the pathological process are present - fever, swelling, pain, etc.

Precious time is lost, and the disease itself gradually becomes more severe. Modern medicine does not stand still, and at the beginning of the last century, a unique marker of acute inflammation was discovered - C-reactive protein in the blood.

This substance appears in the bloodstream several times faster than the increase in ESR, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which makes it possible to determine the presence of the disease at an early stage of development.

Combination of CRP with changes in ESR

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is one of the oldest laboratory diagnostic methods. Red blood cells from healthy people settle to the bottom of the tube more slowly than red blood cells from pregnant women or people with illnesses. Acceleration of ESR indicates the possibility of a pathological process in the body.

The test is nonspecific and does not indicate any specific disease. ESR increases during inflammation, infections, and malignant processes. Sometimes this indicator remains normal despite the disease. It also happens the other way around - ESR increases in a healthy person.

CRP increases under the same conditions - inflammation, infection, malignant process. Therefore, both of these indicators are usually elevated at the same time. Advantages of determining DRR:

  • C-reactive protein rises earlier than ESR - this makes it possible to quickly identify the pathological process;
  • PSA is a more sensitive test, showing even minor inflammation;
  • CRP levels are not affected by the state of the red blood cells, and ESR in anemia may falsely indicate inflammation.

There are several exception diseases in which reactive protein does not increase in the blood. In this case, only the ESR increases. These diseases are systemic lupus erythematosus and ulcerative colitis. In the diagnosis of these diseases, the combination of high ESR and normal CRP is important.

GBUZ NO "Pavlovsk Central District Hospital"

Instructions for making an appointment with a doctor on the Internet portal.

The patient portal provides the opportunity to track the schedule of a specialist from a medical organization, make a preliminary appointment for an appointment for the service you are interested in. To enter the portal, you need to go to the “Make an Appointment” page and follow the link provided.


Main window of the Patient Portal

The main window of the patient portal displays the healthcare organizations served.

Choosing a medical institution

To make an appointment with a doctor, the patient must click on the button with the name of the required medical organization.

Selecting the service you are interested in

A window will open with a selection of services available for recording. Click on the button with the service you are interested in.

Choosing a doctor to make an appointment with

After selecting a service, a list of doctors will open with the title and surname of the doctors who provide this service. You must click on the button with the name of the doctor with whom you want to make an appointment.

View the doctor's work schedule and select an appointment date

The work schedule of the selected doctor will open. The cells available for recording contain the time interval for the doctor's appointment. Opaque cells (dark gray background) mean that recording is not possible for a given date, transparent cells (light gray background) - recording can be made.

Click on the selected cell.

Choosing a time to make an appointment with a doctor

A window will open with the choice of time to see the doctor. Transparent cells (light gray background) mean that recording is possible at this time, opaque cells (dark gray background) - recording cannot be performed. Select your appointment time.

Agreement on the processing of personal data

The “Personal Data Processing Agreement” window will open.

You must read this agreement, agree to accept it or refuse.

Authorization on the Patient Portal

After accepting the agreement, you must log in.

Authorization takes place according to two parameters:

  • By compulsory medical insurance policy number. In the empty field you must enter the compulsory medical insurance policy number without series.
  • By passport number, social card, birth certificate or pension insurance certificate. The document number is also entered without a series.

After filling out the fields, you must click the “Login” button.

Printing an appointment ticket

In case of successful authorization, an appointment will be made. To print the coupon, you must click the “Print coupon” button. A print form will open. It includes the following information: name of the medical service organization, last name, first name and patronymic of the specialist with whom the appointment was made, name of the service, date and time of appointment, last name, first name and patronymic of the citizen.

To return to the main window, click the "Back to Top" button.

Successful authorization

Unsuccessful authorization

If authorization is unsuccessful, the message “Input is not possible, please check that the data is correct” will appear. This window appears for two reasons:

  • The data was entered incorrectly. You must check the entered document numbers and date of birth, correct the error and click the “Login” button.
  • The patient is not in the database. In order for the patient’s data to appear in the database, he needs to go to the reception desk to enter data and register. Registration is carried out once.


If a patient mistakenly made an appointment, for example, not at his site, for a paid/free service, or he needs to reschedule the appointment to another date/time, he should contact the reception desk, where it will be possible to reschedule the appointment for the free time of the doctor’s appointment or cancel it. You can independently reschedule your appointment with a doctor in your personal account.

CRP for cancer

In oncology, CRP is a nonspecific indicator. It does not make it possible to determine where exactly the cancer is developing. It increases due to inflammation caused by the growth of a malignant tumor. To determine the location of cancer, you need to take specific tumor markers, do an ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

PSA is determined when diagnosing recurrent ovarian and skin cancer. In colon cancer, protein is a prognostic criterion. The higher the indicator, the lower the survival rate of patients.

How the research is carried out, preparation for analysis

Before you begin the most important thing - deciphering the results of the study, you should find out the blood test for CRP: what it is, what it involves and how to properly prepare for it. This is a biochemical analysis, or simply biochemistry, - one of the reliable methods of laboratory diagnostics. The material being tested is blood serum taken from the ulnar vein, radial vein, or another vein accessible for inspection and fixation. The procedure requires some preparatory steps:

  • Pre-treatment of the blood collection site with an antiseptic to prevent infection.
  • Applying a special tourniquet.
  • Inserting a needle into a vein and drawing blood.
  • Sending it to a biochemical or immunological laboratory, where a qualitative or quantitative analysis will be carried out using special techniques.
  • The research will take 1 business day.

Modern highly sensitive methods make it possible to determine even low levels of SRP - the lower limit of detection is 0.25 mg/l. Such a tiny amount indicates a healthy body of the person being studied.

Blood is taken for analysis usually in the first half of the day, on an empty stomach. In order to get the most reliable result, confirming or refuting the fact that c-reactive protein is present in the blood serum and that it shows the correct values, on the eve of going to the clinic you should follow some small recommendations and a few simple rules:

  • one day before collecting venous blood, exclude fatty, smoked, fried foods from the diet, do not overeat;
  • avoid physical fatigue, nervous and emotional stress;
  • do not visit baths, saunas, do not drink alcohol-containing drinks;
  • do not eat anything for at least 8-12 hours before the time appointed for blood donation;
  • do not drink juices, tea, coffee, sweet drinks. The exception is clean, still water;
  • Do not smoke for half an hour before going to the office.

Due to the fact that the parameter determined by biochemical analysis is an indicator of the acute phase of inflammation, it is CRP that provides the primary reaction of the body . This is the most highly sensitive component of bloodstream plasma; it is important to exclude any factors that could affect the results obtained.

You must notify your doctor if:

  • taking combined oral contraceptives;
  • bearing a child;
  • drug treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • recent surgical operations, implantation of artificial organs, transplants placed in the body;
  • violation of recommendations for preparing for the study.

Factors that increase protein levels

The amount of protein is influenced by cholesterol and lipid levels. In healthy people, the average blood CRP concentration is 0.8 mg/l. In people with cardiovascular diseases, the concentration increases, although it remains within normal limits. Based on the level of CRP, one can assume the risk of developing atherosclerosis, angina, and heart attack. The higher the score, the higher the risk of heart disease.

CRP increases when consuming fatty foods and taking hormonal contraceptives. Its amount is reduced by drugs from the NSAID group, steroids, and statins.

Positive CRP is observed in the following conditions:

  • insomnia;
  • apnea;
  • smoking;
  • addiction;
  • lack of vitamins A and D;
  • chronic stress;
  • accommodation in mountainous areas;
  • obesity;
  • menopause

At the same time, the indicator remains within the normal range, but reaches the upper limit.

CRP is increased in conditions accompanied by tissue damage - burns, trauma, surgery.

CRP analysis

Referral for analysis to determine the level of CRP in serum is necessary:

  • during preventive examinations in old age;
  • in case of risk of cardiovascular complications;
  • during postoperative control;
  • to monitor the progress of treatment of bacterial infections, meningitis, collagenosis, amyloidosis, cancer;
  • during organ transplantation.

The test is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. A blood sample is taken from the cubital vein. The day before you need to stop eating 12 hours before taking the test.

The analysis indicator can be affected by consumption on the eve of the test:

  • fatty, fried foods;
  • alcoholic drinks
  • strong coffee, tea;
  • overheating or hypothermia of the body;
  • smoking 30 minutes before the test.

CRP during pregnancy

In a pregnant woman, the norm for CRP in a biochemical blood test is up to 20 mg/l. An increased value indicates an inflammatory disease or infection. Further diagnostics are carried out to the same extent as for other people.

Treatment tactics for elevated C-reactive protein depend on the underlying disease. There is no point in treating tests until a diagnosis has been established. Treatment is provided by the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • surgeon.

Depending on the disease, antibiotics, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, and hormones are prescribed. C-reactive protein indicates an acute infectious or inflammatory process in the body. This is a more reliable and specific test compared to ESR. It is determined in biological fluids - blood, cerebrospinal and joint fluid. Based on the quantitative value, the nature of the disease can be assumed. Using SRP, bacterial and viral infections and non-infectious inflammations are distinguished. In a healthy person, the CRP level should be less than 10 mg/l. A negative result does not indicate pathology.



TOGBUZ "Tambov Central District Hospital"

44-39-58 Chief physician
44-19-53 Chief physician's office
77-47-92Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Services for the District Population
77-41-05Deputy chief physician for outpatient work
44-66-17 Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs
44-66-14 Deputy Chief Physician for Economic Affairs
44-66-44 Planning and Economic Department
44-03-61 Chief Accountant
44-14-05 Accounting
44-66-25 Accounting (Payment Department)
44-67-01 Deputy Chief Physician for Economic Affairs
44-66-37 Pharmacy
44-67-33 Human Resources Department
44-66-60 Chief nurse
44-66-17 Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs
44-87-89 Reception department
44-66-15 Registration, calling a pediatrician and therapist to your home (electronic registration in Pokrovo-Prigorodnoye village)
44-66-45 Surgery department
44-66-46 Therapeutic department
44-67-32 Gynecological Department
44-67-34 Operating unit with intensive care and resuscitation ward

Polyclinic department of the Tombov Central Regional Hospital:

77-41-05 Deputy chief physician for outpatient work
44-66-15Registration Pokrovo-Prigorodnoye
77-52-31 Children's registry
77-53-59 Registration for adults
75-61-01 Registration for adults (electronic registration)
77-72-35 Calling a pediatrician to your home
77-72-80 Calling a therapist to your home


Emergency Department
77-36-30 Head of Pediatric Department
77-30-98 Head of therapeutic department No. 1
77-72-90Head of therapeutic department No. 2
77-72-90 Head of therapeutic department No. 3
77-34-27 Head of phthisiology department
77-47-69 Head of the antenatal clinic
77-33-35 Prevention department
77-76-34 Organizational and methodological office

Medical outpatient clinics of the Tombov Central Regional Hospital:

61-61-10 61-61-48Gorel medical outpatient clinic
61-24-10 Komsomolsk medical outpatient clinic
65-24-91 Novolyadinskaya medical outpatient clinic

Medical departments of Tombov Central Regional Hospital

62-71-24 Avdeevsky medical district
61-02-24 Tatanovsky medical district
66-93-49 Novoseltsevsky medical district
62-00-17 Chernyanovsky medical district
66-44-33 Krasnosvobodnensky medical district
62-40-87 B. Lipovitsky medical district
62-30-51 Belomestno-Dvoinevsky medical district
61-72-53 Tulinovsky medical district
66-26-75 Stolovsky medical district
65-83-30 65-83-14 Seleznevsky medical district

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Flu Information


09/22/2020 in the Tombov Central Regional Hospital in accordance with the work plan of the institution under the chairmanship of the chief physician of the Tambov Central Regional Hospital Konyukhov I.Yu. a meeting of the medical council was held


Flu: symptoms and prevention

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