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All types of medical tests quickly and without queues

Do you need to take tests for hospitalization, undergo a diagnostic examination, or apply for a health resort card? The Litech medical laboratory performs more than 1,500 tests without coupons or queues. The results of most analyzes will be ready in 1 day and sent to your email. You can get medical services according to modern standards not only in Moscow, but also in other cities of Russia. You and your loved ones also have the opportunity to get tested at home - provide your address and we will send a visiting team to you.

Opportunities provided by modern medicine

Modern medicine and all kinds of research on various samples open up a lot of opportunities for humanity. The results of studying biological secretions and body tissues (urine analysis, blood analysis, feces, etc.) make the specialist’s verdict more reliable. Therefore, now doctors have the opportunity to make a diagnosis by looking at a general (biochemical) blood test, or a urine or stool test. Therefore, before submitting samples for research, it is worth checking with your doctor what tests will be required to determine certain symptoms of unpleasant sensations or deterioration in well-being.

Deciphering the analysis will not take much time for an experienced doctor. Changes in biological substances provided for analysis, expressed in deviations from the permissible norm, are the cause of specific pathological conditions.

Wide range of laboratory diagnostics

Every day, more than 3,000 patients turn to Litech laboratories to perform general clinical tests and undergo biochemical, hormonal, immunological, and allergological studies.
The range of the most popular laboratory diagnostic services includes serological blood tests for bacterial and viral infections, PCR diagnostics of infections, tests for tumor markers and cytogenetic studies. We will carry out any check-up program for the early detection of chronic diseases, compiled by your attending physician.

Server Features

  • Server location - this information is needed when determining the access speed (ping) to the site. For example, if the site is located on a server in Africa, and its main audience is the population of Russia, then the speed will be worse than if the server is located in Russia.
  • IP address(es) of the server - a lot can be determined by the IP address, including ping (site access speed) and presence in DNSBL blacklists.
  • Server encoding, programming language for the site, web server - will give an idea of ​​the server software that supports the operation of the sites.
  • DNS records - DNS (English Domain Name System - domain name system) - a computer distributed system for obtaining technical information about domains → more details.

Our advantages

The results are accepted by all government medical institutions;

Test results can be received by email or courier delivery;

Our prices are lower than those of our main competitors.

Biomaterial is collected without stress in comfortable conditions; in emergency cases, express diagnostics is possible with results obtained in real time;

Additional studies are possible without repeated blood sampling;

Cohort analysis in marketing and product analytics

Let's try to compare two cars and find out which one is better?

  • The first one drove 2000 km, and the second one 12000 km
  • The first car is now used 5 times a week, and the second 4 times a week.
  • The first car traveled on average 10 km in the last month, and 20 km for the second.
  • At this particular moment, the first car is traveling at a speed of 100 km/h, and the second car is traveling at 70 km/h

Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer the question posed based on the information available. But for some reason, as soon as it comes to Internet projects or mobile applications, everyone begins to monitor metrics like DAU, MAU, income, total number of registrations and try to draw conclusions based on them about the product, the impact of changes and the effectiveness of marketing activities.

The metrics listed above are growth metrics . It is useful to monitor them for a general understanding of the situation, but in relation to work on a product, such metrics are useless, since on their basis it is impossible to make product decisions, just as it is impossible to evaluate the impact of product changes.

When you are working on a product, you should be interested, first of all, in its “volume” and “density”, and not in its “mass”. The “mass” simply states a fact without explaining where it came from or how to influence it. You should strive to decompose key metrics into their components, decompose them, determining the levers of influence on them. The main task when working on a product is to identify levers of influence and find ways to influence them.

In this activity you cannot do without analytics. Analytics is feedback on your actions, your eyes in the product world. First, analytics allows you to understand where you are, what kind of product you made, how it is used in the real world, and then it allows you to see how your actions and changes affect your product. In the picture below, I call analytics the stages: Measure, Data, Learn.

One of the most effective product analytics tools is cohort analysis . This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Taking care of your health is beneficial

Accumulate bonuses for tests from the Litech laboratory and receive a discount card with a discount of up to 20% on payment for laboratory diagnostic services. The discount card is valid in all Litech laboratories and can be given to a family member or any other person.

Our laboratory uses the most modern automatic analyzers and test systems. Multi-level quality control is organized in accordance with international standards. You will get a quick and accurate result - just prepare properly for the tests. For advice on preparation for research and to clarify the work schedule of the nearest office, please call: 8-495-260-11-26.

Blood test for umss what is it – All about hypertension

Have you been struggling with HYPERTENSION for many years without success?

Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure hypertension by taking it every day...

Read more "

Syphilis is a common disease transmitted through close contact of an infected person with a healthy person.

More often, such an infection is transmitted during sexual intercourse, but cases when it can “spread” through everyday life cannot be ruled out.

There is also a high probability that a pregnant woman can transmit the infection to her baby intrauterinely. The primary and secondary periods of the disease are considered the most contagious; the least dangerous is tertiary.


Our readers successfully use ReCardio to treat hypertension. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention. Read more here...


Common symptoms of syphilis are:

  • erosion of oval shapes;
  • syphilides;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

If you observe the above symptoms, you should definitely take a blood test for RW. The result will help the doctor determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen.

Indications for analysis

You should take a blood test for the Wasserman reaction in the following cases:

  • after casual sexual intercourse;
  • when planning conception;
  • when a rash of unknown origin is detected on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • as a result of enlarged lymph nodes;
  • in preparation for surgery;
  • in the presence of discharge and ulcers on the genitals.

Cost of analysis

RW analysis can be done in any hospital or laboratory. It is quite common, so passing it will not be difficult. The price for collecting blood for analysis for the Wasserman reaction ranges from 200-500 rubles, depending on the city and clinic where you plan to donate blood.

The number of private laboratories and clinics offering collection and interpretation services is increasing every day. They cannot be left unattended. After all, they are more “advanced” in terms of service and servicing the population.

But it should be noted that prices from “private owners” will be slightly higher.

An addition to the excellent service here is often the ability to obtain test results via the Internet, without spending money and time on a second trip to the clinic.

Donating blood and deciphering the study

You need to donate blood for syphilis on an empty stomach. 12 hours before the study it is forbidden to drink tea, coffee, alcohol, juices; take medications, smoke. Drinking water is allowed immediately before the procedure.

If a blood test results in a negative result, this is not evidence of the absence of the disease.

Perhaps the patient has a primary or tertiary period of syphilis. Sometimes a negative reaction occurs due to the destruction of red blood cells.

In the absence of hemolysis, the result is assessed by the degree of reaction, depending on the stage of the disease (1, 2 or 3 “+”).

The secondary period does not always give a positive result. As a rule, in the first 17 days after infection a negative response is given; a disappointing verdict is heard by about 25% of patients in the 6th week of illness. After 6 weeks, 80% of converts get bad news. But it is worth pointing out that about 5% of people get a false positive result.

If it is necessary to simultaneously study a large number of patients, it is appropriate to perform an ORS - a selection response to the disease.

Such an examination consists of applying blood, serum or plasma with the addition of cardiolipid antigen to a glass slide. If a person does not have a syphilis infection, the reaction will be negative.

Upon receipt of a positive sample, a thorough diagnosis is prescribed, based on the results of which a final verdict is made.


As a result of the analysis for the Wasserman reaction, a positive or negative result is obtained. If a syphilis infection is found in the patient, then 1, 2 or 4 crosses will be indicated on the analysis form. Their decoding is as follows:

  • “++++” – positive reaction;
  • “++” – weakly positive reaction;
  • “+” is a dubious reaction.

If a weakly positive or questionable reaction is obtained, the study should be repeated. Do not be upset in advance because of a positive result. This is not always a sign of a “malicious” infection in the body.

Very often, severe allergic diseases, infections and pregnancy can give a false positive result.

If a repeat test results in a positive result again, you should consult a doctor and receive immediate treatment.

You should know that syphilis should be treated in the initial stages. Pregnant women should be tested for the Wasserman reaction throughout pregnancy. If a pregnant woman has an infection, not only the expectant mother herself will suffer, but also her baby. In the worst case, the child will be subject to death in the future, often serious developmental disorders.

A positive result confirms the presence of antibodies to Treponema pallidum in the patient’s blood. As mentioned above, more often the result becomes “positive” only 6 weeks after contact with an infected person. Immediately after infection (within 2-3 weeks), the test result may give a false verdict.

Sometimes a positive reaction is given due to anti-syphilitic treatment measures - this is not a sign of the presence of an acute disease process. Some people who have been infected with syphilis may “contain” a weak positive reaction for many years, even until death.

Sometimes the Wasserman reaction can be weakly positive even in the absence of syphilis infection in the body. This occurs in 1.5% of pregnant women.

A false positive result can also be obtained due to:

  • diseases of cancer, tuberculosis;
  • identifying allergies;
  • infection with acute infections;
  • vaccinations.

It is worth noting that sometimes a positive reaction can be obtained as a result of eating fried and fatty foods immediately before collecting blood for analysis. Also, an incorrect answer is obtained during the menstrual cycle, due to taking a large dose of coffee or alcoholic beverages.

Biliary hypertension

  • 1 Causes and mechanism of development of biliary hypertension
  • 2 Signs
  • 3 Diagnostics 3.1 Hardware methods - ultrasound, CT and others
  • 4 Treatment of biliary hypertension
      4.1 Additional methods
  • When bile pressure (biliary pressure) increases in the bile ducts, biliary hypertension occurs.

    This condition can occur due to poor outflow of bile, the formation of tumors and polyps on internal organs, and stones in the gall bladder. The disease is dangerous due to complications such as cholangitis, bleeding, formation of fibrous tissue, biliary cirrhosis, and abscesses.

    A timely visit to a doctor will help establish a diagnosis and avoid future health problems.

    Causes and mechanism of development of biliary hypertension

    Most often, the causes of biliary hypertension are neoplasms in the organs of the hepatobiliary system - the pancreas, gallbladder or liver.

    There are also frequent cases of biliary pressure due to polyps and cysts on the mucous membrane of internal organs or the formation of stones in the bile ducts. The cause of the disease can also be the activity of helminths, especially the liver fluke.

    The sucker parasite disrupts the integrity of the organ mucosa, causing bleeding and the appearance of fibrous formations.


    Cancerous lesions are the most common cause of the disease.

    Biliary hypertension primarily occurs in cancer. This is explained by the fact that tumors tend to grow rapidly, metastasize, compress organs and impede the flow of bile.

    The blood flow in the vessels, liver veins and inferior vena cava is disrupted, which leads to increased pressure in the portal vein. The same thing happens when stones form that block the mouth and paths of the bile ducts.

    The development mechanism is divided into types, the description of which is given in the table.

    Type nameWhat's happening?
    ElementaryThere are disturbances in the functioning of organs. It is almost asymptomatic.
    ModerateBalancing pathological changes in the body.
    ExpressedFluid accumulates in the peritoneum, the abdomen increases in size, and swelling appears.
    ComplicatedThere is a danger of bleeding and liver failure.

    Also, the cause of biliary hypertension can be compression (spasm) of the bile ducts and bladder. If a tumor forms on the head of the pancreas, diseases of the duodenal papilla occur. With this pathology, the outflow of bile is impossible through these openings. This is a rare and very dangerous pathology that can be asymptomatic.


    In patients, the skin acquires a yellow tint.

    It should be remembered that biliary hypertension occurs as a consequence of other diseases, mainly cancer. But cancerous tumors do not make themselves felt for a long time.

    Most often, the presence of the disease is signaled by weight loss and digestive disorders. As a rule, patients do not pay attention to this. You may also feel a slight heaviness in the hypochondrium, and the liver and spleen are enlarged.

    Then the signs become pronounced and look like this:

    • stool disorders (stool color is predominantly light);
    • yellowish tint on the skin and whites of the eyes;
    • deterioration of general condition;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • abdominal pain, varying in intensity and duration;
    • dark color of urine;
    • skin itches;
    • flatulence.

    On examination, dilated veins are observed on the anterior wall of the peritoneum. With biliary hypertension, pressure may increase in the splenic vein (segmental) or in all vessels (total).

    If bleeding occurs from the stomach or esophagus, vomiting blood is possible. If blood is found in the stool, this indicates bleeding from the veins of the rectum.

    If such signs appear, you should immediately visit a doctor.


    An MRI will help determine the type of tumor.

    All diagnostic methods are necessary to establish the cause of biliary hypertension and, in fact, its presence.

    First, patients undergo a biochemical blood test (pathology is indicated by increased bilirubin levels), a general urine test, and a study of serum immunoglobulins. A stool test is also required.

    Discolored feces indicate a lack of bilirubin, as well as a large amount of fat. Hardware examinations are also used to make an accurate diagnosis.

    Hardware methods - ultrasound, CT and others

    MethodWhat does it show?
    Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)Can determine the level and cause of bile duct blockage.
    Radioisotropic scintigraphyAt the liver level, it shows isolation of bile secretion.
    RadiographyIndicates lesions of the hepatic ducts, duodenal stenosis, and bile duct obstruction.
    Computed tomography (CT)The advantage is the three-dimensional image of organs. Helps determine the presence of cysts, tumors, cholelithiasis, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis.
    LaparoscopySurgery on internal organs through punctures in the skin. More suitable as a treatment method.
    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)The most effective diagnostic method. Helps distinguish between cancerous and benign tumors, pathological changes in organs, blood flow disorders, and predict the outcome of the disease. It has no side effects and can be used by children.
    Histology and biopsyTo conduct the study, a small piece of the affected tissue (biopath) is required. Helps determine the nature of the tumor (benign or malignant). The method is used only if cancer is suspected.
    AngiographyA contrast agent is used for the study. The method shows a picture of the veins and arteries, their lumen and location, as well as the pathologies that have arisen in them.
    RectomanoscopyHelps determine the condition and changes in the rectum.
    CholecystographyDetermines where the outflow of bile has stopped and what the damage is.

    Treatment of biliary hypertension

    The treatment regimen is prescribed only by a doctor. Biliary hypertension can be treated with medications or surgery.

    Among the drugs, beta-blockers are prescribed (Atenolol, Anaprilin), drugs from the glycoaminoglycan group (Sulodexide), nitrates are used (Nitroglycerin or Nitrosorbide), sometimes the doctor recommends Ednit or Monopril, which are to ACE inhibitors.

    It is unsafe to use these medications without a doctor's prescription. Choleretic drugs can be used only when the acute stage of the disease has passed. If the cause of biliary hypertension is not dangerous, you can limit yourself to taking medications.

    If medications are ineffective or tumors become the cause of the disease, bleeding appears from the veins of the esophagus, intestines or stomach, or fluid accumulates in the peritoneum, then surgical intervention is used. The purpose of the operation is to remove formations from the affected organs and stones from the bile ducts. Then bypass surgery is performed.

    Additional Methods

    During therapy, medications are also prescribed to improve blood flow or repair liver tissue. After surgery, antibiotics are prescribed to prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

    The amount of fluid in the body is controlled and the supply of electrolytes, a solution containing ions, is ensured through a dropper. The rheological property of blood (that is, viscosity) is examined. It is also important to eliminate decompression (compression) of the biliary tract.

    Fried, smoked, salty, fatty foods, as well as alcohol should be excluded from the diet.



    Why conduct a site analysis?

    Site analysis is a tool that will help determine in which direction you should work to promote the site, since the main goal of promotion is to increase popularity, improve traffic and encourage the client to take action (order a product or service).

    Online website analysis is indispensable in a number of cases:

    • When attendance dropped
    • Further optimization work is planned
    • If you need to increase website traffic
    • When a company owner doubts the qualifications of an SEO optimizer
    • Can't get to the TOP search results
    • Conversion needs to be improved
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