What does a clinical finger blood test show?
What does a finger blood test show: direction for analysis, rules for submission, processing time, interpretation and values ​​of indicators
Since childhood, we have been accustomed to the procedure of taking blood from a finger. The reason is that
What is M echo on ultrasound in gynecology? M echo during pregnancy, after childbirth, menopause and the brain
Ultrasound examination is now the most common diagnostic method for various gynecological problems in women.
Platelets are low in a child, what does this mean, what to do
0 Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna 2017.08.02 607 Platelets Platelets are small blood cells
Computed tomography (CT) of the heart
CT scan of the heart. Detailed information with clinic addresses
One of the modern diagnostic methods that is highly informative for pathologies of the heart muscle is CT.
Red blood cells in urine tests
Why do red blood cells appear and increase in urine during pregnancy?
The condition when red blood cells are found in the urine of pregnant women is called hematuria in medicine and is not
Complete blood count with platelets manual counting
What are platelets? Platelets are non-nucleated blood cells that are synthesized by red bone marrow tissue.
Calcium deficiency
Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body indicate health problems
This page describes calcium deficiency in adults and children. You will find everything
What tumor markers detect bowel cancer and how to get tested?
The high mortality rates of people diagnosed with bowel cancer are due to too late detection of the pathology. Save
Computed tomography of the kidneys with and without contrast, how is it done and what does it show?
Kidneys are vital organs, so even the most minor changes in their functioning
How to check the stomach for gastritis and stomach ulcers video
How doctors check the stomach Problems with the intestines have become increasingly common lately.
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