Compacted roots of the lungs: diagnosis, consequences, treatment methods
Compacted roots of the lungs: diagnosis, consequences, treatment methods
One of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies associated with respiratory dysfunction is condensed
Modern X-ray machine
X-ray of the ribs shows what. X-ray examination of the ribs as the optimal diagnostic method
The first x-ray was taken more than a century ago. Since then, thanks to this
laparoscopy incisions
The nature of menstruation after laparoscopic surgery
For the treatment of many serious gynecological diseases or their diagnosis, the laparoscopic method is used. Periods after
What is the difference between sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy: key differences between diagnostic methods
There are currently enough methods for examining the large intestine - they all have certain differences
For patients: Proper preparation for gastroscopy (EGD, FGDS) or surgery on the upper gastrointestinal tract
4 minutes Author: Lyubov Dobretsova 37345 FGDS or fibrogastroduodenoscopy is the most informative gastroenterological method
CT scan of the lungs for children: how they do it, what shows whether it is harmful
There are features of computed tomography of the chest in children due to the child’s inability to maintain a still position
MRI and tattoos
Is it possible to undergo an MRI if you have a tattoo: contraindications and consequences
Why do tattoos limit MRI? Modern tomographs are equipped with powerful magnetic field sources:
Dominant and persistent follicle - growth chart, follicle size before ovulation
October 8, 2020 Admin Home page » Ultrasound of the pelvic organs Views: 3193 Gynecology
Is CT scanning harmful?
Harm of X-ray or computed tomography to health, what dose is dangerous
Computed tomography is a method for diagnosing internal organs, allowing one to obtain layer-by-layer images to detect
Which is better: colonoscopy or irrigoscopy?
What is better - colonoscopy or intestinal irrigoscopy?
Nowadays, when innovation delights us with the most modern technologies in any industry, check
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