Flora smear in men - interpretation of the analysis, how to take it
A smear from the urethra in men (scraping for flora) is unpleasant, but at the same time
red blood cells in poikilocytosis
Poikilocytosis of erythrocytes: what it is, causes and degrees, symptoms, treatment and consequences
Violations of the basic functions of hematopoiesis occur in the practice of hematologists in a variety of forms and types.
Analysis for vitamin D. How to take it, what it shows, what it is needed for, price
Vitamin D norm in women's blood table by age
Vitamin D (calciferols) plays a huge role in human life, having a pleiotropic (multiple) effect on
PDW in blood test. What is it, norm and deviation, increased/decreased. Table
The relative width of platelet distribution by volume is increased: the PDW index in a blood test and its norm
Using the MCV blood test indicator in a child, knowing its norms and interpretation, you can
Benign idiopathic neutropenia in children
What causes neutropenia in infants: signs and treatment of the disease
In the case when a pediatrician draws attention to an incomprehensible decrease in leukocytes and neutrophils in the blood
Monocyte cell test
Reduced monocyte count in the blood - causes and what to do
Causes of low monocytes The normal content of monocytes in the blood relative to the total number of leukocytes is
What does Fibrinogen mean during pregnancy? Table of norms by week
The influence of fibrinogen on pregnancy Increased fibrinogen during pregnancy (hyperfibrinogenemia) is a normal reaction of the body to the future
What can you find out with a serological blood test?
» Blood tests Serology is a science that studies human blood serum and its properties. IN
Drug Isoniazid
Average red blood cell volume - reasons for deviation from the norm
You are here: Blood test - Red blood cells - Average volume of red blood cells Normal values ​​Deviations from
The importance of histological examination for modern medicine
How histological examination is carried out: types, methods, features
The importance of histological examination for modern medicine The role of histology in modern medicine cannot be underestimated. Especially
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