Causes of increased acidity of urine and its determination at home

Urine pH (acidity) reflects the degree of concentration of positively charged hydrogen atoms that determine the acid-base balance. pH is not a formed element or biochemical substance in urine. The acidity indicator refers to physicochemical reactions, and not to the components of the biofluid. Therefore, the urinary pH terminology often used by patients is incorrect.

The correct wording is “urine pH” or “pH indicator in urine analysis.” Acid-base balance is one of the chemical and physical parameters of the body’s homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment). Enzyme activity, oxidation of fats and carbohydrates, breakdown and production of protein and the overall stability of metabolic processes depend on its level. pH is an indicator of the processing and absorption of essential macronutrients (sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium).

When the indicator shifts to the acidic side, the body is forced to compensate for the imbalance by drawing minerals from bones and organs. Such borrowing leads to diseases of the skeletal system, deterioration of the health of hair, nails and teeth. The pH level, as one of the main diagnostic parameters, is assessed during the examination of all biological fluids (gastric and pancreatic juice, saliva, sperm, secretions of the vaginal and duodenal glands, etc.).

Maintaining acid-base balance is one of the functions of the renal apparatus. The structural units of the kidneys, the nephrons, are responsible for the formation and excretion of urine. They filter the liquid part of the blood and perform resorption (absorption) and excretion (release) of substances. The pH level of urine can be used to assess kidney function and the quality of metabolism.

What does urine Ph mean?

The level of Ph in urine (acidity) is determined by the content of hydrogen ions in urine, which are products of the breakdown of inorganic compounds. Based on these indicators, conclusions are drawn about the cleansing abilities of the kidneys and blood cleansing. Normally, the processed fluid secreted by the bladder consists of 96-97% urine, 3-4% salts, and nitrogenous compounds.

The excreted substances have acid-base characteristics. With a predominance of acid (ph below 5 units), urine is added, alkali (ph above 8.0) is alkalized, while the simultaneous excess of values ​​neutralizes urine due to the removal of minerals and organic compounds from bone tissue.

Alkaline rate

If the acidity of urine constantly shifts towards alkalization, it is necessary first of all to study the characteristics of the food consumed (the indicator is affected by dairy and vegetable diets). If nutrition is not able to provoke such changes, then there is an infection in the urinary tract. If microbes enter the test sample from the environment and/or the urine sits for a long enough time, this can also cause the urine to become alkaline. In such an environment, the best conditions are created for the life and reproduction of microorganisms that cause inflammation in the kidneys and urethra.

Alkaline urine can be the result of many diseases and disorders, and the most common causes of such changes may be:

  • excessive consumption of dairy products and plant foods;
  • infections of the urethra, except for inflammatory processes caused by tuberculosis bacteria or E. coli;
  • vomiting (loss of water and chlorine occurs);
  • chronic kidney failure;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • use of certain medications (bicarbonates, nicotinamide, adrenaline);
  • drinking alkaline mineral water in large quantities;
  • hematuria (invisible blood, namely its components in the urine);
  • the presence of other serious diseases.

Hematuria occurs in people with urinary tract infections, prostate and bladder stones. Hematuria may indicate the development of cancer and is one of the main symptoms of this type of disease. This could be a tumor of the prostate, bladder or kidney cancer.

Also, similar changes in the characteristics of urine can occur as a result of eating vegetarian foods (fruits, brown bread, especially citrus fruits), vegetables and milk. These products are not able to maintain the pH value at normal and cause it to shift upward. A change in the reaction of urine is observed in pregnant women when, with a milk-vegetable diet, the pH value is above 7.0. Due to the fact that some bacteria can increase the alkaline properties of urine, it is customary to conduct laboratory tests on fresh urine that has not stood for more than 2 hours.

Acidity pH is normal

Urine pH (the norm in the adult population ranges from 5.1 to 7.1 units on average) during the day can change:

  • in the morning – 5.2 – 5.8;
  • during the day – 6.4 – 6.8;
  • in the evening – 6.5 – 7.

Men have lower acidity values ​​(from 5.1 to 5.6 in the morning, from 6.1 to 6.6 in the evening).

A decrease of 0.4–0.6 is not pathological for the male sex, it is associated with the predominance of protein foods (meat, egg whites, high-fat cheese) in the daily diet, the almost complete absence of fruit and vegetable dishes, greens, and an increased interest in heavy physical activity designed to increase muscle mass in the body.

For women, the normal pH ranges from 5.3 to 5.8 after waking up, from 6.7 to 7.2 before going to bed. Exceeding the figures by 0.3-0.7 units. - a normal phenomenon that most often occurs among fans of a low-carbohydrate diet and high consumption of mineralized liquid.

In the analyzes of expectant mothers, readings from 4.5 to 8.1 units are found. Acidity values ​​are influenced by hormonal changes in the body, changes in diet, and toxicosis. The indicated pH numbers are not considered a pathology if the woman is in good health and do not require medication adjustment.

Table of acidity values:

children born earlier line4,7 – 5,5
newborns5,4 – 6,1
2 month old breastfed babies7,1 – 7,7
formula fed babies5,6 – 7,0
from 2 years and older, adults of both sexes5,4 – 7,0
while expecting a child4,3 – 8,1

Normal indicators

The acidity level of urine depends on the gender, age, weight, and nutrition of the patient. Normal urine pH in an adult male ranges from 5-7


In the morning time

the average is
6-6.4 pH
in the evening - 6.4-7

If the indicators correspond to these data, your kidneys are functioning in perfect order.

Note! The level of urine acidity is affected by many stomach diseases, which contribute to the release of too much or too little hydrochloric acid.

Reasons for lowering pH (acidification)

Acidification (aciduria) is manifested by a decrease in pH levels to 5.0 or lower.

Occurs in the following cases:

  • The predominance of protein dishes in the daily nutritious diet. It manifests itself with a tendency to consume a large amount of meat products, a decrease in the menu of greens, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Increased physical activity aimed at increasing body weight.
  • Reducing fluid intake during the day (less than 0.8 l.).
  • On the quality of the foods and drinks you choose. A high content of food additives, dyes, and cholesterol provokes a decrease in pH levels.
  • The appearance of a feverish state, chills, fever accompanying viral infections of the ENT organs.
  • Uncontrolled use of diuretics. This is especially true for women who are addicted to teas and pills whose action is aimed at reducing excess body weight.
  • Infections of the pelvic organs, gynecological problems.
  • Taking ascorbic acid daily to maintain immunity in the autumn-winter period.
  • Infectious inflammations, the basis of which is Escherichia coli.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Sepsis.
  • Prolonged fasting, uncontrolled indulgence in low-calorie days, anorexia.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Diabetes mellitus, when the level of dextrose in the blood fluid is exceeded by 5 ml/mol or more.
  • Harmful working conditions, elevated air temperatures in the workplace.
  • Allergies in children.

For newborn babies, a pH of 5.0 is normal. Does not require treatment, increases as the child grows older.

Aciduria lasting more than 14-20 days is cause for concern and suggests infectious pathologies of the genitourinary system, kidneys, the presence of stones, sand in the bladder.

Reasons for deviations from the norm

Alkalosis and acidosis are abnormal conditions for the body. This means that there are disturbances in the body due to physiological or pathological reasons. The first category includes:

  • irrational physical activity;
  • peculiarities of eating behavior (unbalanced diet);
  • excessive passion for alcoholic beverages;
  • incorrect treatment with certain medications.

In this case, changing your diet and lifestyle will help restore normal pH. An impaired acidity reaction may indicate the development of acute and chronic diseases. However, pathologies are not necessarily associated only with the urinary system.

Acidification of urine

A low pH means the urine is highly acidic. Most often, acidic urine accompanies metabolic disorders, in particular, people with diabetes suffer from this feature. And also a shift of values ​​to the left is observed in the following cases:

  • an excess of saturated acids, protein foods and fats in the daily menu (meat, baked goods, butter), as well as a passion for protein diets;
  • electrolyte imbalance associated with deficiency of potassium (hypokalemia) and chlorine (hypochloremia);
  • inflammation of the bladder walls (cystitis);
  • damage to the tubular system of the renal apparatus (pyelonephritis);
  • extrapulmonary infection with Koch's bacillus (nephrotuberculosis);
  • metabolic disorders (in particular, excessive formation or intake of acids);
  • formation of ketone bodies (acetone) in the urine as a complication of diabetes mellitus;
  • trauma to the pancreas, with further formation of a pancreatic fistula;
  • postoperative syndrome, after ureterosigmoidostomy (surgery on the ureters);
  • chronic stool disorder (diarrhea);
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • CRF (chronic renal failure);
  • inability of the kidneys to remove uric acid (resulting in the development of gout);
  • urolithiasis and nephrolithiasis (the presence of urate stones in the organs of the urinary system);
  • overdose of calcium and ammonium chloride medications;
  • hypervitaminosis of ascorbic acid;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • adrenal dysfunction.
  • intense physical activity (sports training).

A decrease in acidity values ​​can accompany oncohematological diseases and sepsis.

Alkalinization of urine

If the pH is elevated, it means that the urine is predominantly alkaline. A high level of alkali indicates the development of acute conditions, the progression of chronic diseases, and poor nutrition. The following are the causes of alkalinization of urine:

Strips for acetone in urine

  • immunoinflammatory damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys (glomeruli), otherwise glomerulonephritis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • vegetarianism and veganism, plant-dairy diets with minimal consumption of protein products and fats;
  • abuse of table mineral water with a high alkaline content;
  • decreased functionality of the adrenal glands to produce hormones (hypocorticism and hypoaldosteronism);
  • electrolyte imbalance due to increased potassium concentration (hyperglycemia);
  • overactive parathyroid gland (hyperparathyroidism);
  • hyperacid gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by increased acidity of gastric juice);
  • pyelonephritis and cystitis of bacterial etiology (origin);
  • dehydration (dehydration), due to repeated vomiting and diarrhea (symptoms of body intoxication);
  • long-term treatment with neurotransmitters (Epinephrine hydrotartrate, Adrenaline);
  • incorrect use of nicotinic acid preparations;
  • exacerbation of gastric ulcer.

An alkaline reaction can be caused by inflammatory dental diseases, due to a violation of the acid-base balance of the oral cavity. If there are stable deviations in the acid level (regardless of its increase or decrease), it is necessary to examine the kidneys and take a general and biochemical blood test. If pathological changes are not detected, you should adjust your diet, physical activity and give up alcoholic beverages.

Reasons for increasing pH (alkalinization)

Ph in urine, if changes from the norm of medical indications are noticed in the direction of increasing values, in medical practice it is defined by the term “Alkaluria”, characterized by an increase in numbers from 8.0 or more units. This condition is often accompanied by severe headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, confusion, and fainting.

Occurs when:

  • Low-calorie vegetarian diet (raw food diet is especially dangerous), consumption of mineralized liquid in quantities significantly exceeding the permissible limit (more than 2 liters per day).
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs, accompanied by cystitis.
  • Insufficient activity of the adrenal glands, hormonal imbalance, uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in chronic and acute form (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis)
  • Dysfunctions of the endocrine system, accompanied by metabolic disorders, hypertension.
  • Increasing the level of phosphorus-containing compounds in the blood fluid.
  • Insufficient amount of calcium in the body.
  • Taking Phenobarbital. Alkalinization occurs when the kidneys remove the breakdown products of drugs from the body.

    Ph of urine. The norm may be distorted after taking phenobrabital.

  • In the postoperative period.
  • Rickets.
  • Vomiting, toxicosis of pregnancy.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Toxicological lesions of the body, accompanied by stool disorders and dehydration.

Alkalinization of urine occurs with congenital pathologies of the kidneys and endocrine system. In pregnant women, a pH value of 8.1 or more is a symptom of hormonal changes in the body, the resulting calcium deficiency, and toxicosis.

Low level

If a general urine test shows low pH values, it is important to understand what this means. This can happen due to the following factors:

  • Regular consumption of large portions of meat and dairy products.
  • Prolonged stay in the heat or in a stuffy room.
  • Great physical activity.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Cystitis.
  • A general urine test shows low pH values ​​in people who abuse alcohol.
  • Severe intoxication of the body.
  • Sharp jumps in blood sugar levels in diabetes.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The use of certain medications, for example, ascorbic acid, calcium chloride.
  • Gout.

Indications for a general urine test

A general clinical diagnostic urine test is prescribed to monitor the internal state of the body, the functioning of the kidneys and the urinary system. Healthy people are recommended to undergo the procedure for preventive purposes at least once every 6-7 months.

It is mandatory for a general practitioner to prescribe a study for:

  • Kidney dysfunction. To compile a dynamic picture of the patient’s condition and correct the therapy.
  • Infections of the bladder, ducts, adnexitis, accompanied by frequent urge to urinate
  • Diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, excess dextrose levels in the blood fluid, the appearance of a nitrogen odor when urinating.
  • After suffering from a sore throat, scarlet fever, diseases caused by staphylococcal bacillus.
  • Severe painful spasms in the area of ​​the kidneys, gall bladder, sand secretion.
  • Gallstone disease, pancreatitis.
  • The recovery process after strip surgery.
  • During pregnancy, monitoring the health of the expectant mother, after childbirth.
  • Endocrine disorders, obesity, elevated blood pressure.
  • Long-term non-healing wounds, cuts, injuries.
  • Preventive medical examinations, especially for patients working in food production and in hazardous working conditions.

During therapeutic therapy for the kidneys, bladder, and endocrine disorders, OAM is prescribed at least once a month. Pregnant women are tested once a month in the 1st-2nd trimesters, once a week in the 3rd trimester.

What factors determine the reaction of urine

An acidic environment in urine becomes possible as a result of metabolic disorders, water balance, and the development of disease in the body. Diet affects the environment (acidic or alkaline) as follows:

  • a lot of carbohydrates, plant foods, dairy products makes the discharge more alkaline;
  • concentration of fats, consumption of protein foods of animal origin provides a more acidic environment.

Insufficient fluid intake slows down hydrolysis and makes urine more concentrated. Urine acidity is usually increased in patients with diabetes. The detection of ketone bodies in a urine test means a low pH level.

The presence of parasites is indicated by the appearance of a strange color of discharge, accompanied by a sour odor. In case of metabolic disorders, such symptoms are absent; the composition of the liquid and the concentration of certain mineral elements in it change.

Among the factors that explain why urine pH increases or decreases: poor nutrition, increased formation of gastric juice, pathological disorders in the kidney canals, taking medications, dietary supplements. Pathological conditions affecting the pH of urine and blood:

  • infections, extensive inflammation of the urinary system;
  • acquired and hereditary kidney pathologies;
  • decreased immunity.

Acid urine reaction

An increase in organic compounds that lower the pH level makes the urine acidic. This means an excessive concentration of such compounds: lactic, delta-aminolevulinic, acetoacetic, bile, vanillylmandelic acid, amino acids.

Causes of increased acidity of urine:

  • physical activity;
  • shock as a result of burns or injuries;
  • long-term alcohol abuse;
  • vegetarianism;
  • fasting, strict diet;
  • acidosis;
  • systemic endocrine disorders;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • allergy;
  • pathologies of kidney function.

Alkaline urine

Occurs when the pH value is elevated. The causes may be congenital or acquired diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, infections of the urinary organs, prolonged predominance of exclusively plant foods in the diet, severe vomiting, rickets, and the recovery period after surgery. Alkaline urine is detected simultaneously with the diagnosis of the following pathological processes:

  • tubular acidosis;
  • eye failure;
  • disturbances in the secretion of gastric juice;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • pyloric obstruction;
  • respiratory alkalosis.

A decrease in urine acidity promotes the development of pathogenic microflora. The symptoms of the underlying disease usually include headaches, nausea, and general weakness.

How to get tested correctly

Ph urine (the normal value depends on the correct procedure for preparing, collecting and submitting biological material) is determined during testing, following a special preparatory process.

He is such a:

  • Urine is collected in a special container provided by a medical facility. To collect urine at home, purchase a sterile flask from a pharmacy. If it is impossible to purchase a container, you can use a glass container with a small lid, washed with soapy water and disinfected with boiling water. The urine collection container must be dry.
  • During the day, natural dyes (carrots, beets), alcohol, diuretic herbal teas, decoctions, and medications are excluded from food, except in cases where the analysis is carried out to monitor the progress of drug therapy.
  • Women should not be tested during their menstrual cycle due to the presence of blood clots, which could lead to a misdiagnosis.
  • Mandatory hygienic toileting of the genitals before urination. Females are advised to cover the vagina with a cotton pad to prevent bacteria from entering the urine.

Taking material:

  1. Urine collects in the morning, immediately after waking up.
  2. Collected urine should be stored for no longer than 160 minutes.
  3. Biomaterial cannot be cooled. Low temperatures contribute to the appearance of salts, which provide grounds for an erroneous diagnosis of “renal failure” and treatment that is not required for the patient.

Role of the kidneys

But it would be naive to think that the kidneys reflect only the acid-base state that exists in the blood and do not take any active part in the formation of urine pH. The function of the renal tubules plays an important role. The fact is that the kidneys, through the functioning of their tubules, additionally return a certain amount of bicarbonate ions into the bloodstream, which are an alternative or counterbalance to the accumulation of hydrogen ions. To understand how long it took to fully understand this process that students are now studying, just take a look at the brief diagram of reabsorption.

Thus, the normal pH level in urine largely depends on the functioning of the kidneys. They maintain normal acid-base status, which consists of:

  • careful preservation and return again to the bloodstream after filtering bicarbonate ions (alkaline component);
  • maximum excretion of protons (acidic component) in the final urine.

This process of reabsorption of important alkaline anions takes place mainly in the proximal or proximal part of the nephron tubule, closest to the glomerulus or capsule.

How to determine ph at home

Urine pH (the normal value is determined at home, if necessary) is determined in the following ways:

1. Litmus paper. To perform the test, blue and red strips soaked in a special solution are used. They must be lowered into a container with liquid one by one for 1-3 seconds. The removed paper is placed on a clean, dry surface, inaccessible to ultraviolet rays, with the reagent facing up.

The results of the study are studied after 3 minutes:

  • unchanged indicator shade – neutral environment;
  • change in color of both stripes – acid-alkaline;
  • blue red – alkaline;
  • redness blue – sour.

The value of ph numbers in this analysis cannot be determined.

2. Magarshak method . 2 drops urine is mixed with a 0.1% solution of neutral red and blue methylene alcohol. Based on the color of the precipitate formed within 2 seconds, the pH level is determined:

  • dark purple – 6.2 – 6.5;
  • light purple – 6.7 – 7.1;
  • gray – 7.4.

3. Bromoethyl method . 3 drops urine is diluted in 20 mg of bromoethyl indicator diluted with water. The value is determined by the color of the resulting liquid. The method is not reliable. 4. Ionometer - the most reliable option, which is a device placed in morning urine. They will accurately determine the acidity level in numbers, displaying the readings on the monitor.

5. Indicator strips are the most common method used at home and in laboratory conditions, allowing you to set the pH level from 4.9 to 9.1 units by changing the shade of a plate soaked in a reagent.

Why does the acidity of urine change?

This criterion depends on the general condition of the body and the level of metabolism. But no less significant influence on the reaction of urine is exerted by the nature of a person’s diet and drinking regime. Therefore, doctors are able to adjust urine pH by simply prescribing a diet. For example, increasing the proportion of fats and proteins in food helps reduce pH or increase acidity. And foods rich in carbohydrates increase pH and contribute to alkalization of the environment.

A decrease in pH develops with the accumulation of acidic products in the urine. One example of such a condition is ketonuria in diabetes mellitus - ketone bodies are acids, and therefore increase acidity. Stagnation of urine and some urinary tract infections, on the contrary, increase the pH and alkalinize the environment.

However, as already mentioned, the acidity of urine does not play such a big role in the diagnosis of diseases. However, its influence on processes in the urinary system is very great. Below is just a brief description of the main processes that can change under the influence of urine pH:

  • The solubility of various salts and acids is directly dependent on the acidity of the environment in which they are located. For example, uric acid dissolves in an alkaline environment, but precipitates in an acidic environment. On the contrary, phosphates and oxalates are more soluble in an acidic environment. This is of great importance in case of urolithiasis - excessive accumulation of any substance in combination with the “wrong” pH creates ideal conditions for the formation of stones. At the same time, a change in the acidity of urine promotes the dissolution and removal of stones.
  • Many microorganisms more often cause inflammation of the urinary tract only with a certain urine reaction that is suitable only for them. For example, E. coli is more dangerous in an acidic environment, and staphylococcus is more dangerous in an alkaline environment. Determining the environmental reaction helps to identify the pathogen.
  • A number of antibiotics can also only work within a fairly narrow pH range. This makes it necessary to take into account or adjust the acidity of urine when treating urinary tract infections. For example, macrolides and penicillins are more effective in an alkaline environment, and tetracyclines and nitrofurans in an acidic environment.

A special feature of this

Urine acidity is a value that shows the concentration of hydrogen ions.

It is necessary in the diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.
In medical practice, the acidity level of urine is reflected as pH
Throughout the day, this indicator constantly fluctuates due to the food consumed. The pH level depends on the concentration of potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium in the body
, since these substances change the activity of hydrogen.

Photo 1. Diseases of the stomach provoke a change in its acidity, the patient begins to experience discomfort with digestion. Source: Flickr (Agencia ID).

What are urine test strips?

Urine pH (normal readings) is determined using indicator test strips, which are plates with a plastic or paper base, measuring 5 by 6-13 cm, with a chemical reagent applied to them. Upon contact with hydrogen ions released in urine, the indicator changes color, making it possible to set the acidity level in numbers from 4.9 to 9.1 ph.

The choice of drug depends on the suspected or established pathology. Depending on the required values ​​obtained during the analysis, you can use single indicator strips impregnated with a single reagent or multi-indicator plates - making it possible to simultaneously check the values ​​of several indicators.

The home study kit contains:

  • plastic cylindrical packaging with 25-150 reagent strips;
  • detailed instructions for use;
  • sorbent for removing excess liquid;
  • shade scale for establishing the results of the study (most often applied to the packaging body).

A home test is not able to fully replace the clinical and laboratory procedure, but it provides an opportunity for independent monitoring of indications during corrective drug therapy for emerging pathologies.

How to normalize the acid-base ratio

To reduce or increase the pH value of urine, the cause of the metabolic disorder is determined. If alkalization or acidification is caused by a urinary tract infection, medications of several groups are used:

  • antibiotics – Augmentin, Amosin, Tseklor, Keflex;
  • sorbents – Smecta, Multisorb, Sorbex, Enterosgel;
  • uroseptics - Nolitsin, Canephron, Furagin, Urolesan;
  • litholytics (drugs for dissolving stones) - Solutan, Urolit-U, Magurlit, Blemaren.

To reduce acidity, folk remedies are used - soda water, carrot and tomato juice, spinach infusion. To restore metabolism, patients must adhere to diet therapy. When urine is acidified, a milk-vegetable diet is followed, and when alkalization occurs, a protein diet is followed.

pH measurement is one of the ways to determine metabolic disorders, inflammation and other problems. The acidity of urine increases and decreases when the genitourinary system malfunctions. Based on the results of the study, the effectiveness of diuretic treatment and the risk of kidney stone formation are determined. To avoid fluctuations in urine pH, you need to eat a balanced diet, treat infections in a timely manner, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Types of test strips

The indicator strips vary:

1. By country of manufacturer:

  • Swiss "Mcral-Test"
  • Korean "Uriscan";
  • Russian "Biosernor", "Bioscan"
  • Canadian "Multichech";
  • American "UrineRS";

2. For the component being tested:

  • dextrose;
  • ketones;
  • bilirubin;
  • protein;
  • creatinine;
  • urobilinogen
  • acidity;
  • leukocytes,
  • red blood cells
  • structure density

3. By the number of applied reagents, according to which it is possible to control the values ​​of several indicators at once, such as:

  • blood,
  • protein;
  • acidity level;
  • nitrites;
  • density;
  • glucose;
  • red blood cells

Rules for using test strips

Urine pH can be easily determined using reagent test strips at home.

Preparation for the procedure:

  1. When removing strips, do not touch the indicator part of the plate with your fingertips.
  2. Collect the morning urine sample in a sterile container, after performing an external hygienic toilet of the genitals. Do not take the test during your period.
  3. Stir the urine, eliminating possible sediment.
  4. Conduct diagnostics at temperatures from 15 to 25 degrees. Lower environmental figures may cause false readings.
  5. Do not use urine collected more than 2 hours ago. The error in values ​​in this case is up to 50%.
  6. Do not use the strip more than once.
  7. Do not keep the plate in urine for more than the time specified in the instructions to avoid obtaining incorrect test results.
  8. Do not use devices that have expired.
  9. Avoid exposure of ultraviolet rays to the diagnostic color scale located on the tube.

Carrying out the procedure:

  1. Carefully remove the strip from the plastic box.
  2. Stir the urine, eliminating the sediment of salts.
  3. Immerse the plate in the container for 1-3 seconds.
  4. Remove the indicator, remove excess sorbent liquid, or tap the strip on the edge of the container.
  5. Place the test on a dry surface with the reagent side up.
  6. Assess the value of the indicators after 1-3 minutes. according to the color scale: orange – 4.9-5.0; saturated yellow – 6.0; pale yellow – 6.5; light green – 7.0; pale green – 7.5; emerald – 8.0; swamp green – 8.5.
  7. The waiting time for results should not be exceeded. Analysis values ​​can change significantly under the influence of air and ultraviolet radiation.

Acidity is determined once every 3-4 days. It is advisable to conduct the study at the same time (immediately after getting up in the morning), since the numbers vary greatly throughout the day. If the indicators shift over 2 weeks towards acidification or alkalization, you must consult a general practitioner and undergo a comprehensive medical examination

Characteristics of pH indicator

In relation to the generally accepted definition, it can be argued that the acidity of urine is the ratio of hydroxyl and hydrogen ions in it.

The process of metabolism is inherent in people throughout their lives; during it, compounds enter the body, the breakdown of which produces certain substances that can shift the pH value to the acidic or alkaline side. This indicator cannot be neglected; this is due to the fact that in many cases, when recommending diets and prescribing medications, the acidity of urine is taken into account. If during the diagnostic process an acidic urine reaction was established, the doctor will definitely prescribe an additional course of examination that will help determine the cause of the deviation.

It is worth keeping in mind that a low pH indicates improper kidney function. An elevated level indicates so-called acidic urine. In this case, there is a high risk of accelerated crystallization of salts. An acidic environment can lead to the formation of kidney stones, which will aggravate the vital processes of the patient’s body.

If we turn to the decoding of the acidity indicator, then everything is very simple and clear:

  • pH 5–7 - indicates the normal state and functioning of the kidney system;
  • pH 4.5 and below indicates acidic urine;
  • A pH of 7.5 or higher indicates alkaline urine.

If acidic urine is detected during diagnosis, the doctor must request an analysis after 2-3 days. In this case, a certain diet must be prescribed, which must be followed during this time. This is due to the fact that some food elements can significantly deviate the acidity level. For a 100% correct diagnosis, it is necessary to compare several indicators taking into account the patient’s daily diet.

Ways to reduce and increase acidity levels

Normalization of indicators is facilitated by changes in the daily diet, the use of medications that correct dysfunction of internal organs, and the elimination of cholesterol-rich foods, food additives, and dyes from the diet.

When urine is acidified, a diet of neutral and negative acidic foods is prescribed according to the PRAL scale (calculation of the potential acid load of the kidneys).

According to medical studies, when a tendency to alkaduria appears, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of protein-containing foods, increase the amount of vegetables and fruits eaten per day, and prefer a drinking regime that includes mineralized water without carbonation, containing molecules of potassium and magnesium.

Recommended to eat:

  • Products having zero PRAL:
  • milk products;
  • butter, vegetable fat;
  • cucumbers;
  • ice cream;
  • tea;
  • honey.
  • Negative acidity on the PRAL scale:
  • greenery;
  • fruit and vegetable nectars;
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruits;
  • red and white wines;
  • mineralized water;
  • coffee.

Negative acid food table:

FoodPRAL (mEq)
black currant-6,6

Low-acid products include bread made from first-grade and second-grade flour - 3-12.

In addition to diet, you need:

  • Stop overstraining the body with increased physiological stress. It is best to switch to gentle sports (running, swimming, athletics, cardio equipment).
  • Stop taking diuretics.
  • Do not get carried away with ascorbic acid, prefer other means to boost immunity.
  • Eliminate cholesterol-rich foods, food additives, dyes, and industrially produced sweets from your diet.
  • If values ​​characteristic of aciduria persist for more than 2 weeks, you should consult a doctor and undergo a full medical examination.

When alkalizing it is recommended:

  • Drink water with lemon juice, lime, and apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach every day.
  • Persons suffering from hypertension should add 1⁄4 tsp to their drink. baking soda.
  • Remove desserts, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and carbonated lemonade from your diet.
  • Do not indulge in fatty meat products. Protein can be obtained from poultry, lean fish, soy, cheese, and tofu.
  • Avoid consumption of cholesterol-rich foods, canned fish and meat, smoked delicacies, sausages, sausages.
  • Include low-fat fermented milk products and cottage cheese in your diet.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Engage in moderate physiological activity, giving preference to running, swimming, and dancing.
  • Do not exceed the norms of fluid intake, eliminate Coca-Cola, Sprite, Mirinda from the diet. The listed drinks help remove calcium from the body.
  • Take a course of vitamins and minerals.
  • Check the pH value at least once every 3-4 days. If indications characteristic of alkaluria persist, a doctor’s consultation, a detailed examination of the body, and correction of identified internal pathologies are required.

A diet to normalize acidity levels should consist of 80% alkali-forming and 20% acid-forming foods.

For the treatment of dysfunctions of internal organs and systems, normalizing the pH level in urine is of great medical importance. If decreased or increased values ​​are detected in a timely manner, additional laboratory testing and medical and nutritional adjustments are carried out.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Medical nutrition

Legumes and grain products, flour and bread products have an acid-forming capacity ranging from 3 to 12 mEq. Therefore, those who like breakfast made from oatmeal (PRAL = 10.7) can balance it by adding dried fruits.

It must be said that the division of foods into “acidic” and “alkaline” is very arbitrary, since there are also individual characteristics of the body regarding the digestion, assimilation and tolerance of certain products. In addition, the ability of a healthy body to maintain the acid-base balance within physiological limits is quite high due to compensatory metabolic mechanisms. It is difficult to imagine that one steak will cause a large shift in the pH of the intra- and extracellular environments.

So, although it is possible to regulate urine acidity through diet, the range of changes will be small. For example, clinical studies have shown that people who consumed products with PRAL = 0 mEq for some time had a 24-hour urine response of 6.0. On a diet with a low acid-forming load (potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, butter), even with the consumption of turkey meat and bread (total diet index PRAL = 10 mEq), the urine acidity level in the subjects was 6.6.

If you feel well, your urine pH is slightly higher or lower than normal and may not be a cause for concern. However, if nephrological symptoms recur, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe a more complete analysis and the necessary treatment.

A healthy person with a mixed diet will have acidic urine. It is better to determine its reaction immediately after collecting a sample for analysis, otherwise the alkalization process will begin.

Regardless of what caused the acidic urine reaction, you can shift its pH to the alkaline side. Eating certain foods eliminates the resulting imbalance of chemical compounds. Fruits that can oxidize urine should be excluded from the diet: oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, some varieties of apples and plums. What should be on the table:

  • potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots;
  • lentils, peas, beans;
  • cereal porridge;
  • rice.

Only an experienced doctor can decide whether a certain value in the results of a laboratory urine test is good or not. Therefore, to decipher the obtained urine acidity parameters, you need to contact a urologist. The patient is examined and, if necessary, a course of treatment is prescribed.

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