What foods raise white blood cells: after chemotherapy and when there is a shortage in the body

The state of health is largely determined by the functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems of the body. One of the significant diagnostic indicators is the level of leukocytes.

The importance of leukocytes is due to the protective function they perform in the body. When a foreign body enters the body, leukocytes absorb it, causing, depending on the size and properties of the foreign body, symptoms of the inflammatory process, marking the body’s fight against the virus. The process may also be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, redness, swelling, etc.

It is the need to carry out a protective function that largely determines the importance of controlling and maintaining the level of leukocytes in the blood. A reduced level of white blood cells indicates a reduced ability of the body to resist diseases and viruses. At the same time, an excessively high level of leukocytes should also alert you, since this may indicate the presence of a disease.

In this article, we will discuss how you can regulate your white blood cell levels through changes in your diet and what you can do to raise them.

Why may white blood cells be low?

The presence and level of leukocytes in the blood is influenced by many factors. Among the main reasons for the decrease in their level are the following:

  1. They die. In most cases, this occurs due to the redistribution of white blood cells to fight external infections. In addition, white blood cells can be destroyed due to intoxication caused by regular ingestion of small doses of poison (including alcohol), bacterial infections, etc.
  2. They cease to be produced due to dysfunction of the bone marrow, which occupies a key position in the process of producing leukocytes. Leukopenia, which interferes with the normal functioning of the bone marrow, can be caused by tumors, poisoning, etc.
  3. They stop being produced due to a lack of nutrients - caused by a lack of copper, iron, folic acid, and B vitamins in food.

The last listed reason most often prevents the production of leukocytes in sufficient quantities. A properly selected diet will help you cope with the situation. When planning a diet, it is imperative to consult a doctor, determine possible individual intolerances of the body, and concentrate on the basic needs of the body in order to prevent a further decrease in their level.

What foods raise white blood cells

Leukocytes are white blood cells that take part in the body's immune processes. Their number increases if it is necessary to provide full protection.

People with malignant tumors have to undergo serious treatment, which involves exposure to chemicals. It has a lot of side effects, among which are leukopenia. The pathology is a decrease in leukocytes in the blood, which is accompanied by a significant suppression of the body's defenses. As the disease progresses, the temperature rises, fever occurs and bowel movements are disrupted. A similar effect is typical for the recovery period after suffering from various diseases.

A balanced diet is the basis of a healthy lifestyle

To restore the hematopoietic system, it is recommended to adhere to a certain nutritional plan. Diet therapy will be effective if the problem has not become severe. Otherwise, drug treatment will be required.

Products that increase white blood cell levels should contain zinc, potassium, Omega-3, as well as vitamins C, B and E.

B vitamins take part in cellular metabolism. Ascorbic acid has a thinning effect on the blood, thereby increasing the level of leukocytes.

With leukopenia, it is equally important to eat protein foods. It speeds up the body's recovery process.

The list of foods that increase white blood cells in the blood includes:

  • vegetable fats;
  • fruits and berries containing vitamin C;
  • greenery;
  • dietary meat;
  • seafood and fish;
  • liquid;
  • cereals and legumes.

Comment! When white blood cell levels are low, fish should be consumed in limited quantities, since fish oil affects blood viscosity.

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What should you avoid?

In addition to including foods from the above groups in the diet, it is also necessary to ensure the exclusion of foods that cause a decrease in white blood cells. These include:

  1. duck meat, beef, broilers, partridge;
  2. liver of various animals and fish - despite the abundant iron content and beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, excessive consumption of liver has a negative effect on the level of white blood cells. In addition, the liver acts as a filter and only the liver of an animal raised on natural feed in an ecologically clean area can be eaten;
  3. alcohol - despite the fact that cognac and dry red wine in limited quantities can have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, excessive amounts of it nullify all efforts to improve health;
  4. sweets, baked goods - sugar has an extremely negative effect on the overall picture of blood composition;
  5. other foods high in carbohydrates.

It is also worth giving up fast food, excessively fatty and salty foods. You should also not eat meat from animals and birds raised with artificial feed additives.

How to increase white blood cells using traditional medicine recipes?

Traditional remedies have always been popular, but not all patients who have undergone chemotherapy know how much such methods can change the situation and improve health. It is worth immediately clarifying that the inclusion of traditional medicine in therapy should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

Traditional methods that increase the leukocyte count:

  • Nut decoction. The chemotherapy effect can suppress the immune system for a long time, so this recipe serves as an additional method that raises the level of white blood cells. To prepare, separate the nut kernels and shells. Pour purified water over the nuts. Keep the prepared mixture in a glass jar in a bright place for 14 days. Then move the infusion to a dark place. Drink the daily dose 3 times, 20 ml each.
  • Oatmeal broth. To improve blood composition using this method, it is necessary to maintain the proportion of the main product and water. To prepare, pour 2 tablespoons of oats into 0.5 liters of water. Mix the ingredients and put on fire. Wait until it boils, then reduce the heat and simmer the oats for 10 minutes.

Take before meals three times a day. One serving 100 ml. The course of treatment is 1 month, after a month's break.

  • Barley decoction. Barley grains will help better if you add honey to the broth. To prepare, take 1.5 cups of barley. Rinse so that the water is not cloudy. Add 2 liters of water to the washed barley. The finished mixture is placed on the stove and evaporated until the volume of water is reduced by half. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey.

Review of other methods

Often, normalizing nutrition and including essential substances in the diet is not enough to maintain white blood cell levels. In this case, depending on the individual situation and at the discretion of the treating specialist, additional measures may be prescribed:

Drug treatment

Drug treatment is carried out using various methods, using various types of drugs, and is usually used when there is a significant lack of leukocytes and an urgent need to increase their content.

The action of some drugs is aimed at stimulating the production of substances necessary for the formation of leukocytes directly in the cell, while others trigger processes in the bone marrow. Only a doctor should make a decision about the possibility and necessity of taking drugs from both groups .

Health-improving physical activity

Health-improving physical activity, including in the fresh air, is prescribed as a support for therapeutic effects, promotes better absorption of nutrients, and improves body tone.

By playing sports and saturating the body with oxygen, the body’s ability to resist diseases increases and the immune system is strengthened.

Your doctor should give specific instructions on recommended exercise, frequency and duration of physical activity.


Often, to increase the number of leukocytes in the blood, they resort to traditional medicine methods.

There are certain techniques that really help normalize the level of leukocytes. However, a decision on the possibility and necessity of their use must be made only with the consent of the doctor.

They take mumiyo, honey and other bee products for medicinal purposes. In addition, the consumption of various infusions and decoctions (for example, from oats, wormwood, chamomile, etc.) can have a positive effect.

Traditional medicine methods should not be used as the only treatment , but they can be used to strengthen and maintain the therapeutic effect.

Products for raising leukocytes in the blood

Foods that increase white blood cells in the urine and blood must be consumed regularly. Too fatty foods, smoked meats and canned food are prohibited. It must be remembered that with a decrease in leukocytes, the body is in a vulnerable state. The immune system is unable to resist viruses and pathogenic cells. Therefore, you need to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before eating to avoid infection with parasites. You also need to ensure that the food is easily digestible.


Of the foods that increase the level of leukocytes in the blood, you should definitely add berries to your diet. It is advisable to pay attention to those that contain ascorbic and folic acids. Berries contain fructose and glucose, which help restore energy reserves. They also contain dietary fiber, which improves intestinal motility. In addition, the berries contain anthocyanins, which prevent the proliferation of malignant cells. After chemotherapy, these substances help achieve remission. The most useful berries in this situation include:

  • blueberry;
  • black currant;
  • rose hip;
  • red grapes.

Meat and lard

Foods that increase the number of leukocytes in the blood include meat. The most preferred are low-fat varieties, for example, turkey, chicken and goose. It is also acceptable to eat lean pork and veal. The necessary effect on the hematopoietic system is due to the content of iron, copper and amino acids.

Lard also has no less beneficial properties. It is perfectly absorbed, while saturating the body with the necessary substances. Cholesterol present in lard does not contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

It is recommended to buy meat products from trusted places


Chicken eggs are a rich source of protein. They are also classified as foods that increase white blood cells. Eggs contain a huge amount of iron, its supply is necessary for the production of hemoglobin. Nutritionists recommend consuming the product boiled.


Nuts are distinguished by their rich composition, due to which their help often increases white blood cells. They consist of 70% vegetable fats. In addition, the product perfectly satisfies hunger. To increase white blood cells, doctors recommend eating a handful of nuts daily. The most useful varieties include:

  • cashew nuts;
  • Brazilian nut;
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • Walnut.

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Foods that increase the volume of leukocytes in the blood include greens. Dill is considered the most useful. It is rich in copper, folic acid and potassium. You can also increase white blood cells with lettuce. It is known for its manganese and phosphorus content. It can be eaten both as part of various dishes and as a complement to meat. To speed up the absorption process of nutrients, salads with herbs are recommended to be seasoned with olive oil.

Fish and seafood

Fish is classified as a food that increases white blood cells in women. In this case, the pathology may be caused by hormonal disorders or the use of contraceptives. There is an opinion that due to hormonal instability, women are more prone to the disease than men. Due to the content of unsaturated fatty acids, fish quickly restores the functioning of the reproductive system, launching biological processes. For males, products containing Omega-3 are no less beneficial. They participate in metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system.

During the rehabilitation period after illness, fish in the diet can increase white blood cells. The vitamin complex has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system. The most healthy seafood include shrimp, mussels and oysters. When choosing fish, you should give preference to varieties with red meat.

Fruits and vegetables

A complete diet will not be complete without fruits and vegetables. They contain a huge amount of vitamins necessary for the body. Of particular importance is ascorbic acid, which affects blood viscosity. Among the fruits that increase the level of white blood cells are:

  • apples;
  • papaya;
  • pomegranate;
  • plums;
  • pears;
  • grapefruit.

To quickly restore the full functioning of the body, it is equally important to introduce vegetables into the diet. They have a positive effect on the functions of the cardiovascular system. The desired effect is achieved due to the presence of copper, potassium and folic acid in the composition. Due to fiber, vegetables promote good digestibility of protein foods and stimulate perilstatics. Vegetables that increase white blood cell volume include:

  • beets;
  • carrot;
  • turnip.

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Important! It is advisable to eat vegetables for dinner, as part of salads along with protein dishes.

Milk and dairy products

Fermented milk products should be consumed at least every other day. They increase the level of white blood cells by replenishing the supply of nutrients in the body. The main feature is the content of probiotics and yeast, which ensure the absorption of nutrients. Fermented milk products are necessary to normalize intestinal microflora. It is advisable to consume them in the first half of the day.

It must be remembered that high-quality dairy products have a short shelf life

Doctors advise adding to your diet:

  • cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese.


Porridges are classified as slow carbohydrates, which are necessary for the body to function properly. They perfectly saturate and restore the supply of nutrients. You should not exclude cereals from your diet even for the purpose of losing weight. They ensure the proper functioning of the digestive system. But their main advantage is the content of vitamin B and iron. These substances have a positive effect on the functioning of the hematopoietic system. Cereals that increase the level of leukocytes include:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • pearl barley
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