The most common reasons for a bad urine test

Actions in case of bad results

Based on the results of the tests, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination to determine the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy.
A general urine test in a patient will demonstrate how well the urinary organs and other systems in the body function.

If the urine test results are bad, what should you do in such cases? Self-medication and ignoring prescribed help are strictly prohibited - this is a threat to the health and life of the patient. Poor tests often signal the presence of a serious illness. The doctor may recommend the following studies:

  • Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, especially if there is even a slight hint of inflammatory processes in the urinary system.
  • Kakovsky-Addis test for the study and detection of disease in the urinary and renal ducts.
  • The Sulkovich test shows the calcium content in the urine; it is prescribed to children and adolescents to monitor vitamin D. Adults are referred if tumors, pathologies of the nervous system, or tuberculosis are suspected.
  • Alpha-amylase test to investigate pancreatic disorders.
  • The Zimnitsky test is effective for diagnosing kidney failure.

A specialist will tell you in detail how to collect material for research; he is the one you should trust with your health.

The doctor may send the patient for an ultrasound, MRI, or ask him to donate blood for other tests. Sometimes the doctor recommends re-sampling biological fluid for examination.

Having made the correct diagnosis, the doctor prescribes appropriate therapy. For example:

  • inflammation caused by pathogens is treated with antifungal and antibacterial drugs;
  • for inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, uroseptics are used;
  • for glomerulonephritis, immunosuppressive therapy is prescribed;
  • chronic, acute kidney diseases and organ failure require complex and long-term treatment;
  • Tumors are most often removed surgically.

To speed up the healing process, recipes from traditional healers and physiotherapeutic procedures will come to the rescue. A special diet will help bring your blood tests back to normal levels.

For prevention, it is advisable to have your urine tested at least once a year. If pain occurs in the lumbar area, the process of urination is disrupted, and blood pressure rises, then you should take a referral for a urine test earlier than planned.

Don’t forget that nothing just goes away on its own, and in the early stages the pathology is easier to cure than when it has started and developed into a chronic form.

How to make a urine test bad: methods and answers from doctors

Anything can happen in life and sometimes it happens that you need to fake a urine test and make it look bad. There are many reasons why a person might need this, and they are different for everyone. In such situations, people are concerned about how to achieve this and what needs to be done, because not everyone knows what is needed for this. You will learn how you can imagine a urine test to be bad from this article, which contains various methods and advice from doctors. Let's get started!

Urine test

In order to take a urine test, you need to follow certain rules. There are certain rules that allow you to take the test and get the correct results. For example, before the test you should not eat anything that could affect the color of your urine. Such products include bright berries, and before donating urine, it is necessary to carry out personal hygiene procedures. As for the first portion of urine, there is no need to collect it, only the subsequent biomaterial. Using all this information, it will not be difficult to figure out how to make a bad urine test so that protein is found. You need to do the opposite.


Among all pathologies of the genitourinary system, urolithiasis is one of the most common. It is diagnosed in 33–40% of cases when urological pathologies are suspected. At the same time, male representatives may be much more susceptible to this disease. However, specific preparation is required for certain types of analysis. For example, before testing urine for catecholamines, it will be important to refuse treatment with certain medications, and you will also need to limit physical and mental stress. A few days before the oxalate test, you will not need to take medications with increased vitamin C content. A specialist should tell you about the nuances. Only after all preparatory procedures have been completed is it possible to begin collecting urine. Let's pay attention to the fact that you can slightly violate certain rules for giving urine so that the result is negative. As you can see, you don't have to put in a lot of effort to break these rules. And the question of how to make a general urine test bad can be considered closed.

What does it take to make the result bad?

To definitely ruin your urine test, it won’t take much effort; we can safely say that it will be as easy as shelling pears. Fortunately, for those who really need it, there are certain medications that can help you achieve the desired result - worsen your urine test. Finding these products is not difficult, but some of them are only available by prescription, so some difficulties may still arise. As we have already seen, there are many ways to do bad urine and blood tests. And one of them is the use of pharmaceuticals. These include the following drugs:

  • “Metformin” - this drug is prescribed quite often. It is often used to treat diabetes, and its use can also negatively affect the result of a urine test.
  • “Fluoxetine” is a popular medication that is prescribed to treat depression; this medication leads to false positive results in urine tests for various types of drugs.

  • Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant that is also used to treat chronic pain, neuropathy and migraine; consuming it may result in a false-positive urine test result, which may indicate the presence of the hallucinogen LSD (lysyrginic acid deethelamide) in the body.
  • Labetalol is a beta blocker that is used to control blood pressure and can also show the presence of amphetamine, methamphetamine and LSD in the urine.
  • “Methylphenidate” (Ritalin) – This drug is used to treat ADHD and has also been cited as a common cause of false positive tests for amphetamine, methamphetamine, and LSD.
  • “Sertraline” is an antidepressant. It may test positive for the presence of benzodiazepines and LSD.
  • Tramadol is a prescription-only drug, which makes it difficult to use. It is used to relieve pain.
  • Quetiapine (Seroquel) is an atypical antipsychotic/antipsychotic drug that is often used to treat ailments such as various mental illnesses. A urine drug test in such a case can show the presence of methadone in the body.

How else can you make a urine test look bad?

What to do if you do not have the funds to buy medicines? This happens, and we hasten to please you, because this is not a problem! There are still options for making a urine test bad. Kidneys, as you know, are a filter. You can eat unhealthy foods the day before the test. But it is better to prevent such effects on the body and use the following options. These include:

  1. Drop some blood and glucose. This will help you mess up your urine test.
  2. Try to drink liquid in very small quantities, eat a lot of salty and spicy foods. Do not wash your face in the morning and collect your urine. This method will also help you ruin your own tests.
  3. You can try to negotiate with your doctor to slightly adjust the tests. Of course, this option should be left as a last resort, but this can also happen.


As you can see after reading the above tips and recommendations from doctors, making a urine test false will not be so difficult. You just need to purchase certain medications or use the simpler methods given above.

Their prices are quite reasonable, and there won’t be any problems finding them. But please note that most of them can have a detrimental effect on the body. For example, the use of drugs can lead to disruption of other organs and systems. And this will require additional therapy.

That is, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to use such methods or whether it is better to abstain.


What to do and how to treat

If the analysis shows deviations from the norm while observing the collection rules, then the person needs to see a therapist and undergo additional diagnostics

Poor results tell the specialist what exactly to pay attention to and what tests need to be prescribed for the patient

The doctor can refer a person for an ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, donating blood for analysis, and taking the Zimnitsky and Nechiporenko test. In some cases, men and women are recommended to have their urine collected again for testing.

After making a diagnosis, the doctor selects effective therapy. If inflammatory processes caused by pathogens occur, then antifungal or antibacterial medications are used. Inflammation of the bladder and kidneys is treated with uroseptics.

For glomerulonephritis, immunosuppressive therapy is prescribed. Acute and chronic kidney pathologies and organ failure require complex and long-term treatment. Surgical correction and hemodialysis may be required. Tumors are removed using surgical methods.

To speed up the healing process, traditional methods and physiotherapeutic procedures are used. A special diet is also prescribed. Sometimes it is enough for a person to reconsider his lifestyle and adjust his diet in order to normalize the test results.

In order to prevent disturbances in the functioning of the body, it is recommended to check urine values ​​once every six months. If pain occurs in the lumbar area, disturbances in the urinary process, or increased blood pressure, you should have your urine analyzed earlier than the scheduled time.

List of tests for the military registration and enlistment office

The conscript will have to pass:

  • General blood and urine tests – valid for 14 days;
  • Fluorography of the lungs in two projections - if the conscript has not undergone it within 6 months;
  • ECG – electrocardiography at rest;
  • Chemical blood test, as well as for antibodies to the immunodeficiency virus, markers of hepatitis B, C, HIV infection.

The results of this examination are enough to identify health problems or confirm their absence. If the indicators are questionable or different from the norm, the conscript is sent for additional examination and other diagnostic measures are prescribed. If no deviations are found, they are assigned fitness category “A” and sent to serve.

Causes of clear urine in a child

The first day after birth, a baby’s urine does not have any color, since the genitourinary system has not yet been formed. This is quite normal. In addition, colorless urine occurs in a child who is fed only breast milk or formula. In older children, the color of urine may change under the influence of medications, after eating certain foods, as well as against the background of pathological conditions.

As the child's body develops, in the absence of serious diseases, urine becomes normal. One of the reasons why a child has very light urine is diabetes and kidney disease. In adolescents, during a hormonal surge, clear urine is considered normal, but only if it lasts no more than five days.

Poor results in children and pregnant women

During pregnancy, some amount of protein is often detected, which is considered acceptable based on the woman's condition. But the increase and detection of white blood cells may indicate the development of an infection in the kidneys, in which case hospitalization and further examination will be required.

During pregnancy, cloudy urine may be due to the presence of pus or bacteria. If toxicosis has begun, ketone bodies will be found in the urine.

When examining the child’s body, they also take a general urine test. For children, the norms are different from adults, since the body is still developing. Thus, the density of urine in a child under 2 years of age is extremely low, which is considered normal and changes with age to adult levels.

More on the topic: Methods of treating tuberculosis of the genitourinary system

Significance of laboratory test results

The reasons for changes in analysis results are usually hidden in various diseases. The development of a pathological process can be indicated not only by the characteristics of urine, but also by its appearance. After deviations in the analysis results are detected, the specialist should order additional studies: they will help establish the exact reasons for such changes.

Urine readings may indicate the following health problems:

  • In a healthy person, the color of the discharge should be transparent or light yellow and practically odorless. Various changes in color indicate problems in the functioning of internal organs. If darkening is observed, then the problem lies in the liver. Urine often turns red when eating colored foods, such as beets. Cloudy urine indicates the presence of flakes, which can form from an inflammatory process in the kidneys;
  • The acidity rate ranges from 4-7. This indicator may be increased or decreased. The reasons may lie in kidney problems or a lack of potassium in the body;
  • The density of urine tells about the general condition of the human body. If the density is increased, then we can talk about dehydration;
  • the presence of protein in the urine indicates inflammation;
  • the presence of red blood cells may indicate cancer and decreased immunity.

As soon as the specialist discovers a number of abnormalities, he will prescribe an additional examination in order to establish the exact cause of changes in the urine, as well as to make a diagnosis and develop treatment.

The test may need to be repeated as the results may be false due to improper urine collection.

During pregnancy

A separate point why a woman may have bad tests is pregnancy. There are several reasons. Most often, women during pregnancy suffer from hematuria, leukocyturia and proteinuria (the presence of protein in the urine).

During the gestation period, as the fetus grows, the enlarged uterus constantly puts pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system, which ultimately leads to stagnation of urine and, as a consequence, to various inflammatory processes in this system. This means that there is a high probability of developing not only pathologies of the lower urinary tract, but also of the upper urinary organs.

Therefore, a urine test for pregnant women is prescribed very often, especially if the obstetrician-gynecologist has any suspicions. It is extremely important that a pregnant woman follows all the doctor’s instructions, tries to undergo all examinations and is attentive to her health after childbirth, since this period is no less important.

Pregnancy is an important period that requires constant health monitoring

What kind of urine is bad in an adult?

When examining the fluid secreted by the kidneys, pay attention to color and transparency. A healthy person whose internal organs are not affected by any disease has straw-yellow urine.

A healthy person whose internal organs are not affected by any disease has straw-yellow urine.

Dark urine indicates problems with the functioning of the liver and heart, while red urine indicates pyelonephritis or a tumor.


But sometimes the reasons for urine turning reddish lie in eating beets and taking certain medications.

Normal urine appears as a clear substance. It may be cloudy due to the inflammatory process of any urinary organ.

Urine has a specific smell, but it should not give off acetone and ammonia. If acetone is mixed with the smell of urine, then diabetes mellitus should be suspected.

By examining urine, the level of its acidity is determined. If there are no abnormalities in the body, this indicator for men and women ranges from 4 to 7.

Acidity below 4 is observed in those who suffer from kidney failure, ureoplasmosis and cancers in the urinary organs.

The density of the kidney secretion product is usually 1.024. This figure may be different if the body is dehydrated, diabetes, cystitis or inflammation in the kidneys is present.


When examining urine, the protein content is measured and pathological elements are looked for - glucose, bilirubin and ketone bodies.

Protein may be contained in urine in limited quantities, maximum 0.033 g/l.

The main reasons for the appearance of more protein in urine:

  • diseases of the bladder or urethra;
  • inflammatory process in the kidneys (usually caused by infection);
  • inflammatory process in the renal glomeruli;
  • gestosis (appears from the 4th month of pregnancy and continues after childbirth).

But the appearance of protein in urine is not often a consequence of pregnancy and childbirth.

This component may appear in the urine of a pregnant woman if, literally before collecting it, she ate pork or beef. Physical activity can also increase the amount of protein in urine.

The presence of ketone bodies indicates that toxins have entered the adult’s body due to alcohol consumption. Sugar in urine is a sign of diabetes mellitus or acute pancreatitis.

Bilirubin appears in urine when the liver is not functioning well or there is a dangerous disease - malaria or toxic hemolysis.

There must be a certain number of leukocytes in the urine: in men - no more than three, in women - no more than six. If the norm of these elements is violated, then the adult experiences inflammatory processes.


A large number of leukocytes in urine is a sign of tuberculosis, kidney and prostate cancer.

There are also limits for the content of red blood cells in urine. In men, one red blood cell can normally be observed in the field of view, in women – three.

An increase in the number of red blood cells indicates a tumor of the urinary organs and kidney infarction. Bacteria, epithelium and casts should be absent in the urine.

Why does the composition of urine change?

The reasons for deviations in the qualitative or quantitative composition of urine are quite varied, but most of them can be classified as a group of pathologies of the urinary system.

Although we should not forget that minor changes can also occur due to physiological factors, when eliminated, the characteristics of urine quickly return to normal. The most common pathological causes of poor urine tests include the following.

Normal urinalysis results

Lower urinary tract diseases

Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) and urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) are recognized as the most common causes of changes in the composition of urine. As a rule, these diseases develop against the background of infection, which is accordingly accompanied by the appearance of leukocytes and pathogens in tests.

In addition, hematuria (blood in the urine) is often observed in the biomaterial sample, since the inflamed walls of the urethra or bladder rub against each other, resulting in the release of individual red blood cells, which is reflected in the tests. In the acute stage of the disease, gross hematuria may be observed, that is, the urine will become red or brown in color due to the large number of red blood cells.

Inflammatory processes in the kidneys

Pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis) and glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney) are also characterized by poor urine quality. The results of the study for these pathologies contain an increased number of leukocytes, protein, and often hematuria is noted in them, which means a severe form of the pathology.

Nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) most often occurs as a secondary disease that develops against the background of cystitis or urethritis, or in a descending manner due to an infection of the upper respiratory tract (sore throat, sinusitis, etc.). In most cases, such diseases are severe, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and require hospitalization of the patient in a hospital.

Urolithiasis (UCD)

This pathology can be diagnosed in the initial stages, when mineral salts have not yet formed into concretions (stones). In this case, a urine test will reveal individual sulfates, phosphates or chlorides in the form of sand, the so-called precursors of the disease. Timely measures, such as changing the diet, will help avoid further development of ICD.

The reasons for poor urine analysis in more severe forms of the disease lie in blockage of the ducts of the kidney, bladder, and ureter, which can lead to an inflammatory process and the appearance of leukocytes in the analysis. If the edges of the stone are sharp, there is a very high probability that they will injure the mucous surface, and this will be accompanied by hematuria of varying degrees.

Oncological neoplasms

One of the reasons for poor urine tests are cancerous tumors, which in the initial stages tend to cause hematuria, damaging the walls of organs close to the urinary tract. Often, such symptoms in the early periods of tumor development are insignificant and short-lived, so, as a rule, the analysis can be good.

However, with further growth of the tumor, it spreads to neighboring tissues of the urinary system, damaging them, and as a result becomes a cause leading to gross hematuria or intense bleeding.

In addition, mention should be made of fatty tumors (lipomas), some of which are densely penetrated by a network of blood vessels. If for some reason the vessels are damaged, then an increase in red blood cells may be observed in the urine.


Quite often, poor urine tests can occur after traumatic injuries to the urinary system. Changes, expressed in the appearance of blood in urine, occur due to a blunt blow, which causes rupture of the kidney parenchyma, disruption of the integrity of the ureters or bladder, or the vessels supplying these organs.

The severity of hematuria will directly depend on damage to the vascular network. If large vessels are affected, the urine will become bright red, and in the case of minor injury and capillary bleeding, hematuria will manifest itself less intensely.

Male genital diseases

Mucus in urine analysis

Prostatitis or the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland is one of the most common reasons why a man may have a poor urine test.

As the disease progresses, the gland increases in size, compressing the lumen of the urethra, which leads to stagnation of urine and irritation of the walls of the bladder or canal.

As a result, blood impurities appear in the biomaterial sample. If prostatitis is of an infectious nature, that is, it arose against the background of pathogenic microorganisms, then the tests will also determine leukocytes and bacteria.

Quite often, hematuria is also observed with prostate adenoma - benign hyperplasia (growth) of the gland, since, as with the pathology described above, urinary retention and frequent urge to urinate will be observed.

Pathologies of the female reproductive system

Among representatives of the fairer sex, changes in the composition of urine are observed with endometriosis, a disease in which the inner lining of the uterus grows. As a result of its spread to the bladder or urethra, they become deformed, manifested in hematuria, which causes poor tests.

Sometimes, if the preparation for collecting a urine sample is not properly prepared, vaginal discharge may end up in the container, which (during menstruation) will contain blood or leukocytes (during various inflammations). In such a situation, to confirm or refute the data obtained, you will need to retake the analysis and do it as efficiently as possible.

Types of tests in adults and children

A general urine test is a simple process that shows the presence of pathologies in a person. When performing analysis, you need to consider:

Color range of urine

The difference in color indicates the pathology of the disease. Pay attention to the smell. The presence of excessive amounts of urine constituents. The density of the liquid and its reaction. It is necessary to carry out the analysis after the urine has been inactive for about 2 hours.

The sediment and components of the excretion that are in excess quantities are examined. Based on the results, the doctor makes a conclusion about the disease

It is necessary to carry out the analysis after the urine has been inactive for about 2 hours. The sediment and components of the excretion that are in excess quantities are examined. Based on the results, the doctor makes a conclusion about the disease.

A general urine test is a simple process that shows the presence of pathologies in a person.

A child's body is different from an adult's; it is in the process of formation. Urine tests differ, and additional tests are prescribed. The child is exposed to a disease such as rickets. When an overdose of vitamin D occurs and excess calcium is excreted. Only additional research will help identify the problem.

Disturbances in the composition of urine in children

Poor tests in a newborn child do not always indicate the presence of pathology. When interpreting the data, it should be taken into account that the baby’s urinary system is not yet fully formed, which is why the renal tissue (parenchyma) is able to pass large cells such as red blood cells.

Therefore, if a baby’s urine test reveals up to 10 red blood cells in the field of view, this is not considered the presence of a disease.

However, if the child’s indicator does not decrease after a year, then it can be stated that there is a disease of the urinary system, and all necessary diagnostic methods should be immediately carried out to determine the cause. If an increased number of leukocytes is detected in the baby’s urine, this may be caused by inflammatory processes such as nephritis or cystitis.

Do not forget that changes in urine may be associated with violations of the integrity of organs, since children are terrible fidgets who often jump, fall, hit, as a result of which they can receive various microtraumas. Therefore, in case of damage to the organs of the urinary system, the analysis will determine hematuria to varying degrees, depending on the size and severity of the injury.

What is a urine test and why is it needed?

Every person in his life is faced with the need to take a urine test. Its results will be able to show the condition of your body, help identify inflammatory processes in the early stages and accurately determine the diagnosis of your disease. In any case, this allows you to apply the most appropriate therapy, which will allow you to quickly cope with the disease. In some pathological processes, every day of delay can lead to serious consequences, and a diagnostic method such as urine analysis allows you to get results quickly and accurately.

A laboratory urine test is prescribed for any abnormalities in the body.

Urine is a product of human activity, formed during the filtration of blood plasma and showing the physical and chemical composition of substances formed during the work of the entire organism or an individual human organ. Often the urine test turns out to be bad; the reasons for a child can be very diverse. However, it should be noted that this is not always a disease or pathology, because hormonal changes occur in childhood.

By conducting a urine test, it is possible to diagnose diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, chlamydial urethritis, diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, possible pregnancy or various other inflammatory processes in the body.

pH reaction

Normally, the urine of an adult will have a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. It must be said that the pH of urine also depends on a person’s diet. If he eats mainly plant foods, the reaction will shift towards alkaline (up to 8.0). If he prefers animal protein, the reaction is more acidic (about 4.5).

An acidic environment is more favorable for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Why acidification of urine often indicates the development of inflammatory processes in the body.

When to get tested

When examining biomaterial, the laboratory technician pays attention to the color of urine, transparency, the number of red and white blood cells, as well as the presence of protein and or casts. Improper urine collection can lead to poor analysis

In other cases, deviations from the norm indicate that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body or an infection is present. Also, impaired renal function can distort the results of the study. In such a situation, the doctor must prescribe medications that support the normal functioning of the organ.

Improper urine collection can lead to poor analysis. In other cases, deviations from the norm indicate that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body or an infection is present. Also, impaired renal function can distort the results of the study. In such a situation, the doctor must prescribe medications that support the normal functioning of the organ.

Bad urine during pregnancy does not always indicate an inflammatory process or the presence of infection. A woman's body is forced to work under double load. The kidneys of the expectant mother work for two people - for the woman and the child in the womb.

The kidneys of the expectant mother work for two - for the woman and the child in the womb.

  • The expectant mother takes the first urine test when registering at the antenatal clinic in the first trimester. This is necessary so that the doctor can assess the general health of the pregnant woman and the functioning of the excretory system in particular. Until the second third of pregnancy, the test is done once a month.
  • In the second trimester, urine tests are done every two to three weeks. This measure is necessary for the timely detection of pathological processes.
  • In the last third of pregnancy, a woman will have to visit the clinic to give urine weekly. The closer the date of birth, the greater the weight of the fetus and, consequently, the load on the kidneys of the expectant mother.

What are the dangers of a bad urine test during pregnancy? What to do if, during the next study, deviations from the norm were detected? What consequences can there be for the mother and her child?

How to properly collect material for analysis

A urine test can be bad for various reasons, the most harmless of which is incorrect collection of material, which distorts many indicators. In order for a general urine test (UCA) to be reliable, you should adhere to the preparation rules.

They are as follows:

  • 2 days before the procedure, avoid diuretics, alcohol, visiting the bathhouse, sauna, and do not eat coloring foods (beets, carrots);
  • do not take the test during menstruation or if you have inflammation of the genital organs;
  • on the eve of the test, physical activity and intimacy are undesirable;

Failure by patients to comply with the rules for collecting urine for analysis often leads to an erroneous result. An important point is to use only the first morning urine.

The procedure itself should consist of the following points:

  • upon waking up, you should thoroughly wash your genitals (without detergents);
  • release the first stream;
  • fill the sterile container, close tightly;
  • within 2 hours transfer to the laboratory.

It is allowed to store the material for some time (up to 6 hours) in the cold. If all conditions are met, the results of the study will be correct.

Preparatory stage

If the patient does not adhere to the rules for collecting urine, this may make the results of laboratory tests biased. When collecting liquid, it is advisable to follow these instructions:

  • Only the morning portion of urine is taken, immediately after sleep;
  • before collecting the material, a hygienic toilet of the external genitalia is carried out;
  • the first stream is drained into the toilet, and the rest into a jar, about 100 milliliters, no more;
  • the jar must be sterile, but it is better to purchase the container at the pharmacy or take it from the laboratory.

Such simple steps allow you to count on high-quality diagnosis and proper treatment.

Does urine collection affect the test result?

If a person collects urine incorrectly, the results may be distorted and interpreted incorrectly by laboratory technicians in the clinic.

The most common mistakes when collecting urine are the following:

  • unusual level of physical activity before sampling;
  • consumption of alcohol or tobacco before collection;
  • fence during the day or evening;
  • lack of genital hygiene during collection;
  • using non-sterile liquid containers;
  • collection of the first or last portion of urine;
  • long-term storage of urine before submitting it for analysis to the clinic.

In most cases, a repeat analysis when eliminating errors during urine collection can show a normal result. But if the results are bad even if all the recommended rules are followed, the reasons may be unpleasant for the patient and directly indicate the course of a pathology or disease of one of the body systems.

What does a bad urine test mean?

During a urine test, the laboratory technician determines the qualitative and quantitative values ​​of the main characteristics of urine, which are called indicators. These include the color and clarity of urine, glucose and protein in the urine, red blood cells and white blood cells, and many others. Experts have derived normal values ​​for such indicators that correspond to the values ​​of these characteristics in the urine of a healthy person. Any deviations in the values ​​of indicators indicate the development of one or another pathology in the body. In this case, they talk about a bad urine test, which indicates the development of certain diseases.

The results of the analysis are indicated in a special results form, which shows the values ​​of the main characteristics of urine. Based on this result, the doctor interprets the analysis. Decoding is a comparison of the values ​​of the patient’s analysis indicators with the normal values ​​and, depending on the deviations, the interpretation of the analysis results. Based on the transcript of the analysis, the doctor clarifies the diagnosis and chooses a treatment method.

What are the standards for normal urine analysis?

A general urine test is the most common test prescribed to all patients who consult a doctor of any specialty with complaints of certain symptoms. Laboratory technicians in the clinic, when examining urine, refer to normal values ​​to compare them with those obtained from the patient.

Normal general indicators

  • Yellow light color of liquid;
  • transparency without impurities and cloudy spots;
  • no pungent odor;
  • pH reaction within 4-7;
  • specific gravity of urine 1024 g/l;
  • lack of glucose and protein, bile pigments and traces of ketone bodies;
  • absence of fungi, bacteria and microorganisms;
  • the number of red cells is from 1 to 3 in the field of view of the microscope, and white cells are from 3 to 6.

More on the topic: Causes of pink urine

Norm for biochemistry analysis

A biochemical study of urine is done to identify disturbances in the functioning of the patient’s body systems. The standards are as follows:

Helpful information
1sugar level – from 30 to 50 mg/l
2amount of protein – maximum 33 mg per liter
3amylase value from 10 to 1240 units per liter
4potassium number – 38-81.5 mmol/day, phosphorus number 1000-1300 mg/day, sodium – 1000-1300 mmol per day
5microalbumin levels no more than 20 mg per day
6creatinine differs for women (0.4-1.4 g/l) and men (0.6-1.6 g)
7the amount of uric acid from 400 to 1000 mg per day
8for magnesium in urine, the maximum limit is 0.41 mmol/day
9urea substances – 0.33-0.57 mol/day

If abnormalities are detected in biochemistry, this indicates a malfunction of the liver or kidneys. Poisoning or intoxication of the body is also possible.

Main features

Bad urine has deviations from basic standards. When contacting a specialist, this type of examination is mandatory. Diagnostics reveals pathologies of internal organs and the urinary system

The doctor pays close attention to the following criteria:

  1. Change in color of biological material.
  2. Structure of urine.
  3. Biomaterial density.
  4. Acid-base balance.
  5. Is there protein, leukocytes, acetone and red blood cells and in what quantities?
  6. Presence of fungi and bacteria.

Doctors are concerned about results that are significantly deviated from the norm. This indicates a pathological process in the human body.

Red blood cells

The presence of red blood cells in the urine of women is not pathological. Normally, their number in the urine of a healthy person is 1-2. If more, then microhematuria is suspected. If the urine is colored pinkish or even reddish, this indicates gross hematuria.

Fresh and unchanged red blood cells can be found in urine with a slightly acidic or neutral pH. If this reaction is acidic, then the red blood cells will become discolored. Then they talk about leached red blood cells.

If red blood cells enter the urine from the renal vessels, this is additionally indicated by the content of protein and casts in the urine. Note that the level of red blood cells in the urine may be exceeded for a short time due to severe injury or significant physical activity.

Urine research

By studying clinical and laboratory parameters, it is possible to identify abnormalities or hidden pathology. Urine contains sodium chloride, urea and some components, their amount affects the person’s condition and test results.

Don’t think that bad urine is an indicator of a disease. Together with urine, salts, toxins and other organic matter are removed from the body. However, if any abnormalities are detected through analysis, the doctor will prescribe a more extensive study to detect negative changes in the urinary system - kidneys and other organs.

What to do if tests are bad

The patient will not be able to talk about the presence of the disease based on independently reviewed study data. Only the attending physician will decipher them, referring them to specialized specialists. For example, if a man’s urine flows poorly, a urologist or nephrologist will tell you what to do.

The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. But the results of the study do not stabilize immediately. If kidney pathologies occur, long-term therapy may be required. The function of the organ is restored gradually.

The therapist will be able to refer the patient to a urologist, nephrologist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, hepatologist.

Procedure for taking tests

When a physician issues a referral for a clinical urine test, he always gives instructions on how to prepare for the procedure, which may result in incorrect readings. If the instructions are not followed, you should not expect accurate results.

For the results to be correct, you must:

  1. Do not take the test after visiting a bathhouse or exercising.
  2. You should not drink alcohol before the procedure.
  3. It is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid.
  4. Before donating urine, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures. To do this, wash thoroughly with boiled water.
  5. Only morning urine that has accumulated in the bladder overnight is suitable for clinical analysis.
  6. The collected liquid should only be stored in a cool place for no more than 2 hours. If urine is stored longer, bacteria will form in it and the chemical composition will change.
  7. Urinalysis in women after childbirth or during menstruation requires careful preparation. It can only be donated using a tampon.
  8. If a child has swelling of the genitals or redness, tests cannot be taken that day.
  9. The day before urine testing, you should not eat foods containing dyes. They can affect its color.
  10. Before the study, you should not eat salty, spicy or fried foods.

Following simple rules will help you get an accurate result.

If the result of a repeat study shows the same results, the doctor will find out the reasons and prescribe treatment.

How to donate and store urine correctly

The procedure for preparing and collecting biological material follows general rules. Before taking tests, do not eat or exclude foods that can affect color, shade and other indicators. Before collecting urine, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures for the genitals.

Urine that comes out in the first 2 seconds does not need to be collected. The Nechiporenko analysis is done from the fluid released in the middle of the urination process. These general rules must be followed to obtain the most reliable results.

Only some types of tests require more complex preparation. Then you should stop taking certain medications, reduce physical activity and eliminate emotional turmoil. Such measures are required by testing for catecholamines. When collecting biomaterial to determine oxalates, it is important to exclude products containing ascorbic acid at least two days before the analysis.

The doctor who prescribes the examination should warn you about the specifics of preparation.

Biological material is collected in a sterile, dry plastic container. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is allowed to use a glass jar with a lid. It’s just important to process it thoroughly and avoid any traces of detergent and water - they can distort the results.

Urine for analysis is stored at room temperature for no more than 3 hours. After this time, it may change color, consistency and smell. During long-term storage, urine oxidizes and the level of microorganisms in it increases.

Reasons for deterioration in performance

The reason for the changes is a violation of recommendations regarding the collection of material. The causes of pathological changes will be as follows:

  • visiting a sauna or bathhouse the day before taking the test;
  • increased physical activity;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • performing heavy physical work;
  • drinking liquid in large quantities;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • taking medications;
  • consumption of fatty foods;
  • excessive consumption of sweets;
  • drinking alcohol.

Normalization of the analysis result was achieved after eliminating the factor.

A common reason for receiving poor results after a urine test is the presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and genital organs in men and women.

Patients should remember that a negative result should not be a cause for concern. If the body's condition is assessed as good, the test should be retaken

It is important to comply with all requirements to avoid distortion of results.

Blood in urine

The list of reasons that can provoke the appearance of blood in the urine is presented in the form:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • endometriosis;
  • hematuria during pregnancy;
  • kidney bruise;
  • acute course of infectious processes of the genitourinary area;
  • urethral injuries;
  • taking anticoagulants;
  • tumor processes of the bladder;
  • donating urine during menstruation.

When blood dissolves in the urine, the cause of the pathological change needs to look for a problem in the functioning of the kidneys. To obtain an informative picture, the patient must provide a urine sample.

Nephrorrhagia is a pathology diagnosed when the patient’s urine turns red or brownish-brown. It may contain blood clots. This pathological condition can manifest itself against the background of exposure to poisons and toxic compounds on the human body. The change indicates the development of a tumor.

The cause of blood in urine is acute cystitis. The patient feels pain and burning after urination.

Protein concentration

Proteinuria manifests itself against the background of inflammatory processes affecting the excretory system. Such a pathological change indicates a violation of the filtration activity of the kidneys against the background of the renal pelvis.

This deviation does not always appear. In rare cases, protein will be present in the urine of patients with healthy kidneys during an acute respiratory viral infection.

Glucose concentration

There is no glucose in the urine of healthy individuals; the manifestation of a similar component in urine is due to the influence of factors. This pathological deviation manifests itself in diabetics and indicates the progress of the disease.

The change is observed in insulin diabetes, an increase in sugar levels is observed in chronic pancreatitis.

Change in smell

The appearance of an unpleasant odor from urine may indicate the development of diseases in the patient’s body. Pathological changes cover not only the urinary and urinary organs. Some patients do not pay attention to such a symptom and ignore its manifestation, despite the fact that they cannot hesitate. You should consult a doctor sooner.

Density change

Density indicators depend on the functional activity of the kidneys. Violation of the indicator may indicate the manifestation of disturbances in the functioning of paired organs.

An increase in the density of urine - hypersthenuria, indicates the appearance of pathologies:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  • congestive kidney;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • swelling.

Optimal density indicator:

  • not diabetes;
  • dystrophy and nephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • nephrosclerosis;
  • renal failure.

Pathologically low indicator – isosthenuria:

  • nephrosclerosis;
  • subacute and chronic nephritis;
  • severe renal failure.

Appearance of bilirubin

An increase in bilirubin in the urine is the result of disorders. The list of diseases characterized by pathological changes includes pathologies:

  1. Hepatitis is toxic.
  2. Alcoholic hepatitis.
  3. Infectious processes affecting liver cells.
  4. Leptospirosis.
  5. Mononuclesis.
  6. Pregnancy period.
  7. Chronic hepatitis.
  8. Tumor processes in the liver.

What happens if you don't get tested?

Each conscript is assigned a fitness category based on a medical examination, laboratory and instrumental examinations. Until the young man provides the necessary information, he cannot be called up for service. The Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” guarantees the right to refuse medical intervention for compelling reasons. Deliberate failure to comply with the requirements of the military registration and enlistment commission is regarded as evasion from military service. In this case, the conscript has the right to be prosecuted under Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Incorrect urine collection

It sounds paradoxical, but the most common reason for poor performance when passing urine for analysis is considered to be non-compliance with the rules for its collection. In such cases, there is a high probability that the results will be distorted or completely disrupted.

False-positive data includes indicators that reflect changes of a negative nature and indicate the formation of pathologies of a certain type caused by violations of the rules for collecting urine. By eliminating factors that can influence the indicators, the tests will become normal.

Some of the most common discrepancies include the following:

Urine contamination during the selection process

In this situation, an increased number of harmful microorganisms and leukocytes can be detected in the biological fluid. Contamination occurs in several cases:

  1. A poorly prepared urine collection container is used.
  2. Personal hygiene requirements are violated.
  3. During the collection of urine, the “first” stream enters the container.
  4. Urine selected for testing is stored for more than two hours and only then is sent to the laboratory for testing. During this time, its acidity changes, bacteria multiply intensively.

Increased stress on the body before taking the test

This may lead to misdiagnosis of proteinuria. This should include:

  • going to the bathhouse or sauna;
  • intense physical exercise;
  • performing labor-intensive work.

Other reasons

Some foods and medications may affect the organoleptic properties of urine, but no other deviations in physical, chemical and biochemical parameters will be detected.

Another reason for deviation of values ​​from normal values ​​is inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system. Hygiene plays an important role here, because purulent accumulations can enter the urine, causing an increase in the level of leukocytes and failure to diagnose infectious diseases of the ureteral system.

Even drinking alcoholic beverages twelve to twenty-four hours before collecting biomaterial can cause a significant change in acidity levels and glucose levels.

Normal urine values

The urine of a healthy person is transparent and resembles water in density. The density of urine varies throughout the day from 1005 to 1022. The specific density of urine depends on the concentration of metabolic products and salts in it. After the night, denser urine is released, and during the day the density of urine decreases slightly.

A very important indicator is the acidity of urine. Normal acidity levels range from pH 4 to 7. A slightly acidic pH level prevents the development of various microbes and also prevents the formation of stones.

Small amounts of mucus are detected in tests. Mucus is secreted by the glandular cells of the mucous membrane of the urinary system. Mucus performs a protective function, and its amount increases with inflammation of the walls of the urinary canal and bladder.

Normally, urobilinogen is present in the samples, its level should not increase above 10 mg/l. A small amount of protein is excreted by the kidneys, but its concentration is so low that it is neglected.

Also, a small amount of leukocytes and red blood cells are excreted along with the urine. In normal samples, 3-4 leukocytes and 2-3 erythrocytes can be detected in the field of view.

Urine excreted by the kidneys of a healthy person is always sterile. Normally, bacteria, fungi and parasites are never detected. Also, samples from a healthy person should not contain sugar, bilirubin and hemoglobin.

Preparatory activities

Many patients are concerned about receiving erroneous laboratory results and ask healthcare providers the following questions:

  • what portion of biological fluid needs to be collected;
  • whether some external factors can distort the final analysis data or not;
  • is it prohibited to smoke before the sample collection procedure;
  • Is it necessary to give urine strictly on an empty stomach;
  • how to wash yourself properly;
  • Is it possible to deliver yesterday’s urine for research?

All questions can be answered briefly - violation of the recommended urine test and its delivery leads to erroneous diagnosis of pathological processes.

That is why, in order to prevent the possibility of error during the tests, it is absolutely important for the patient to correctly submit and deliver the biological material.

There is no particularly complicated preparation for urine analysis, however, do not forget that 24 hours before collecting biomaterial it is recommended:

Is it possible to collect urine for analysis in the evening?

  1. Do not drink alcohol or sweet carbonated drinks.
  2. Limit physical and psycho-emotional stress.
  3. Refrain from intimacy, eating spicy, salty and fatty foods, smoked foods and products containing natural or synthetic dyes.
  4. Do not take medications (if this is not possible, you need to inform the laboratory staff), vitamins, herbal decoctions and tinctures, diuretics.

If the patient has previously undergone an instrumental examination of the bladder (cystoscopy), urine is submitted for analysis no earlier than a week later. And for women during the period of monthly bleeding (menstruation), it is advisable to postpone the test - red blood cells can get into the urine and change the overall picture of the tests.

Before the urine collection procedure, it is extremely important to properly wash the genitals, otherwise mucus from the genital tract may get into the sample, which will increase the total protein parameters and affect the accuracy of the diagnosis. It is not recommended to use disinfectants while using the toilet; washing movements should be directed towards the buttocks.

The rules for collecting urine from a child are the same as for an adult; the baby needs to be washed well and wiped dry.

For children, pediatric urinals are used, which are freely available in pharmacies, but trying to “extract” biomaterial from a diaper or diaper is prohibited

To conduct a general clinical analysis, it is enough to deliver a sample of biological fluid in a volume of 60-80 ml to the laboratory center; at night, the kidneys produce more concentrated urine, as a result of which any deviations from the norm will be immediately noticeable.

Types of urine tests

    Types of urine tests:
  • chemical
  • bacteriological
  • microscopic

Microscopic examination of urine

For all types of studies, the patient can collect urine independently, with the exception of analysis in children and seriously ill patients.

    Indicators of general urine analysis:
  • urine color
  • transparency
  • smell
  • reaction
  • relative density
  • glucose concentration
  • protein concentration
  • counting of formed elements
  • epithelium counting
  • cylinder counting
  • salt
  • slime
  • bacteria

What is strictly forbidden to do when collecting urine?

The current generation of young people are irresponsible about the rules of taking the test, as a result of which the diagnosis may be made incorrectly. That is why qualified medical professionals must convince patients to comply with all the necessary requirements for such a simple laboratory test as a urine test.

It is important to know that when submitting biological material it is unacceptable:

  1. Use dirty dishes, the contents of a plastic bag, diaper, potty or diaper - such a substance is unsuitable for research.
  2. Collect urine immediately after bowel movements or sexual intercourse.
  3. Deliver frozen or “stale” urine (that has stood for more than three hours) to the laboratory.
  4. Collect biological fluid if there is inflammation of the skin in the area of ​​the urethra and vagina.
  5. Use urine obtained after catheterization at home for testing - when placing a urinary catheter, there is a risk of re-infection of the urinary tract.

How does the commission assess health status and fitness for service?

The list of all pathologies due to which a conscript may be sent to the reserves, given a temporary deferment, released from service, or taken away to serve, is indicated in the Schedule of Illnesses.

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There are 5 eligibility categories in total:

  1. A - good. The conscript's health is assessed as good. They are sent to serve without restrictions. They are willingly recruited to serve in elite troops.
  2. B – suitable with minor restrictions . There are minor health problems. A conscript can serve under special conditions.
  3. B – limited suitability . The state of health is assessed as average. They are not drafted into the army, they are sent to the reserves. They have the right to call in the event of a declaration of martial law in the country.
  4. G – temporarily unfit . A category in which it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, confirm the presence of the disease, recover from surgery, and undergo treatment. A temporary deferment is given for 6-12 months, after which a re-examination is scheduled. Based on the results, the commission makes a decision on the final assignment of a fitness category.
  5. D – not suitable . Health is assessed as poor. Severe diseases, advanced forms, and significant disruption of the functioning of internal organs and systems are diagnosed. Pathologies cannot be treated. The conscript is given a ticket for health reasons and is no longer called to the military registration and enlistment office.

Members of the military commission do not make a diagnosis, but have the right to doubt its correctness. They are referred for additional examination and treatment. To assign categories “B”, “D”, extracts from the medical card, certificates, expert opinions, examination results, long-term observation by doctors, and treatment in a hospital are required.

  • A general urine test will show pregnancy. Urine pregnancy test

If a conscript does not agree with the assigned category, violations are observed in the actions of the commission, they go to court and appeal the decision.


As you can see after reading the above tips and recommendations from doctors, making a urine test false will not be so difficult. You just need to purchase certain medications or use the simpler methods given above. Their prices are quite reasonable, and there won’t be any problems finding them. But please note that most of them can have a detrimental effect on the body. For example, the use of drugs can lead to disruption of other organs and systems. And this will require additional therapy. That is, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to use such methods or whether it is better to abstain.

What should you not eat or drink before donating urine?

When collecting test material for analysis, certain rules are followed to ensure the accuracy of the result, so many are interested in whether it is possible to smoke before donating urine? It is important to take care of yourself and periodically monitor blood and urine levels in your body; laboratory monitoring of blood plasma and urine is also necessary to confirm urolithiasis, pathologies of the bladder, pyelonephritis and to identify the inflammatory process in the genital organs.

Before donating blood or urine, you need to familiarize yourself with recommendations that can improve the physical and chemical characteristics of urine in terms of their reliability. Thus, you cannot take a urine test if the patient has previously been prescribed pharmaceuticals that can affect its results.

However, not all medications and not every diagnostic method distort the answers. So, if it is necessary to donate urine to determine the level of adrenal hormones, it is strictly contraindicated to take medications that increase the level of neurotransmitters, as well as those that contain:

  • caffeine,
  • rauwolfia,
  • ethanol,
  • Glycerol trinitrate.

Vitamins, antipyretic medications, as well as pharmaceuticals that are aimed at relieving pain symptoms can change the biochemical composition of urine. You can find out which medications you should not take before a urine test by consulting a medical specialist.

There are no significant restrictions on drinking, but you should not consume mineral water in excessive quantities, which affects the acidity of urine. Before taking the test, you should not drink water that contains chemical dyes, as they can change the color of the urine.

It is contraindicated to consume coffee beans, black tea and any sedative drinks 24 hours before taking a urine test for hormones. And, of course, the main prohibition is alcohol. Many people are interested in how much alcohol can you drink so that the results of a laboratory test are reliable?

You can eat almost anything before a urine test, so if you plan to take the test, you should not limit yourself to eating food that cannot color the urine a different color or give it a specific “aroma.”

There is an opinion that if you eat lemon or pomegranate before the procedure, the urine composition will normalize, even if you have previously eaten peppery, fatty, salty and sweet foods. However, doctors do not confirm this fact.

In order for the laboratory test results to be correct, you should not eat sweets, as they can increase glucose levels, as well as various foods that color the liquid. In this regard, it is not recommended to eat beets and strawberries the day before.

  • carrot,
  • rhubarb,
  • onion,
  • Bay leaf,
  • garlic,
  • spices,
  • horseradish.

You should not eat watermelon before a laboratory urine test, since after eating it, nitrates can be diagnosed in the fluid excreted by the kidneys. You should avoid excessive consumption of salty foods, for example, you should not eat pickles, otherwise the test results will show phosphates.

In order for the analysis to be accurate, in addition to dietary restrictions, emotional stress and increased physical activity should be limited during the laboratory study, as they can increase the level of protein in the sample of the material being tested.

When registering throughout pregnancy, women are required to take blood and urine tests to view the dynamics of their condition and the intrauterine fetus. Expectant mothers in pregnancy, as well as all those undergoing tests, are contraindicated to consume foods that change the color and smell of urine.

Rules for collecting material

In order for the results of a general urine test to be correct, you need to take care of the correct collection of urine. To do this, follow the basic recommendations:

  • First of all, the genital organs are toileted, washing them with boiled water and a soap solution, sometimes using a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin. This will avoid impurities, mucus and leukocytes in the test material.
  • It should be borne in mind that a general urine test requires fluid accumulated in the bladder overnight, so it should be collected in the morning.
  • For a full laboratory test, you will need 100 ml of urine from the second portion, skipping the first. Collect the fluid secreted by the kidneys into a sterile container, which is purchased at a pharmacy, and if one is not available, then take improvised means, for example, a jar, thoroughly rinse it of abrasive detergents and pour boiling water over it.
  • The container with urine is tightly closed and equipped with a referral from a doctor. The analysis must be delivered no later than 2 hours after its collection.

Rules for the collection and delivery of specific urine samples

To clarify the diagnosis, the patient may need to conduct additional studies, which will entail collecting daily urine, an average stream, or donating biological fluid into a special sterile tube.

To properly collect urine per day, you need to prepare a clean, large container (about 3 liters) with a lid. Collection begins in the morning, after hygiene procedures - for 24 hours, each urination is performed in a prepared container. The last portion is given in the morning of the next day, after which the entire volume of the substance is thoroughly mixed, its value is measured and recorded. 100 ml is enough for delivery to the laboratory, the rest can be poured into the toilet.


Normally, there should be no sugar (glucose) in the urine. Sometimes a transient value of glucose in the urine can occur when eating foods rich in carbohydrates, for example, grapes, honey, etc.

If glucose is constantly present in the urine, you should consult an endocrinologist; this may be a sign of diabetes mellitus.

Every person with diabetes knows how to properly take a urine test for sugar and acetone. Ideally, urine for such a study is collected within 24 hours in a separate container, for example, a three-liter jar. The next morning after urine collection begins, part of it is drawn for analysis and sent to the laboratory. But you can test your urine for sugar and acetone at certain periods of time, for example, every 4 hours. It is more convenient to conduct such a study in a hospital.

What is important for the patient to know?

To achieve the reliability of the study data, the patient must follow the rules for donating urine. They must be explained by the employees of the medical institution; the general requirements boil down to the following measures:

  1. Prepare a sterile container in advance - it can be purchased at the pharmacy chain. If this cannot be done, then any cleanly washed and dried glass container with a tightly screwed lid will be suitable for use.
  2. After waking up, immediately before donating biological fluid, toilet the external genitalia.
  3. The study requires a portion of morning urine, the first stream is discharged into the toilet, the rest of the biological fluid into a prepared container.
  4. Deliver a sample of biomaterial with a referral to the laboratory within two hours after collection. A longer period of time contributes to changes in the physical characteristics of urine, decomposition of sediment elements and the proliferation of microorganisms.

In modern laboratory centers, preparation for taking a urine test can be found on information stands

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