Reference values ​​are negative and the result is positive
Hepatitis C negative - the record that every person taking a test for the presence expects to see.
Kidney nephrosis
Features of manifestation and diagnosis of nephrotic and nephritic syndromes
The Latin suffix “-itis” always tells us about the presence of an inflammatory process in one or another
Photo 4
What should you eat and how to restore blood loss after donating?
Blood is a liquid, mobile connective tissue consisting of plasma and formed elements. Human organism
Electronic trading platform Sberbank AST: auctions and purchases under 44 Federal Laws
The purpose of the AST test is to determine the level of the enzyme aspartate aminotransferase in the blood. This specific cellular
Anti-HCV-total: what kind of analysis is this, and what does a positive and negative result mean?
Literally, the name of this enzyme-linked immunosorbent test can be translated as follows: complete, or
Ultrasound of the gallbladder interpretation
Ultrasound diagnostics of the gallbladder with determination of function
One of the simplest and most accessible examination methods is ultrasound diagnostics, which allows you to identify
How often can you donate blood to men and women?
Mantoux is not done often - the standard schedule involves diagnosing tuberculosis once every
Genetic double: genetic research, rules for taking it, carrying out the procedure, tests and decoding of indicators (7 photos)
Types of genetic analysis Depending on the purpose of the study, the following types of genetic analysis are distinguished:
Normally, stool should not contain starch, however, its appearance does not always indicate a disease
What is amilorrhea (starch in stool), how to identify and treat it?
Combinations of coprogram analysis results Starch is a complex type of carbohydrate that enters the body
Magnetic resonance imaging: features, advantages and disadvantages
Open-type magnetic resonance imaging The first tomographs without a restrictive tunnel were designed for the needs of veterinary
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