Interpretation of kidney changes on ultrasound, norms and diseases
Ultrasound examination of the kidneys is not only one of the most accessible procedures, but is also safe
ultrasound size of spleen
How to do an ultrasound of the spleen: preparation, normal results and pathology in adults and children
Functions of the spleen The main task of this organ is to filter blood and fill the body with enough of it
Is it possible to do an ultrasound during menstruation?
Indications and contraindications: is it possible to do an ultrasound during menstruation?
When menstruation does not come according to the clock, it is difficult to calculate the exact date of examination and recording
Pregnant woman with ultrasound image
When is gender determined during pregnancy: at what stage is the baby’s gender visible on ultrasound, is it possible to determine in the early stages
Determining the sex of a child by ultrasound is not included in the fetometry (measurement) of the fetus. To find out who
Ultrasound diagnostics
Ultrasound with Doppler to study blood flow in the kidneys
Among the various methods for examining the kidneys, ultrasound is the most commonly used. Diagnosis using ultrasound
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Is it possible to diagnose appendicitis using an ultrasound examination?
The appendix is ​​a miniature worm-like appendage of the cecum, a unique organ whose purpose has been revealed relatively
Pregnancy 5 obstetric weeks. What's happening, ultrasound, size, fetal development, pregnant woman's feelings
Pregnancy 5 obstetric weeks. What's happening, ultrasound, size, fetal development, pregnant woman's feelings
Fetal development in the first trimester is a complex process during which its main
Is ultrasound during pregnancy harmful to the fetus, is the risk justified and does it exist at all?
Pregnancy is a mystery. Pregnancy is a miracle. Pregnancy is...sometimes very exciting and...
Ultrasound of the scrotum
What is ultrasound - from the physics of the process to scanning methods and data decoding
Detection of urological diseases of the male genital area is rarely complete without ultrasound examination of the scrotum. In studying
What will an ultrasound show in the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy: fetal size, norms and deviations
The volume of amniotic fluid becomes larger, and the placenta begins to actively develop. By the 40th week she
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