Could a frozen pregnancy be an ultrasound error? How to determine this condition without ultrasound diagnostics?

The long-awaited two lines on a test are not always good news. In some cases, in the early stages, specialists diagnose that a woman has a frozen pregnancy. An ultrasound error or a confirmed fact is what interests the fairer sex in the first place.

Of course, most girls hope that such a statement from a specialist turns out to be incorrect. However, ultrasound of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages is often unmistakable. In this case, there is an urgent need to perform spontaneous abortion, or to carry out gynecological cleansing of the uterine cavity.

Why does the fetus stop developing?

Fading pregnancy is provoked by a number of reasons, which are important to know about even before conception. These include:

  • fetal pathologies incompatible with life;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • numerous abortions in history (antibodies produced by the body interfere with the development of the fetus);
  • diseases of individual organs;
  • injuries during pregnancy;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • medications contraindicated for pregnant women;
  • chemical intoxication.

One of the most common causes of frozen pregnancy in the early stages, diagnosed by ultrasound, is a bacterial infection acquired through sexual contact. Typically the problem is developmental:

  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasma;
  • gardnerella.

The causative agents of ureaplasma, gardnerella, chlamydia.
Bacteria block the child’s development processes, the body devotes all its strength to fighting them and is not able to defeat infections. All this leads to the death of the embryo.

Women who abuse alcohol are at risk. Alcohol negatively affects the development of the baby and inhibits the natural processes of formation of his brain and nervous system. It is noteworthy that even a seemingly insignificant portion of an alcoholic drink can affect the progress of bearing a child.

Every expectant mother can reduce the likelihood of developing a frozen pregnancy if she wants. You need to start with a full diagnostic examination during the period of planning a child, followed by treatment of detected problems. In addition, when planning to become a mother, a woman should give up bad habits and reconsider her training schedule if sport occupies a special place in her life.

It is extremely necessary that in anticipation of pregnancy and with its onset, a woman makes new useful changes to her lifestyle, establishes a diet, walking and rest schedule, and registers with a doctor to monitor her condition.

Bad habits against pregnancy

If a woman leads a healthy lifestyle, the chances of bearing a healthy baby increase several times. But alcohol, nicotine, and drugs can be considered serious enemies of healthy offspring. You can meet many women who do not give up their bad habits and at the same time give birth to seemingly healthy children. In fact, problems in children can appear only in adulthood.

Proper nutrition is also the key to a healthy pregnancy. Overeating and abuse of fast food leads to excessive weight gain. Quite often, obese women experience frozen pregnancy. An ultrasound error in this case is impossible. Excessive weight can be called a risk factor on the path to the birth of full-fledged offspring.

During pregnancy, special attention must be paid to your health. It is no coincidence that before registering with a antenatal clinic, women must undergo a medical examination by all specialists and pass basic tests. This way you can find out what health problems you have at this stage. Some have to limit themselves not only in junk food, but also in the consumption of smoked meats, spicy foods, sweets and coffee.

Ultrasound for pregnant women: what is it done for?

Ultrasound examination is a simple, affordable and relatively reliable way to find out about the condition of the mother and child during pregnancy at different stages. The procedure does not require special preparation, is painless and short-lived. At an appointment to diagnose a frozen pregnancy using an ultrasound, a woman takes a seat on the couch. The doctor applies a special gel to the pregnant woman’s belly to improve the contagiousness of the sensor with the skin. During the process, the doctor moves the sensor, tracking the readings on the screen.

Another option for ultrasound examination is transvaginal. The essence of the method is the same, except that the device is inserted into the vagina. Such a study is often carried out at the earliest stages, when it is almost impossible to see changes in the body through the stomach.

For safe contact, a condom is placed on the sensor, and the woman is asked to take a comfortable reclining position with her knees bent. During the scanning process, the doctor examines the condition of the reproductive system and the fertilized egg. To make a conclusion, the specialist analyzes the result, comparing how it looks with previous indicators, if any.

Transvaginal ultrasound examination method

What are the reasons for miscarriage of pregnancy?

  1. Genetic anomalies. With a frozen pregnancy, this diagnosis is made to the vast majority of women;
  2. Hormonal imbalances in the body. Due to insufficient production of certain hormones in a woman’s body, the embryo cannot fully attach to the uterine cavity, which makes its full development impossible in the future. Too much male hormone in the female body can have a particularly negative effect;
  3. Penetration of infections. This factor carries a great danger, since it can provoke fading of pregnancy not only in the first, but also in the second and third trimesters - these are the reasons for fading of pregnancy;
  4. Improper lifestyle of a pregnant woman and problems with blood clotting.

Signs of a child’s death: how to identify them at different times

In the early stages, it is more difficult to identify the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy than in the later stages. This is due to the inexperience of the first-time mother and the lack of any activity of the child. However, there are signs that should alert you and force you to see a doctor without delay:

  • signs of toxicosis disappear;
  • general malaise and dizziness;
  • temperature increase;
  • softening and reduction in the size of the mammary glands.

The problem may also be indicated by discharge, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and a feeling of incomprehensible anxiety and apathy. It is important to consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of a frozen pregnancy as soon as possible. If the dead embryo remains in the uterine cavity for a period of 2 to weeks, complications will be inevitable.

In the later stages, the expectant mother is especially responsible, listening to every push or movement inside the abdomen, monitoring the baby’s activity. The first thing that indicates that something has gone wrong is silence. The child stops moving.

Bloody discharge and pain in the lower abdomen are considered dangerous signs. To avoid complications, a pregnant woman should visit a doctor at least 2 times a month, and if dangerous symptoms are detected, make an unscheduled visit. During examinations, the doctor listens to the baby’s heartbeat and, if he suspects death, sends him for an ultrasound.

Confirming the diagnosis involves choosing a method for cleaning. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, the doctor chooses one of the methods:

  • medicinal (prescribed in the early stages);
  • vacuum abortion;
  • scraping.

After treatment, a repeat ultrasound is performed. This is necessary to determine the quality of cleaning and the condition of the body’s organs after the intervention. In such cases, it is recommended to plan the next pregnancy no earlier than 5-6 months after cleaning in the early stages and 1 year after curettage in the later stages after preliminary preparation.


Signs of a non-developing pregnancy in the first trimester

First trimester

In different semesters, fetal freezing has distinctive symptoms. In the first trimester, toxicosis may suddenly stop (in about a day).

Softening of the mammary glands appears. This symptom is noticeable to a woman because from the moment the baby is conceived, there is an increase and tenderness of the mammary glands. At the same time, this symptom remains doubtful, like any other (except for ultrasound, blood tests for hCG).

A decrease in basal temperature as a result of a decrease in the amount of progesterone. An error in results occurs in case of illness or taking hormonal medications.

Absence of embryo during ultrasound examination. But ultrasound can also be wrong. It is recommended to undergo it after 5-6 weeks, because at this stage the fetal heartbeat is clearly visible. Experts advise waiting to clean the uterus and conducting a diagnosis after 1-2 weeks.

Second trimester

The main sign of a non-developing pregnancy is the cessation of the baby’s movements. Of course, there is no need to worry if the child does not move for a day or day. If they have not been observed for a longer time, go to the doctor. This way you will get rid of unnecessary worries. The solution to your worries is to check your baby's heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope.

The release of a significant amount of colostrum, and after some time, milk. These symptoms appear after 25 weeks. But if there are no other symptoms besides this one, there is no need to worry. If there are fetal movements, this is simply preparing the body for breastfeeding.

Stopping the growth of the uterus.

What can be seen on an ultrasound when the fetus is frozen

There are 2 types of frozen pregnancy. Each has its own distinctive features, noted during ultrasound examination.

The first type of pathology is characterized by:

  • egg diameter from 20 to 25 cm with obvious discrepancy between the size and the gestational age;
  • absence of signs of an embryo inside the fetal membrane;
  • no heartbeat can be heard, although the egg has grown;
  • the size of the uterus does not correspond to the period of pregnancy;
  • there are no signs of pregnancy.

In the second version of a frozen pregnancy, it is more difficult to diagnose the problem, however, it is indicated by:

  • the size of the fetal egg corresponding to the period of pregnancy without an embryo inside or with its individual fragments;
  • the size of the fertilized egg at 10 weeks reaches 50 mm;
  • Villous chorion is not observed from 7-8 weeks.

If the fertilized egg remains in the uterine cavity for a long time, an ultrasound may not show fetal freezing. To determine the pathology, you will need to additionally pay attention to the following signs:

  • obvious oligohydramnios;
  • disturbed proportions and shape of the fetal egg with unrelated echo structures;
  • The size of the uterus does not meet the standards in accordance with the development of pregnancy.

Sonologists have identified a number of additional signs indicating the death of the fetus inside the uterus. A woman can detect them in herself even before an ultrasound examination is ordered, if she carefully listens to the signals of the body.

Focus on age

Despite the fact that the optimal age for having children is considered to be from 18 to 30 years, more and more women are not trying to have children too early. Initially, they want to build a career and travel the world. It is not uncommon today for people to become mothers for the first time after 40 years of age. Meanwhile, at this age, frozen pregnancy is not uncommon. An ultrasound error is possible in very rare cases.

If a woman decides to have a child at a late age, she should pay special attention to her health. In most cases, such expectant mothers are under the supervision of doctors almost around the clock. Childbirth in women over 40 is also usually more difficult.

Miscarriage often also occurs in those expectant mothers who have undergone in vitro fertilization. Many people succeed in getting pregnant only on the second or third try.

Signs of thyroid disease at different times

Symptoms of a non-developing pregnancy depend on the period. A woman will be able to understand that something irreparable has happened on her own until the diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound. The table shows the signs of thyroid disease at each stage of pregnancy.

TermSigns of failure during a frozen pregnancy
2-5 weeksDelay from 8 to 15 n. Manifested by normal menstruation.
6-8 weeksSpotting bloody discharge. Starting from the 7th week - pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back and back. Symptoms of toxicosis and pregnancy disappear altogether. The breasts shrink and become soft and insensitive. Basal temperature drops to the levels for non-pregnant women.
10-13 weeksLethargy and weakness, abrupt cessation of toxicosis, softening of the chest, swelling of the limbs. Pain appears in the lower abdomen and lower back. Bleeding is possible (the uterus will try to get rid of the fetus).
13-16 weeksPersistent fatigue. Pain in the abdomen and back, loss of appetite, discharge, often profuse, increased body temperature, pain when pressing on the stomach, and most importantly - the absence of tremors.
17-19 weeksFailing pregnancy is associated with progesterone deficiency.
Death is indicated by cessation of the child's activity for two or more days, as well as pain in the abdomen and lower back, bloody or brown discharge.
From 30 weeksFetal death occurs in exceptional cases, usually as a result of maternal injury or illness. The consequence of fading pregnancy is premature birth.

At the first suspicion of a stop in the development of the child in the womb, a woman should consult a doctor as soon as possible. After a preliminary examination and ultrasound examination, the specialist will make a diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.


Even after an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs has been performed, women who are accustomed to the state of pregnancy wonder whether the doctor may have mistakenly diagnosed intrauterine growth arrest. This situation occurs if anembryonia was previously detected. In most cases, this occurs between 8 and 12 weeks of gestation.

Medical errors during this period are explained by the fact that the size of the embryo is too small, so it can be missed with outdated equipment. It is also worth noting that such a diagnosis is made if the doctor could not verify the presence of a heartbeat. In situations where a specialist suspects arrest of intrauterine development of the fetus after three months of gestation, it is difficult to qualify this as a medical error.

Can an ultrasound technician make a mistake?

An error in the results of an ultrasound examination is possible for two reasons: due to a malfunction of the device and as a result of incorrect interpretation of the results by a specialist. The human factor cannot be ruled out even when it comes to such important conclusions.

Can an ultrasound be mistaken about pregnancy and give a false conclusion? The shorter the pregnancy period, the higher the likelihood of error. To exclude a mistake, a woman needs to undergo a repeat examination by another specialist. This means that the initial conclusion cannot be perceived as a sentence, falling into a panic from the hopelessness of the situation.

In any case, after an unsuccessful pregnancy, you cannot plan the next one for at least several months. The chances of successfully conceiving, carrying and giving birth will increase if you find out the reason for the miscarriage, undergo a course of treatment and preparation for conception, following the doctor’s recommendations.

When can you get pregnant again?

To understand why the pregnancy stopped developing, a woman, after her uterus is cleared of the dead embryo, needs to undergo a series of examinations. The list of such studies includes blood and urine tests, ultrasound, and hormone analysis. The attending physician may give other prescriptions. Once the cause has been identified, it is necessary to spend some time eliminating it (if possible). It also takes time to restore a woman’s psycho-emotional state, since a frozen pregnancy is a shock that often turns into depression. The average period after which you can try to get pregnant again is 6 months. But you should not take this recommendation literally and, after waiting six months, begin to actively plan a new pregnancy. It is necessary to “put in order” the body, thoughts and feelings (by the way, this applies not only to the woman, but also to her partner, since an unsuccessful pregnancy is also stressful for him). It may take much longer to recover - there is no need to rush.

What to do if the diagnosis is a frozen pregnancy?

Based on statistical data, it can be stated that in 61% of cases, 2 weeks after an ultrasound, the uterus empties of the dead fetus on its own; in the remaining women, the fertilized egg remains in the uterus due to the tight attachment of the developing placenta or the inferiority of immune reactions of rejection, which can subsequently lead to development of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

In any case, doctors usually do not wait for further developments, but immediately send the patient for an abortion.

Medical abortion

In the early stages (up to 6 weeks), medical abortion is traditionally used. In this case, the patient should under no circumstances select medications on her own, as this can lead to complications and death. The specific drug, its dosage, method of administration (orally or vaginally) should be selected only by an experienced specialist, and the process of emptying the uterine cavity itself should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor. If, after using the drugs, the abortion is not complete, surgical intervention will be required, and ultrasound will again help determine this.

Vacuum aspiration

Another method for removing a frozen embryo is vacuum aspiration; its use is possible in the early stages (up to 15 weeks). This method has enough advantages: it can be performed on an outpatient basis, such aspiration requires less medications and painkillers, and it does not worsen the prognosis for further conception. Such an abortion is carried out by removing the fertilized egg from the uterine area using a special vacuum apparatus (without scraping): in this case, a special catheter is inserted inside and, thanks to the uniform pressure created, the egg comes out. A mini-abortion can take no more than 10 minutes and is still the preferred method of terminating a pregnancy with a frozen fetus.

Vacuum aspiration diagram


After the second trimester, the only option is abortion by curettage of the uterine cavity. The curettage process itself and the accompanying dilation of the cervix cause pain. In this regard, they are always carried out using anesthesia and general anesthesia. For curettage, a specialist always uses a special device - a curette, a spoon-shaped object. During curettage, the mucous membrane and all contents of the uterus are removed. After curettage, unfortunately, complications, injuries and, in some cases, infertility often appear.

Instrument for fetal curettage – gynecological curette

What is a frozen pregnancy?

Currently, experts use this term to mean two conditions:

  • Anembryony : the presence of a fertilized egg without an embryo in the uterus, this happens if the formation of the embryo has not begun in principle or if its development has stopped at a maximum of 5 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Fetal death : means that the fetus developed normally for some time, but for a number of reasons all signs of life began to be absent.

What can a woman feel?

A change in general condition, for example, a feeling of weakness and weakness, apathy and an increase in temperature should be a reason to contact an antenatal clinic.

Those women who have previously had a frozen pregnancy or other pathologies associated with subsequent fetal rejection have knowledge and alertness that will not allow the symptoms to worsen.

In addition, in some cases, pregnant women may experience false symptoms, which are formed under the influence of hormones or emotions.


The peculiarity of a frozen pregnancy is that a woman cannot independently determine the pathological process. Only a timely visit to a gynecologist can help detect the problem in time.

In some cases, additional tests and studies are required, without which it will be impossible to record the fact of a frozen pregnancy.

DIC syndrome

When a dead fetus remains in the uterus, it affects many functions in a woman's body. Thus, the pregnant woman develops DIC syndrome, which affects blood clotting. Therefore, even when the fetus is removed and the uterine cavity is cleansed, the woman may experience severe bleeding.

DIC syndrome has already claimed many lives of those women who did not seek help in time and ignored the symptoms of a missed abortion.

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